
作者&投稿:宏舒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My Week's life

On Monday, I have Chinese, English, mathematics.

On Tuesday, I have music class.

Wednesday is my favor, have art classes and physical education(PE). On PE class, we play badminton.On art class painted beautiful picture.

On Thursday, I have science and moral education (ME).

Friday is the most tried day. In the afternoon, we have labor (work).

Saturday and Sunday also are tired, not only have to do my homework and make up classes.


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...this takes alot of time to translate...
lz should put more like 100 points just for this

一分悬赏分也不给 傻子才给你翻译呢



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霸州市15261104861: 急求一篇英语阅读短文的中文翻译,非常感谢~!短文: The Galapagos, largely untouched by man, is now facing a problem. Its local people, who live on the ... -
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霸州市15261104861: 翻译一篇英语短文!急!Nancy and Peter like sports. In the summer they swim and in the winter they ski. They are planning a ski trip for this weekend,but they ... -
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葛羽可达:[答案] in the 1930s a young traveler was exploring the french alps.在20世纪30年代一位年轻的旅客正在研究法国阿尔卑斯山.he came upon a vast1 stretch of barren2 land.他来到一个barren2土地vast1舒展.it was deso-...

霸州市15261104861: 求一篇英语小短文,一分钟左右的!(要有中文翻译的)
葛羽可达: 你可以写一篇关于做风筝的短文,一下是我自己亲手写的,可供你参考! Spring has came,and it's a good season that people all love!Spring likes a beautiful girl,the wind blows gently!I like spring very much,because it's has many sport that we can ...

霸州市15261104861: 急求英语翻译一个短文,马上要用,请高手帮忙,不会很难
葛羽可达: I returned home, go with my mom said submitted to the word, my mother was ill, lie on the bed is very serious. I begin to cook, after they were done to my mother took the past, after eating a meal I began cleaning, dad come back after you praise me capable. ... Anyhow means lead so.

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