
作者&投稿:字桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The school from which we come is a foreign language school.
2. He is now on a lecture trip around the middle schools and universities in China.
3.The speech is about the history and school life of Yale university.
4. You can write down the questions in a small piece of paper.


There are still nearly half of the people now staying at their old blog/group.

Railgun is much lovelier lately.

It is because the hoity-toity is made of 90% rudeness and 10% loveliness.

Well, it is the same point of time again.
Here we come the same point of time again.
A few days ago, my classmate wanted to say taking a return trip on flight but mistakenly said flying in pair.

Please do not say such things. If you try to reason, would he be not upset?

May I ask those who are interested in the song, "Qi Lou Nuo's perfect arithmetic classroom"....

what is poetry?

Perhaps the characteristic most central to the definition of poetry is its unwillingness to be defined, labeled, or nailed down. But let's not let that stop us, shall we? It's about time someone wrestled poetry to the ground and slapped a sign on its back reading, "I'm poetry. Kick me here."

诗歌是语言的轮廓分明的大理石,这是一个油漆溅帆布 - 但使用的诗人,而不是油漆,并在画布上你。诗诗对自己的一种螺旋式的定义,但是,像狗吃自己的尾巴。让我们论述的。让我们,事实上,坚韧不拔。我相信我们可以使诗的形式,其目的只是希望在一个可访问的定义:
Poetry is the chiseled marble of language; it's a paint-spattered canvas - but the poet uses words instead of paint, and the canvas is you. Poetic definitions of poetry kind of spiral in on themselves, however, like a dog eating itself from the tail up. Let's get nitty. Let's, in fact, get gritty. I believe we can render an accessible definition of poetry by simply looking at its form and its purpose:

One of the most definable characteristics of the poetic form is economy of language. Poets are miserly and unrelentingly critical in the way they dole out words to a page. Carefully selecting words for conciseness and clarity is standard, even for writers of prose, but poets go well beyond this, considering a word's emotive qualities, its musical value, its spacing, and yes, even its spacial relationship to the page. The poet, through innovation in both word choice and form, seemingly rends significance from thin air.



酒店名:W London in Leicester Square,位于伦敦 façade - (建筑的)外表面、正面 be wrapped in - 被包裹在...second skin - 英文惯用比喻:“第二肌肤、第二层皮肤”frameless glazing - 无框玻璃(窗)sheer veil - 透明面纱 abstract pattern - 抽象的造型 您好,原文翻译如上供参考...


分句法 有时英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切, 翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯,把长句的从句或短语化成句子, 分开来叙述,为了使语意连贯, 有时需要适当增加词语 例1. The number of the young people in the United States who can`t read is incredible about one in four.上...

英文长句所叙述的内容逻辑和顺序与汉语的表达相一致时,可以直接按照原文顺序翻译 当句子按时间来描述动作发生的先后顺序,或者每个分句之间是并列关系时,多采用顺译法 例: Sometimes an innocent person who is involved in an accident is crippled for life and the person who caused the accident ...

1.放射性物质既可以造福人类,也会给人类带来灾难。(benefit)Radioactive materials could not only bring benefit to the mankind but also create disasters for the people.2.一旦你向朋友许诺,就一定要做到,否则他们就不信任你了。(make a promise)Once you make a promise to friends, you must...

将其分为:(DINKs )(overthrows not only the recognized )( chinese traditional concept of standaed familes):(having a wife and children)然后将括号内的短语逐一翻译就可。既然长句难翻译,那就不要理他分成小的慢慢解决。如此长久以来,就可以形成一股强大的预感,就可慢慢摆脱这种思维模式。即...

I wish I can see this sentence on my passport during my lifetime: Wherever you are, People's Republic of China and Chinese Liberation Army will hold your back forever.

由于没有前后文,只能翻译出表面的可能意思,如下:I go down and join a lengthy file of people winding its way out into the open.我平静下来,加入了一长队蜿蜒至出口的人群之中。go down and join是谓语 a lengthy file of 一长队 winding its way out into the open 现在分词做后置定语...

是因旅游业的增长而工业化和城市化的结果。for 在这里是表示“原因”的。Summarize ……as 是:“把……概括(归结、总结)为……”的意思。整句话的意思是说:由于旅游业的发展,从而促进了工业化和城市化,进而引发经济和社会状况的日益变迁。因此,楼上两位朋友的翻译是不确切的,甚至是错误的。

英语特殊结构的句型比较固定,在纷杂的英语句子中找出一些普遍性和代表性的规律,对理解或翻译颇有裨益。在尊重汉语习惯表达方式的前提下,如何将英语特殊结构译成准确的汉语,是提高翻译水平的关键问题之一。 1、倒装句 英语倒装句,无论是完全倒装,还是部分倒装,都与汉语的语序有差异,翻译时应尊重汉语习惯,将句子理顺。

赵县15227471402: 如何翻译比较长的英语句子?高手请进 -
乘姬恩诺: 翻译的前提是理解,理解不准无法用汉语表达;英文理解透彻、准确之后,然后用符合汉语习惯的语言来把原意清楚、准确、通顺地表达. 1)翻译长句的前提是理解长句,英文的修饰语,因为长,或习惯等原因,常常放在被修饰词的后边;汉...

赵县15227471402: 如何翻译英语长难句 -
乘姬恩诺: 我见过的英语长句出现在《恩格斯在马克思墓前的讲话》,句子特别长,大概有七八行,该句从句套从句,很复杂.你不妨去看一看.我的意见是,对于长句,要吃透句意,弄清句子结构关系,然后再根据原意按照汉语习惯翻译成汉语, 也可以...

赵县15227471402: 求英语长句翻译的技巧? -
乘姬恩诺: 英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概念,而汉语则不同,常常使用若干短句,作层次分明的叙述.因此,在进行英译汉时,要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异,将英语的长句分解,翻译成汉语的短句.在英语长句的翻译过程中,一般采取下...

赵县15227471402: 英文长句翻译(汉译英) -
乘姬恩诺: Yesterday, I took part in the primary classmate party, and met with many long-time-no-see classmate. We gather to talk about our matters in school, then we go to have meals and play in Fuzhou, and went to home in the evening.It is such a happy day today!

赵县15227471402: 英语中的长句怎样翻译??具体怎样、?求回答 -
乘姬恩诺: 展开全部1.务求准确理解长句各个部分的含义、关系;2.写中文句子时,万不可受英语句型结构的限制!在准确表达意思的前提下,必须自己按照中文的句法、习惯重新组织句子.一个从句套从句的英语长句,可能在中文里需要2、3个完整的句子来表达.如果按照英语的句型结构来写中文句子,那极可能就成了“加了奶酪的酱豆腐”,中国人和洋鬼子都看不懂、欣赏不了.3.最后,推敲一下用词,看能否有更简洁、流畅的表达法,给句子润一下色(比如用某个成语来取代比较繁琐的词语)

赵县15227471402: 汉译英,求译一长句
乘姬恩诺: The compact car changes the roadside, hit the wall, also returned on the road, drove towards the road that side, then hit started off the lamp post, fell in the pit from the road, the vehicle upside down turned.

赵县15227471402: 求一个复杂句子的英语翻译.语法要正确,句子要通顺啊. -
乘姬恩诺: The motions of bodies included in a given space are the same among themselves,whether that space is at rest or moves uniformly in a straight line.

赵县15227471402: 英语长句求翻译!!!! -
乘姬恩诺: 由于这么多年来我们认为快乐无处不在,快乐之神用拒绝光临我们派对的方式来报复我们.坦白讲,给我也整蒙了,有点长,还没上下文,断开了就好理解了The god of mirth is paying us back by refusing to come to our party, for后面接的是原因,这样就好理解了.

赵县15227471402: 如何翻译英语中的长句 -
乘姬恩诺: 1.务求准确理解长句各个部分的含义、关系; 2.写中文句子时,万不可受英语句型结构的限制!在准确表达意思的前提下,必须自己按照中文的句法、习惯重新组织句子.一个从句套从句的英语长句,可能在中文里需要2、3个完整的句子来表达.如果按照英语的句型结构来写中文句子,那极可能就成了“加了奶酪的酱豆腐”,中国人和洋鬼子都看不懂、欣赏不了. 3.最后,推敲一下用词,看能否有更简洁、流畅的表达法,给句子润一下色(比如用某个成语来取代比较繁琐的词语)

赵县15227471402: 长句翻译 中译英 -
乘姬恩诺: Newton was 23 years old, one day, read a book under an apple tree, he saw an apple fall from a tree. An apple falls to the ground, Newton thought of gravitation. He was not proud. He said: "if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." 望采纳

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