求一篇关于“telling lies”的英文作文,字数200即可

作者&投稿:枝尚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages. Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never have.
The most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language. While a person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language during one’s studies offers a distinct advantage when one is applying for jobs back home that require the language.
On a university campus, the foreign student is not alone in having come from far away. He or she will likely encounter many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all around the world. This is not only exciting on a social level, but could lead to important overseas contacts is later professional life.
Finally, living and studying abroad offers one a new and different perspective of the world and, perhaps most important, of one’s own country. Once beyond the initial shock of being in a new culture, the sutdent slowly begins to get a meaningful under. Standing of the host society. On returning home, one inevitable sees one’s own country in a new, often more appreciative light.
At last, while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile
  最后,当任何忧虑出国学习当然是可以理解为大学,重要的是要记住这个福利的经验使它很有价值的 Recent years, more and more Chinese people have chosen to study abroad. To this tendency, some people think it is not good, as most of the overseas learners do not come back, whereas I hold a different opinion. In my opinion, it is a good thing that more Chinese people go abroad. There are three reasons. First, the overseas learners can improve their ability through the study. They can grasp advanced technologies and their language ability can be improved as well. Second, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas learners will choose come back, using their abundant knowledge studied abroad to serve for the motherland. The third, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide favorable treatments to attract them to come back. For the above reasons, I think it is not a bad thing for more and more Chinese study abroad.  近年来,越来越多的中国人已经选择出国留学。这种趋势,一些人认为这样做是不对的,因为大部分的海外学生不回来了,而我持有不同意见。
  因此,我认为这并不是一件坏事,越来越多的中国人出国学习的机会。 网上复制的,望请采纳!

There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." Which signifies the importance of honesty.
What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.
Honesty is regard as the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. Through the ages, people stress sincerity, praise highly sincerity. It has already incorporated the blood of our national culture.

It is usually better to be honest than dishonest.Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone,but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying.Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings,cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation.
One of the worse things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience.Even if no one ever discovers the lie,you will know about it and it will bother you for a long time.Another problem occurs when others know about your lies.As a result,people will not trust you any longer and you will lose your reputation and all your friends.Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?At last all his sheep were eaten by the wolf. His dishonesty brought him shame as well as damage.

So to sum up,honesty not only brings us honor and friendship,but also material gains.Honesty is the best policy we can take.

【Lies is a part of people's daily life. Some is like a breeze in winter while others is like an ugly face covered by a mask. Lies apperar to be beautiful but no matter it is a lie of kindness of evilness, its purpose is to cover, to cover himself or others. When people tell a lie, there may exist may possibilities and you'll never know what is going to happen.】
【A good lie may become one sweet memory of other people's life. Because the goodwill of a kind lie beautifulize the word "lie" and people may think this is only for their own goods. It does sound like what Ji Xianlin's words "Don't say the truth all and don't tell lies at all.". I believe a kind lie is forgivable for it brings people warmth. 】
【However, I think every lie needs another lie to cover, especially for the evil ones. This is something done by those who do not have courage to expose the truth. They often use more lies to disguise themselves. They are just like the clowns, living under a false mask, telling lies and expecting to be not found.】
【Athough there're tons of lies in society, yet I still hope that people should not tell lies. What they should do is open hearts to everyone.】



求一篇关于“telling lies”的英文作文,字数200即可
【A good lie may become one sweet memory of other people's life. Because the goodwill of a kind lie beautifulize the word "lie" and people may think this is only for their own goods. It does sound like what Ji Xianlin's words "Don't say the truth all and don't tell...

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