
作者&投稿:周炒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is a basic rule never to waste anything, be it time or scraps of paper.谁能把be it……这句半句话的语法结构分析一下。谢谢
2) be+主语+or连接的两个表语。这个句型相当于whether…or…引导的让步从句。
Be it cheap or dear, I will take it. We should put our energysintosour work, be it mental like the work of a scientist or physical like the work of a smith.

be of the opinion是一个搭配,持有……的看法,你可以把它看作that you think is valuable

wondering what he could possibly have done to deserve this 是伴随状语,结构是:“现在分词 wondering +宾语从句”。宾语从句的语法结构如下:
〔谓语〕could possibly have done
〔结果状语〕to deserve this


shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very“listening” and “speaking”. So now speaking

wondering what he could possibly have done to deserve this 是伴随状语,结构是:“现在分词 wondering +宾语从句”。宾语从句的语法结构如下:〔宾语〕what 〔主语〕he 〔谓语〕could possibly have done 〔结果状语〕to deserve this 参考译文:经理叹了口气,一只手疾速地抓了抓头皮,他想知道自己...

It is a basic rule never to waste anything, be it time or scraps of paper.谁能把be it……这句半句话的语法结构分析一下。谢谢 答:后半句引导让步状语从句 译:不论是时间还是纸片,决不可浪费,这是一条基本原则。补充:英语四级语法之让步状语从句中的倒装 2) be+主语+or连接的两...

求分析下句语法结构,特别是后半句reversing……to 18的语法结构
Twenty states have rasised the legal drinking age to 21 and reversed a trend in the 1960s to reduse it to 18. 【并列句】Twenty states have rasised the legal drinking age to 21 while they have reversed a trend in the 1960s to reduse it to 18 . 【复合句】参考译文:二十...

首先,这句话整体基调是过去式。前面那句您理解的很正确。正因为她的态度变化细微,所以 he coulnd't be sure he wasn't just imagining it.意思就是说,他不能确定他不是想象出来的。这是直译,双重否定,也就是说他觉得自己是想象出来的。所以意译:他不能确定这是不是他自己想象出来的。后面...

1、句法分析:Currently, discrimination because of sex is defined as adverse action against another person, that would not have occurred had the person been of another sex.后半句是非限定性定语从句,其中 从句的主语:that\/which (关系代词,指代前文内容);从句的谓语:would not have ...

with other scientists rounding on Antinori \/as religious leaders line up to attack his cloning plan as an insult to human dignity.as后面是个比较 像宗教领导排队攻击他的克隆计划就像侮辱人类的尊严(可能有些单词意思不准确要看文章)with那个你应该懂的 ...

sivilize 应为civilize之笔误或作者故意这么写的。后半句关键是allow这个谓语动词的用法,好象是admit 的意思和用法,后跟一个省略了that的宾语从句。待查词典:果然:formal to accept that something is correct or true, or that something is acceptable according to the rules or law allow that I ...


整句话我给你从后往前分析吧,可能会更清楚些。1. which he had rooted up as if they had been stalks of corn.这是which引导的定语从句,前置词是trees。此定语从句本身又是一个复合句,后面带有一个 as if 引导的假设状语从句,并且此定语从句中的主句 he had rooted up 和 as if 从句都...

后半句about everything she saw ,这个句子是复合句 包含了一个定语从句。She 是主语sat 是谓语near the window 是状语 and asked是并列谓语 questions是宾语 about everything she saw是介词短语作定语修饰questions 其中.everything 是介词宾语 she saw是省略that的定语从句修饰.everything 其中she 是...

华宁县18717699420: 翻译句子,请问如何分析后半句的句子结构. -
赖娣宝益: 【almost more than any other country in the world】 比较级来表达一种“最”意思的结构.修饰的是副词seriously,而这个副词修饰的可不是problem 因为副词是修饰动词的,它是修饰face的,这里不是说问题很严重,而是说英国的“面对问题”...

华宁县18717699420: 帮我分析此句的后半句的语法? -
赖娣宝益: 帮我分析此句的后半句的语法?I love everything about you, especially the way you made me feel how special I am.答:the way 是love 的宾语,后跟一个定语从句.省略了关系词that或者in which这个定语从句中的谓语make me feel ...是动词+复合宾语,宾补为无to 不定不式feel sth.feel的宾语是一个从句:how special I am,不需要再分析下去了吧.译:我爱你的一切,尤其是你让我觉得我很特别的做法....

华宁县18717699420: 后半句的结构分析谢谢大伙了 -
赖娣宝益: 是倒装,还原了以后是if the family once had had its home....“如果这家人曾在古代以这个名字命名的村镇安过家"

华宁县18717699420: 请问这句话后半句语法结构该如何分析? -
赖娣宝益: With the psychotherapist是session的定语,She really values是前面的定语.可以参考下

华宁县18717699420: 翻译并分析后半句语法结构 -
赖娣宝益: 投资者会希望持有能带来更大回报的那些资产,不管是国内还是国外的资产.这是虚拟语气的条件状语从句的倒装用法,结构是should+主语+动词,用于引导一个条件句. 原句是should they be domestic or foreign assets, 倒装后省略should,be动词提前.意思相当于no matter they are domestic or foreign assets.

华宁县18717699420: 帮我分析此句的后半句的语法?I love everything about you,especially the way you made me feel how special I am. -
赖娣宝益:[答案] 帮我分析此句的后半句的语法? I love everything about you,especially the way you made me feel how special I am. 答:the way 是love 的宾语,后跟一个定语从句.省略了关系词that或者in which 这个定语从句中的谓语make me feel ...是动词+复合宾语,...

华宁县18717699420: 分析下后半句的语法The Widow Douglas she took me for her son,and allowed she would sivilize me. -
赖娣宝益:[答案] 答:此句标点有误,原文: Widow Douglas, the prime mother figure in Adventures in Huckleberry Finn, is the strict, old, ... "would go back to the widow and be respectable"(2). sivilize 应为civilize之笔误或作者故意这么写的.后半句关键是allow这个谓...

华宁县18717699420: 英语翻译后半句读不懂,求翻译,帮我写下句子语法 解构分析, -
赖娣宝益:[答案] 管理者需要依据业绩表现来定报酬. 根据除了业绩表现之外的其他的因素来决定报酬只会增加被管理者对那些其他因素的重视. 后一句主干应为To reward factors (other than performance修饰factors) will (only修饰reinforce) reinforce (those other修饰...

华宁县18717699420: 谁能解释一下这句话的后半句语法结构I urge you all to listen in when I'm done speaking . -
赖娣宝益:[答案] when时间状语从句引导词 I主语 'm系动词 done形容词“完了的”作表语 (in) speaking现在分词作状语

华宁县18717699420: 分析一下句子的语法结构,谢谢! -
赖娣宝益: 句子成分分析:主语:you谓语:could confirm状语:also宾语:that-从句.宾语从句分析: 主语:the cost of packing 谓语:includes 宾语:any fragile equipm...

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