
作者&投稿:亓枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

土耳其是一个重要的部分美国传统食品。这里有一些很酷的事实,美味的食物,这只鸟它来自:1。根据一些美国人,这个名字来自土耳其声音火鸡当他们害怕——“turk turk turk,”。2。成年火鸡有大约3500的羽毛。最重的土耳其玛丽长大;它重达86磅,大小约一个大狗! 3。有超过8000的土耳其农场在美国。90%的美国家庭在感恩节吃火鸡和50%吃t


世界各地的人们都写大本钟(Big Ben)。他们甚至送的生日礼物。一个礼物是一瓶油,以帮助保持大本钟运行。大本钟(Big Ben)是不是一个人。这是一个时钟,
大本钟(Big Ben)是一个伟大的时钟,在塔议会(议会)建设。这是在伦敦的法律建设。伦敦人喜欢看大本钟的友好的面孔。他们喜欢,听到钟声(钟曲声)每15分钟。他们喜欢听的大钟打击小时。锵!锵!锵!
广播电台将大钟的声音向世界其他地区。英国广播公司开始播出1924年的钟声。从那时起,大本钟(Big Ben)已经无线电明星。
大本钟(Big Ben)的故事开始于1834年。在这一年的旧国会大楼被烧毁。钟楼坠落到地面。必须有一个新的建筑和一个新的时钟。

People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send birthday presents. One present was a bottle of oil, to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not a person. It's a clock!
Big Ben is a great clock high up in a tower of the parliament (议会) building. This is the building in London where laws are made. The people of London like to see Big Ben's friendly faces. They like to hear the chimes (钟曲声) every 15 minutes. They like to hear the big bell striking on the hour. BONG! BONG! BONG!
Radio sends the sound of the big clock to the rest of the world. The BBC began to broadcast the chimes in 1924. Ever since, Big Ben has been a radio star.
Big Ben's story started in 1834. In that year the old Parliament building burned down. Its clock tower crashed to the ground. There had to be a new building-and a new clock.
Plans were made. They called for a "King of Clocks, the biggest and best in the world". So the clock had to be big. And it had to keep very good time.
The big clock was made in two years. Five more years went by before the clock tower was finished, then the four bells for the chimes were brought into the tower. And at last the giant (巨大的) hour bell was put in place. It rang out for the first time on July 11, 1859.
This great bell had to have a name. A meeting of Parliament was called to pick one. The talk about names went on and on. Then Benjamin Hall got up to speak. He was a big man that the others liked. By this time they were all tired. Someone shouted, "Why not call it Big Ben?"
Everybody laughed,and the meeting broke up.Finally,the huge clock had its name from then on“Big Ben”.
世界各地的人们写大本钟。他们甚至送生日礼物。一个礼物是一瓶油,以帮助保持大本钟运行。大本钟不是一个人。这是一个时钟!大本钟是一个伟大的时钟在高高的塔议会(议会)建筑。这是建立在伦敦的法律是。伦敦的人喜欢看到大本钟的友好的面孔。他们喜欢听钟声(钟曲声)每15分钟。他们喜欢听大敲在一小时。奉奉奉!!无线电发送声音的大时钟到世界各地。英国广播公司开始播出编钟1924。从此,大本钟是一个广播明星。大本钟的故事开始于1834。在这一年,渥太华国会大厦的焚毁。钟塔,撞向地面。必须有一个新的building-and新时钟。计划了。他们称为“国王的时钟,世界上最大最好的”。因此,必须大时钟。它必须保持很好的时间。大时钟是在两年。五年过去了,钟塔完成,然后四钟的钟声带入塔。最后的巨人(巨大的)小时钟被放在合适的位置。它响了第一次在1859年7月11日。这个钟有一个名字。国会会议上被选一个。谈名字去。本杰明霍尔站起来说。他是个高大的男人,喜欢的人。这时候他们都累了。有人大声喊道,“为什么不叫它大本钟?”大家都笑了,而且会分手。最后,巨大的时钟,它的名字从此“大本钟”。People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send birthday presents. One present was a bottle of oil, to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not a person. It's a clock!Big Ben is a great clock high up in a tower of the parliament (议会) building. This is the building in London where laws are made. The people of London like to see Big Ben's friendly faces. They like to hear the chimes (钟曲声) every 15 minutes. They like to hear the big bell striking on the hour. BONG! BONG! BONG!Big Ben's story started in 1834. In that year the old Parliament building burned down. Its clock tower crashed to the ground. There had to be a new building and a new clock.Plans were made. They called for a "King of Clocks, the biggest and best in the world". So the clock had to be big. And it should keep very good time.The big clock was made in two years. And the clock tower was finished in another five years.It rang out for the first time on July 11,1859.

世界各地的人们写到大笨钟。他们甚至发送生日礼物。一本是一瓶油,以帮助保持大本钟运行。大本钟不是一个人。它是 clock!Big Ben 是议会 (议会)
建筑的一座塔的大时钟高起来。这是在伦敦订立法律都大楼。伦敦的人们喜欢看到大本钟的友善的面孔。他们喜欢听钟声 (钟曲声) 每 15
分钟一班。他们喜欢听小时引人注目的大钟。BONG! BONG! BONG!Radio 发送的大钟的声音向世界的其余部分。英国广播公司开始广播于 1924
finished,,那么四个钟的钟声送走了带进塔前。和最后贝尔是巨人 (巨大的) 小时到位。它第一次 7 月 11 1859.This
大钟必须有一个名称就响起了。议会一次会议呼吁挑一个。名称谈个不停。然后本杰明 ·

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