
作者&投稿:嵇萱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Our school life is rich and colorful. In class, we study hard, in the sea of knowledge. After class, the students play happily flying mood. The corridor is not our playground, park, playing ball, rope skipping, hide and seek...... That is our game, we can always find fun for yourself. Although four years in this school, but every day is not boring, every day there is a new story, with a different mood. Follow easily beat, we finally ushered in the long-awaited big break activities. Six grade school brother sister school a darted out, occupied in the playground, the playground suddenly boiling up. Some brothers and sisters in playing badminton, some are playing basketball, some in the rope, some see the scenery in the corridor. Of course, our group of active alumni, the upstairs hallway is narrow, it is our pleasure resort ""! The fourth grade, the task of learning more and more tight, but we can learn together, recently our class girls play the popular game brand tear. Is this rule: each player to write their name on the paper posted on the back, as one selected tear famous characters, so we begin to left hide right Tibet, for fear of their own on the back of the brand has been torn, torn man is a "loser". The students in the class have run to avoid catching up students, lively and extraordinary for a time on the playground, we were laughing and playing, not just in the classroom tense. "Ding...... Bite...... Jingle Bells "is a musical. Class! "Oh, the root of the" pillars "today I did not play!" Looking forward, we have continued into the classroom. This is my four years of campus learning a lesson of life, is so happy and exciting, it is full of expectations. I love my school, love my campus life!


Ten years later, I will be living in New Zealand. It is because when I watched the movie the Lord of the Rings three years ago, I felt in love with the place where the film was taken - New Zealand. It is like a wonderland full of fairy tales to me.

I will become a farmer. I do not want too much money. All I want is a farm that belongs to me only, accompanied by sheeps and cows everyday. I will grow all kinds of plants near by my farm. I will also put up a set of table and chairs so that I can sit there, drinking coffee, watching my sheeps and cows and enjoying every sunrise and sunset. What ordinary but beautiful days!

For my dream, I will work hard.

10 years later, I will live in New Zealand. Because 3 years ago I looked when the movie evil spirit abstains, has fallen in love with this movie's photography place, New Zealand. It looks like a fairy tale world to be the same. I will become farmers, I do not want too many money, I only want to belong to my farm, every day with cattle and sheep accompanying. I must nearby the farm a kind of full grass, display set of furniture again, sit every day in the above coffee, looks at the cattle and sheep, appreciates west solar Dongsheng to fall, the ordinary actually happy day, for mine dream, I diligently will have been struggling!

10 years later, I will live in New Zealand. Because 3 years ago I looked when the movie evil spirit abstains, has fallen in love with this movie's photography place, New Zealand. It looks like a fairy tale world to be the same. I will become farmers, I do not want too many money, I only want to belong to my farm, every day with cattle and sheep accompanying. I must nearby the farm a kind of full grass, display set of furniture again, sit every day in the above coffee, looks at the cattle and sheep, appreciates west solar Dongsheng to fall, the ordinary actually happy day, for mine dream, I diligently will have been struggling!

Ten years later, I will be living in New Zealand. I fell in love this place, which the movie I watched three years ago "Lord of Ring" was shot here. It is just like a children's fairy world. I will become a farmer. I don't want to have a lot of money, I only want to have a farm of my own, and stay with cows and sheep everyday. I will grow the grass in my farm, and place a set of tables and chairs. I want to live a peaceful and happy life which sitting outside drinking coffee, and watch the cows and sheep, enjoy the rise and fall of the sun. I will work hard to realize my dream.

10 years later, I will be living in New Zealand. Since three years ago, when I watch the film Lord of the Rings,
To love with the film shooting in New Zealand. It's like a fairy tale world, the.
I will become a farmer, I do not want too much money, I just want to
I myself belong to a farm, accompanied every day, and livestock.
I have to farm full of grass nearby, then put on a set of tables and chairs,
Commodities day and sat on the coffee, watching the sheep, enjoy the sun with the East West,
Live ordinary but a beautiful day,
To my dream, I will work hard!

In trouble, I know that for too long, but this time the composition of great significance to me!
Have trouble not to use the machine translation, I believe However machines.

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黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 一篇英语作文,希望众位网友帮忙翻译、改错,顺便评价一下!!!!!!!!!! ! !谢了! -
标石新力: 建议把many many改成many,这句有语法错误.My new house is very beautiful这句建议把开头的My new house 改成it.You can see some birds are flying,some fish are swimming这句最好改成You can see some birds fly in the sky,and you can see ...

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 一篇英语作文请大家帮忙翻译,谢谢各位了!!!!!! -
标石新力: 素质的跨世纪人才 这是令人振奋的,以及具有挑战性,成为跨世纪的talents.it在我看来,跨世纪人才是为了有至少两个qualities.firstly ,他们应该已经收到所有的全人教育与范围广泛的能力.其次,跨世纪的人才应该有锲而不舍的精神. 有两个...

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 请各位为帮忙翻译一下一篇英语作文.谢谢了.My favorite festival is children's day. I like it because it is interesting and I can get some gifts on children's day. ... -
标石新力:[答案] 我最喜欢的节日是儿童节 因为它很有趣,我能得到很多礼物.我不仅收到了同班同学的贺卡,还从父母那得到了糖果.那些糖果有着不同的颜色和形状.我喜欢糖果.儿童节是在六月一号.最全世界的儿童来说都是最开心的一天.我最...

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 帮忙翻译一篇作文,谢了!!!!! -
标石新力: Ten years later, I will be living in New Zealand. I fell in love this place, which the movie I watched three years ago "Lord of Ring" was shot here. It is just like a children's fairy world. I will become a farmer. I don't want to have a lot of money, I only want...

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下下面这篇作文.谢谢 -
标石新力: 感谢信 谢谢你在美国招待了我.你的热情招待让我在美国游历的日子很开心.也谢谢你把我介绍和你的朋友们.我很喜欢和他们一起吃东西和旅行.我已经开始想你们了.我已经平安回到了北京.感谢你的帮助,也对我带来的麻烦表示抱歉.说实话,这篇文章有很多问题,请再修改一下.

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 急需!! 帮忙翻译一篇作文,谢谢!
标石新力:There are lots of things in my refrigeratory. There are some eggs,bread,milk,tomato,vegetables and fruit in my refrigeratory.In addition,there are some meat,fish and so on.Summer is coming,I like put some icecream and soft drink in it,they make me feel cool!

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 帮忙翻译一篇很短简单的英语作文.谢谢. -
标石新力: I have been registered through your web site off two years ago in the American-born panda Su Lin and her mother, Bai Yun. And thanked the staff for the care of Sulin. I would like to obtain a copy of Su Lin's birthday according to the age of three.

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 请大家帮忙翻译一篇小作文:谢谢! -
标石新力: 一个星期天早晨,Jack坐在窗边,透过他的双筒望远镜观察一只正在樱桃树上吃水果的松鼠上.“多么美好的一幕!”他想.过了几分钟,Jack看到了一对黄色的鸟.午饭后,他再次去到窗边,他一下子就看到了一只翠鸟,它低低地在金鱼池上跃着.Jack担心它会“偷”走他的宠物,但是这只鸟仅仅是想把自己弄湿一下.在晚饭时分,一对野生鸽子停在了长满草的小块土地上,他们来来回回寻找食物.对于Jack来说,这是一个观看鸟的非常棒的周末.他当他的新“玩具”小心放到抽屉后,他回想那天听到的与见到的美妙的声音与风景

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 帮忙翻译一篇文章!谢谢! -
标石新力: 新的纪元到来了.你爱叫它什么就叫它什么:服务型经济、信息时代、知识型社会等.它解释了我们工作方式的一个根本改变,而且这个改变在一定程度上已经发生了.那些靠制作东西来维生的人在西方世界已经急剧地减少了.今天,在美国、...

黄南藏族自治州13517708958: 帮忙翻译一篇英语作文.谢啦~
标石新力: The day was sunny,天气晴朗but I was in a bad mood.但我心情不好At the oncoming party I would have to do some cleaning在就要举行的晚会上,我需要做清洁,for I was considered unable to dance or sing因为我被认为不会唱歌或跳舞.I could ...

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