
作者&投稿:寸迹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Xiǎolóngbāo (literally "little basket bun"; also known as soup dumpling is a type of baozi (filled bun or bread-like item) from Eastern China,including Shanghai and Wuxi.These buns are traditionally steamed in bamboo baskets,hence the name.--Wikipedia]
Locally in Shanghai and surrounds,they are more often known as xiaolong mantou (Traditional Chinese:小笼馒头; Simplified Chinese:小笼馒头; Pinyin:xiǎolóng mántóu).Mantou means both filled and unfilled buns in southern China,but only means unfilled buns in northern China.To avoid confusion,the name xiaolongbao is usually used in other areas.IngredientsChinese buns can be divided into two types depending on the level of leavening of the flour skin[2].Steamed buns made with raised flour are seen throughout the country,and are what is usually referred to as baozi.Steamed buns made with unraised flour are more commonly seen in the south.The Xiaolongbao belongs to the latter category.This means that its skin is smooth and somewhat translucent,rather than being white and fluffy.The similarity of this appearance to that of jiaozi ("dumpling") has meant that the xiaolongbao is sometimes classified as a dumpling outside China.It is,however,different from both steamed and boiled jiaozi in texture and method of production.
Unlike other unraised flour buns,and baozi generally,the xiaolongbao has more filling than dough.It is also small in size,typically about 4 cm (1 1/2 in) in diameter.
Xiaolongbao are traditionally filled with soup and meat,but variations include seafood and vegetarian fillings,as well as other possibilities.The soup inside is created by placing some meat gelatin inside the dumpling before steaming.The steam heat melts the gelatin into soup.In modern times,refrigeration makes it easy to wrap up using chilled gelatine which otherwise might be liquid at room temperature during hot weather.
As is traditional for buns of various sizes in the Jiangnan region,these steamed buns feature a skin that is gathered up into fine folds at the top,prior to steaming.ServingTraditionally,the Xiaolongbao is a dianxin or snack item.The bun is served hot.It is dipped in Chinkiang vinegar with ginger slivers,and is traditionally served with a light,clear soup.
The Xiaolongbao has also become popular as a dish in a main meal.In Cantonese regions and the West,it is also commonly served as a yum cha item.
Frozen xiaolongbao are now mass produced and a common type of frozen food sold in China and outside.They can be steamed and served on a bamboo basket.Origins in Shanghai
The perennial queue outside the Nanxiang Mantou Dian in ShanghaiThe Shanghai version of the xiaolongbao were originally from a town called Nanxiang,a suburb of Shanghai in the Jiading District.The inventor of xiaolongbao originally sold them in his first store in Nanxiang next to the town's famous park,Guqi Garden.From there on it has expanded into downtown Shanghai and outwards.Two specialist Xiaolongbao restaurants are traditionally regarded as the most authentic.One is the Nanxiang Bun Shop (Nanxiang Mantou Dian),which derives from the original store in Nanxiang but now located in the City God Temple precinct,is famed for its crab meat-filled buns.Nanxiang Bun Shop has at least 105 years of history and has divisions opened in Hong Kong,Japan,South Korea and Singapore[1].The other is Gulong Restaurant,at the original site next to Guqi Garden in Nanxiang.Wuxi varietyXiaolongbao in Wuxi tend to be sweeter and have a thinner dough skin,and are juicier than the Shanghai variety.Notes1.^ Not to be confused with the "soup bun" (Traditional Chinese:汤包; Simplified Chinese:汤包; Pinyin:tāngbao),a steamed bun made with leavened dough,filled with mostly soup,a specialty of Yangzhou.
2.^ From the Annals of Jiading:"Buns can be made with leavened or unleavened dough.Those made with unleavened dough uses clear water for mixing,the skin is thin and the fillings large.It is frequently made in Nanxiang,but is imitated elsewhere,callint it "Xiang style".(《嘉定县续志》:馒头有紧酵松酵两种,紧酵以清水和面为之,皮薄馅多,南翔制者最著,他处多仿之,号为翔式)


何润东个人资料 英文名:peter 生日:1975年9月13日 星座:处女座 身高:185cm 体重:65kg 血型:o 籍贯:美国加州 学历:COLLEGE ONTARIO OF ART 婚姻状况:未婚 最喜欢的运动:篮球 最喜爱的季节:夏季 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色、白色 最喜欢的零食:牛排、鸡肉、小笼包 最喜欢的歌手:张学友 最喜欢的...

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中文名 小笼包 英文名 Mini Soupy Bun 主要食材 猪肉,面粉 分类 面点,小吃 口味 皮薄馅大、汁多味美、肉香四溢 发展历史 小笼包的历史可上溯至北宋,尚有类似的“灌汤包子”流传至今。清代道光年间,在今常州出现了现代形式的小笼包,并在各地都形成了各自的特色,如常州味鲜,无锡味甜,但都...

那岩 英文名:namo 生日:1月5日 身高:175cm 体重:50kg 血型:AB 星座:摩羯座 语言:国语、英语 优点:敢于挑战一切新事物 缺点:不撞南墙不回头 专长:摄影,写作 爱好:睡觉,胡思乱想 对自己的评价:纠结摩羯 口头禅:好洋气啊 喜欢的季节:夏天 最爱的颜色:墨绿,橙色、橘黄色、荧光绿等…...

姓名:何润东 组合成员:性别:男 英文名:Peter Ho 出生年:1975年 生日:9月13日 星座:处女座 国籍:美国加州 地域:港台 职业:演员 身高:185cm 血型:O型 嗜好:篮球、绘画、看电影、看漫画

本 名:何润东 英文名:Peter Ho 绰 号:皮蛋何 生 日:1975年9月13日 出生地:美国(加州)身 高:185公分 体 重:65kg 血 型:O型 星 座:处女座 生 肖:兔 宗 教:基督教 学 历:ONTARIO COLLEGE OF ART 排 行:老三 家庭状况:父母、两个姐姐 嗜 好:篮球、绘画、看电影、看漫画 ...

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静安区17614101079: 小笼包用英语怎么说?
召贞弗米: The small steamed bun 这就是正宗小笼包的英语.

静安区17614101079: 小笼包英文怎么说
召贞弗米: The small steamed bun

静安区17614101079: 鸭血粉丝汤和小笼包的英文怎么说? -
召贞弗米:[答案] 鸭血粉丝汤; Duck blood bean or sweet potato starch noodles soup 小笼包;Small cage package

静安区17614101079: 南翔小笼包用英语怎么说 -
召贞弗米: Nanxiang small steamed bun 小笼包Small steamed bun 不过,中国的小笼包,基本老外也都知道,你直接就说 Nanxiang Xiaolongbao也可以的

静安区17614101079: 麻糕和小笼包的英文怎么说的 -
召贞弗米: 小笼只要直接说Xiao Long就可以啦~ 麻糕不太清楚...大概是sesame cake吧...~

静安区17614101079: 包子用英文怎么说?
召贞弗米: steamed stuffed bun1. 见国内的翻译2. 再参考一下国外对包子的翻译,”图文并茂“的

静安区17614101079: 小笼包和无锡肉骨头 英文怎么说,谢谢 -
召贞弗米: Xiao Bao 小笼包 Wuxi meat bones 无锡肉骨头

静安区17614101079: 馒头的英语怎么写,怎么读啊? -
召贞弗米: 辞典来说 ---- 馒头 【词典解释】:1.a steamed bun; a steamed dumpling; steamed bread但生活中很少这样说 给你看个笑话,你就明白了: 爆笑双语:中国空姐如何调戏无知老外老外问: What is this? 空姐答: Cake China ( 馒头 ) 老外问: What is this? 空姐答: Pizza China ( 馅饼 ) 老外问: What is this? 空姐答: Salad China ( 黄瓜 ) 这时空姐放了一个屁 老外又问: What is this? 空姐妙答: Air China ( 中国民航 )

静安区17614101079: 这些菜名用英语怎么说,1.鸡蛋韭菜盒子2.蟹粉虾饺皇3.丄汤蟹粉小笼包4.南阳飘香榴莲酥 -
召贞弗米:[答案] hi:1.鸡蛋韭菜盒子 pie of egg with fragrant-flowered garlic 2.蟹粉虾饺皇 Crab meat shrimp stuffed dumpling 3.丄汤蟹粉小笼包 steamed bread with crab meat and soup4.南阳飘香榴莲酥crisp Durian with Nan Ya...

静安区17614101079: 馒头,英语怎么说阿 -
召贞弗米: steamed buns馒头 steamed twisted rolls花卷儿 steamed stuffed buns包子 steaned bun with meat filling肉包子 steamed bun filled with bean paste豆沙包 meat-filled bun cooked in a small bamboo steamer小笼包 dumplings;jiaozi饺子

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