Frail Grasp on the Big Picture 歌词

作者&投稿:钟穆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Big Big World歌词~

Big Big World歌词:
Big Big World
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I too too will miss you much
Miss you much.
I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I too too will miss you much
Miss you much.
Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen
Why did it all have to end
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I too too will miss you much
Miss you much.
I have your arms around me warm like fire
But when I open my eyes
You're gone.
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I too too will miss you much
Miss you much.
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do feel that will miss you much
Miss you much.
Emilia Rydberg生于1978年1月5日瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,39岁的Emilia是长着欧美轮廓的,和巧克力肤色的美国女人,全家现定居于美国纽约市。父亲是爵士乐乐手,他对Emilia 的音乐影响是不言而喻的,10岁时她便进入了斯德哥尔摩的音乐学校就读, 潜心古典课程,在学校期间 Emilia自组乐团演唱灵魂乐。

18岁时,她便开始了自己风格独特的词曲创作, 从一个小姑娘的视角和观念出发,记述豆蔻年华的女孩敏感、自信、迷惑的种种的不服输, 她的声音更是灵性毕现又不乏童真。 因为乐坛这种小姑娘的情调早已很鲜有,所以Emilia就显得格外吸引人。

百度百科-big big world

somebody n. 重要人物
pron. 某人,有人
1. 背后有人
Waiting In The Weeds—By E... ...
I Dreamed There Was No War 我梦见不再有战争(演奏曲)
Somebody 背后有人
Frail Grasp On The Big Picture 巨画的一角 ...
2. 某人
日常词汇(P-S) - 词汇 日常 保护 #e# ... ...
some 一些
somebody 某人
somehow 不知何故 ...
. 重要人物
somebody else 别人
somebody 重要人物
someday 有一
4. 良心不安
不老的雄鹰,远离伊甸园 ...
I Dreamed There Was No War (演奏曲) / 我的梦里没有战争
Somebody / 良心不安
Frail Grasp On The Big Picture / 不愿面对的真相 ...

歌曲名:Frail Grasp on the Big Picture
专辑:Long Road Out of Eden

Eagles--Frail Grasp On The Big Picture
Well, ain't it a shame
That our short little memories
Never seem to learn
The message of history
We keep makin' the same mistakes
Over and over and over and over again
And then we wonder why
We're in the shape we're in
Good ol' boys down at the bar
Peanuts and politics
They think they know it all
They don't know much of nothing
Even if one of them was to read the newspaper
That ain't what's going on
Journalism's dead and gone
Frail grasp on the big picture
Light fading and the fog is getting thicker
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
Dark ages
You my love-drunk friend
All that red wine and candlelight
Soulful conversations
That go on until the dawn
How many times can you tell your story?
How many hangovers can you endure
Just to get some snuggling done?
You're living in a hollow dream
You don't have the slightest notion
What long-term love is all about
All your romantic liasons
Don't deal with eternal questions like
Who left the cap off the freaking toothpaste?
Whose turn to take the garbage out?
Frail grasp on the big picture
You keep on rubbin' that, you're gonna get a blister
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
I've seen it all before
And we pray to our Lord
Who we know is American
He reigns from on high
He speaks to us through middlemen
And he shepherds his flock
We sing out and we praise His name
He supports us in war
He presides over football games
And the right will prevail
All our troubles shall be resolved
We have faith in the Lord
Unless there's money or sex involved
Frail grasp on the big picture
Nobody's calling them for roughing up the pitcher
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
Heaven help us
Frail grasp on the big picture
All waiting for that miracle elixir
Frail grasp on the big picture
I don't wonder anymore
Frail grasp on the big picture
You brought her here so go ahead and kiss her
Frail grasp on the big picture
Frail grasp on the big picture
Light fading and the fog is getting thicker
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
Frail grasp on the big picture
Frail grasp on the big picture

遂平县13456939325: 介绍一下老鹰乐队的作品?
费岚噻吗:编辑本段乐队最新动态 据报道,摇滚乐队“老鹰”(Eagles)在28年后再度发行他们的全新唱片.据乐队创建成员唐·亨利说,乐队在一个私人音乐会期间,完成了一张全新唱片.据悉,“老鹰”乐队在1979年推出了最后一张唱片---《漫长的逃...

遂平县13456939325: grip, grasp和clutch的区别? -
费岚噻吗: grip A tight hold; a firm grasp: 紧握,抓牢:紧紧拿住,抓牢: a drowning swimmer now safely in the grip of a lifeguard. 溺水的游泳者现已被救生员牢牢抓住grasp To take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand. 抓住:用手或象是用手一样紧紧地抱住或抓住clutch To grasp and hold tightly. 抓紧,紧握:紧紧抓住

遂平县13456939325: grasp和catch的区别 -
费岚噻吗: Grasp = take hold of something.(抓住某物) 例如: Grasp the rope with both hands.用双手抓住绳子 Catch= get something by hand ,接住某物,例如 I can catch the ball.我可以接住那个球. 或者表示take a ride on something , 即赶上某物,例如 I have to catch the plane,我得赶着上飞机. 或者表示contract an illness,即染上(某病),例如:I think I may catch a cold.我想我可能感冒.

遂平县13456939325: 查找5个单词grasp的短语 -
费岚噻吗: get a good grasp of 掌握 keep a firm grasp on 抓紧 take a grasp on oneself 控制自己的情绪 用作动词 (v.) ~+副词 grasp firmly 紧紧握住 ~+介词 grasp at 想抓住 grasp a person by the wrist 抓住某人的手腕 grasp for any support 迫切需求任何支...

遂平县13456939325: 含有grasp的短语都有什么? -
费岚噻吗: grasp all lose all

遂平县13456939325: 请问clench、clasp、clutch、grasp的区别 我要牢牢的握住那一刻的回忆怎么翻译? -
费岚噻吗: Clench:紧握 Clasp:紧抱 Clutch:抓住,紧握 Grasp:抓住 就楼主所提的4个词中,我觉得第一个clench更好一点,意思更贴切一点.但是在美国,一般写文章不会用这么不常用的生词,一般用hold,意为:握住,把握.I shall tight hold the memory in that instant.【我要紧紧地(牢固地)握住我那一刹的回忆.】 (本人美国留学生,有什么需要在西班牙语、英语、日语、韩语、汉语方面帮助的可以随时HI我哦~:)希望可以帮到你,顺便可以看看我其他的回答哦,好评还挺多的,不会误人子弟啦.)

遂平县13456939325: grasp grip catch 区别? -
费岚噻吗: grip n. 1. a. A tight hold; a firm grasp: .紧握 b. The pressure or strength of such a grasp: 握(或咬, 夹)得牢 c. A manner of grasping and holding: .(特定的)握法 2. a. Intellectual hold; understanding: .掌握; 控制; b. Ability to function ...

遂平县13456939325: Grasp和catch的区别
费岚噻吗: grasp vt. 1. To take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand.抓牢; 握紧 2. To take hold of intellectually; comprehend.领会, 理解 catch vt. 1. To capture or seize, especially after a chase.接住, 抓住(通常在追逐之后) 2. To take by or as if by trapping or snaring.逮住, 捕获(通常是设有陷阱)

遂平县13456939325: Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull.怎么翻译?
费岚噻吗: 直译为:紧紧抓住把手然后用力拉.估计你那个翻译是联系上下文之后的意译

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