
作者&投稿:里疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.After 4 years' university study ,he continued his study for a bachelor's degree.
2.She is not only beautiful,bot also well educated.
3.I hated being treated with violence.
4.He boroke the law and was put in prison.
根据中文写句子:1.他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评:Some experts of the world think much/highly of his paintings.
2.There are many people present at the meeting ,two thirds of whom came from the same school.
3.在我看来,这食物不够:In my opinion, the food is not enough.
4.他不知道该怎么对付他那顽皮的儿子:He don't know how to deal with his naughty son.
5.你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃太多:It's not surprising you've got stomachache, after all you have eaten too much.
6.在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成我的工作:With the help of my computer, I could finish my job in time.
7.在某种程度上,你说得有道理:In some measure,what you said is reasonable.
8.你应该坚持下去:you should keep on/stick to it.(关于这条比较多,要看具体情况的)
9.我梦想成为以为科学家:I dream about/of being a scientist.
10.开别人的玩笑的不礼貌的:It is impolite to make fun of others.
11.我花了一整整上午把我的书归类好:I spent a whole morning to sort out my books .
12.他大约六点到:He will arrive at six o'clock or so.
13.我们应该对我们的父母诚实:We should be honest to our parents.


could you please leave a message to my mother ?

1. eraser, English book, exercise book

2. mouse, monkey

3. skirt, shirt,sweater

eraser English book

mouse monkey

sweater shirt

exercise book,englishi book,eraser
mouse monkey
skirt shirt

eraser and e-dictionary
mouse and mice
suit and skirt

What can you see in your school bag?They begin with "e"
e(raser)& e(xercise book)

What animal names begin with "m"
m(onkey)&m(mouse) marmot marmoset mink musquash

What kinds of clothes begin with "s"
s(kirt)&s(hirt) shorts sweater suit

What can you see in your school bag?They begin with "e"
Enema & endive

What animal names begin with "m"

magdalene & mare

What kinds of clothes begin with "s"

sallet & sable

1、returned 解析:并列句,与looked时态相同 2、had come 解析:already 用完成时态,asked为过去时态,因此填上过去完成时 3、to tell have left 解析:sorry to do sth.;已经忘在家了,而且对现在有影响,用现在完成时 4、stops 解析:客观陈述,雨停了 5、A 解析:gave out:分发。hand out...

what's the weather in your country?It's comfortable.what's the weather in spring?It's warm.It's hot in summer,and the sun is shining brightly everyday.It's very cold in winner,and it snows sometimes.It's windy in spring and autumn,but it's warm,and sometimes it rains....

答案 SI= the area of the triangle EFG (这题是我回答过的题目复制过来的 因为手软了 所以复制一题 希望原谅)27.Manager will not be cooking, dish can be particularly good at, what? 答案 Fired (炒鱿鱼了- -)28.At the dinner table, piggy and the cloud was moving she said ca...

have never read 因为没有过去时做铺垫,所以用现在完成 John今天表现很奇怪。我觉得他的行为都不像他自己了。Like 和你们国家一样,我们也在(我们的)北方种谷物。如果用As 就变成就像在你们国家,我们也在(你们国家的)北方种谷物。

1.A 我的天!你以前从来没有落过东西的。“没落过”发生在上句话“left”(一般过去时)之前的,就是说在落护照之前从没有落过东西,属于“过去的过去”,用过去完成时。2.括号后漏个词!3.A 我不知道为什么大多数年轻人花费所有的闲暇时间睡觉而不是做些运动。spend后是一个宾语从句,spend ...

楼主你好,填空答案+选择答案 如下:1.The kind of vegetables __is__ (be) nice.2.The teachers' __hobbies__ (hobby) are different.3.How __colourful__ (colour) the flowers are!4.There are a few __oaints__ (paint) on the table.5.Jim loves __science__ very much and ...

1、the film's begun,hasn't it? 电影应经开始了,难道不是么?2、it's not good to play tricks on others,Tom 汤姆,捉弄别人是不对的。3、Dick's ambition is to be a sailor in the future 迪克的理想是将来成为一名水手

1.don't 2.invites 3.a lot of 4.saying 5.doing 6.laugh 7. 确定没有打错题?8.ourselves 9.happily 10.worried 二.按要求转换下列句型.1.Iseveryone here today?(同义句)are people all here today?2.The girl behind Miss Gao is Han Mei.(对behind Miss Gao提问)which girl is han...

答案是C, 但动词要用belongs 才对 。 b, d 错在宾语从句里还用了疑问句语序。 A 句结构意思也不反对。第二题选A 影响influence, effect后面的介词用on, no =not any,所依后面用单数好一些,所以D也不好。

一道初二英语阅读题,急求答案Mrs Green was eighty years old and hea...
没办法,题目选项是这样了.只能选B,0,一道初二英语阅读题,急求答案 Mrs Green was eighty years old and healthy. She had a car, and she always drove to the shops on Saturdays and bought her food. She did not drive fast because she was old. She drove well and never hit anything....

洱源县18584793784: 几道初中英语题!急!1.Do you know - ___ - a report on English learning tomorrow morning?A.is there B.there is going to have C.will there be D.there is going ... -
殳绍复方:[答案] 1.D know后面是个宾语从句,应该用陈述句语序,故排除A和C;B和D答案如果把其中的is going to去掉可以看出是there be结构,所以D 是正确答案. 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 此处回答应该是一个祈使句,所以B和C都是错误的.

洱源县18584793784: 几道英语题 求高人解答, 本人一直在线等 -
殳绍复方: 1.out (keep sth out 远离...)2. 郁闷了,不会3.proper(适当的)4.think (do you think是插入语)5.A(buy sth for sb或buy sb sth)6.B (加入你老师不来,谁会替代他、...

洱源县18584793784: 急~~~~~~~~~~~求几道中译英(英语题) 西方人 捉弄邻居 从晚上九点到半夜 传统的中国食物 -
殳绍复方:[答案] 西方人:Western people 捉弄邻居 play a truck on neibours 从晚上九点到半夜 from nine P.M to midnight 传统的中国食物 Chinese traditional food 望采纳 谢谢!

洱源县18584793784: 几道英语题 急 -
殳绍复方: 1过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作.昨天开会的这一段时间他并不在是因为他那时正在等他的女儿从加拿大打来的远洋电话.2find是找到的意思,look at是注视,看着的意思,look for是...

洱源县18584793784: 几道英语题目!!!!急急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!! -
殳绍复方: 1. C smell 和taste 都是系动词,因此后面都跟形容词.2. A another表示另外一个.本句意思是我可以再要一瓶苹果汁吗?当然,给你.3. D pick sb. up 意...

洱源县18584793784: 问几道英语题,求解答1.Professor Black had us - ______compositions every Friday.A.to write B.wrote C.write D.writing答案选C2.There is something wrong ... -
殳绍复方:[答案] have sb do sth让某人做某事,固定搭配 所以是C have sth done 让别人修理也是固定搭配,所以是D.如“have my hair cut”理发.CUT是过去式!

洱源县18584793784: 几道英语的题,帮忙做下,急求,跪谢!1、He was watching TV at that time(否定句,一般疑问句,对watching TV提问)2、Mr、Green has taught for ten ... -
殳绍复方:[答案] 1.否定:He wasn't watching TV at that time.疑问:Was he watching tv at that time?提问:What was he doing at that time?2.How long has Mr.Green taught?3.She hasn't ...后面照抄.4.Who is the tallest in ou...

洱源县18584793784: 急求几道英语题 -
殳绍复方: 1,Can Lucy and you do fymnastics very well?肯定:Yes,we can,否定,No, we can't2,Robert is not good at English3,What can she do?祝你进步

洱源县18584793784: 几道英语题目,谁来帮帮忙!!!急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!! -
殳绍复方: 21B因为胖所以要去看医生 22D好的方...

洱源县18584793784: 急求几道英语单选16、There was nothing we could do - _____.(1分) A、but wait B、except to wait C、only to wait D、but waiting 17、No two people in the ... -
殳绍复方:[答案] 16、There was nothing we could do __D____.(1分) A、but wait B、except to wait C、only to wait D、but waiting 17、No two people in the world see things exactly ___D___.(1分) A、alikely B、like C、likely D、alike 18、This assembly line __D____ ...

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