
作者&投稿:堵剑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

especially :特别, 格外, 尤其

with sb 是作伴随主语的,真正的主语是she,
at this time last night 译为:昨晚的这个时候,要用过去进行时

be heard doing sth


1、returned 解析:并列句,与looked时态相同

2、had come 解析:already 用完成时态,asked为过去时态,因此填上过去完成时

3、to tell have left 解析: sorry to do sth. ;已经忘在家了,而且对现在有影响,用现在完成时

4、stops 解析:客观陈述,雨停了

5、A 解析:gave out:分发。hand out:施舍、周济

6、C 解析:祈使句,leave it to me:交给我吧,让我来办吧

1.A 我的天!你以前从来没有落过东西的。“没落过”发生在上句话“left”(一般过去时)之前的,就是说在落护照之前从没有落过东西,属于“过去的过去”,用过去完成时。
3.A 我不知道为什么大多数年轻人花费所有的闲暇时间睡觉而不是做些运动。spend后是一个宾语从句,spend some time (in) doing,故选sleeping;rather than 后必跟动词原形,例如prefer to do rather than do、would do rather than do ,故选do。

2 A ,与met呼应

2.open, 3.closes, 4.teaches, 5.meet, 6.washes, 7.casts, 8.cast, 9.boils, 10.like likes 2. I never go to the cinema.3. Martian always works hard.4. Children usually like chocolate.5. Julia always enjoys parties.6. I often forget people's names.7.Tim never watches ...

【选择】C. shouldn't be allowed 【解析】本句中的关键词是children(儿童)、movie(电影) 和 scary(吓人的)。恐怖电影是不允许儿童看的,也就是儿童步应该被允许看这种电影,所以要用被动语态。被动语态的结构是“助动词 be+ 过去分词”,具体到本题就是be allowed; should 是情态动词,后面...

1.B are needing need 是需要,want 是想要,有思维的生物才能“想”所以CD排除,而sheets是复数,排除A。(其实这里用need就可以了,不过根据选项,只能选B)2.B. persuade A. 建议,搭配为advise (sb.) sth.advise doing sth.advise sb.(not) to do sth.advise sb. against doing sth.B....

;look :loom 织布机 lock 锁 ;mum :mom 妈妈 mud 泥 ;but :bub 小弟弟 bot 肤蝇的幼虫 ;cat :cab 出租车 cot 四周有棚的儿童床 ;stay :stab 刺 stag 炒新股者 ;bat :bot 肤蝇的幼虫 baa 羊叫声.2、brother bathe.题目好多,有些理解不了,我想题目是英文的比较好理解 ...

2、A: (Whose,谁的) wallet is it? B:It’s mine.3、A: (Where,在哪里) is the diary? B:It‘s under the chair.4、A: (When,何时) is the Chirstmas Day? B: It’s on the 25th of December.5、A: (How much,多少钱) are the earphones?  B:They are 25 yuan....

1C(本题考察球类之前不加定冠词,乐器前面需要加定冠词)2B 3A 4D 1 I wasn't at home yesterday. Were you at home yesterday?Yes,I was.2 She didn't have a party on her birthday.Did she have a party on her birthday?Yes, she did!3 The tigers don't eat meat.Do the tigers ...

2、Vivian was too careless.She didn't realize that she had made a lot of mistakes.3、Ted got the first in the 100-meter race,that is,Ted was the champion ( 冠军)最后一题应该是你打错字母了,这个题目我都有标准答案的。不懂请追问,望采纳,祝开心~ o(∩_∩)o 哈哈~~~...

1.instead of 2.orange 3.flying 4.epicenter 中心,重点 5.match 与...相配\/相协调 6.devide 分开\/切开 7.take a message 8.grow up 9.in the slurry 10.in a hurry(不过一般这个短语放在句末)11.search 12.energy 13.hamburger 14.hunting 15.was born ...

b breaks into 这里指 突然进入 .c little little修饰earn d that It is... that 强调句 d cut down be cut down 砍伐 请采纳

1.We find the book()to read.(麻烦翻译一下这句话)A.easily B.difficult c.difficulty 我们发现这本书很难读懂 答案 :B,A为副词,C为名词 find sth.+adj.to...觉得...怎么样 2.Which is(),English,Russian or,Japanese?a.popular b.the most popular c.more popular 答案 :B 此题...

盐都区17748162034: 速求这几道英语题的讲解,答案小弟明天讲题要用在此多谢各位1It's very - __ - warm outside .Put on your coat ,please .A warm B hot C cold D humid 2I have ... -
秘云参苏:[答案] `1,D 考查的是单词辨析,分别把四个选项代入句中,易知ABC都不符合语法和语义,只能选D,意思是“潮湿的”,整个句子连起来的意思就是“外面很湿热,穿上你的外套把.”2,A also不可用在句末,either表示两者之一符合情况,但...

盐都区17748162034: 急呀!问大家几道英语题,最好带讲解.谢谢了! -
秘云参苏: 1): dozens of stalls (很多货摊)2):by your watch3)That sounds good. sound是系动词, 接形容词 They travelled around the world at age of 70;My mother boug...

盐都区17748162034: 求救以下高二英语试题讲解!急1.find有没有被动式?2.the last one to arrived pays the meal.为什么用to arrived?3.a childen talked so loudly at dinner table that ... -
秘云参苏:[答案] 1、find 肯定又被动形式啊,它的被动形式是found,比如:It was found that he was ill.2、我认为这里可能存在错误,应该是to arrive,如果是to arrived 从我的语法知识以及阅读经历来看尚没有发现这一用法.3、首先,不是...

盐都区17748162034: 有几道英语题急求答案加解释
秘云参苏: 1.选 B,此题纯属考查短语意思,in advance 是“提前”的意思 2.选A.此题考查名词前定语排列顺序.语法规定:描述性词+大小+形状+颜色+国籍+材料. 3.选A.考查if 和whether 的区别.当后面有not时,只能用whether.所以B不对;答案C属于虚拟语气,根据句子意思,没有虚拟语气的意思;答案C时态不对,应该用一般现在时. 4.选A ,用do代替所有的意思. 5.选B,纯属习惯用法.如果能选A,那就能选C 和D,因为三者意思一样.

盐都区17748162034: 几道初中英语题!急!1.Do you know - ___ - a report on English learning tomorrow morning?A.is there B.there is going to have C.will there be D.there is going ... -
秘云参苏:[答案] 1.D know后面是个宾语从句,应该用陈述句语序,故排除A和C;B和D答案如果把其中的is going to去掉可以看出是there be结构,所以D 是正确答案. 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 此处回答应该是一个祈使句,所以B和C都是错误的.

盐都区17748162034: 高手帮忙做做下面几道英语题啊,急求!1.She took the girl in her a_____.2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you._____ - _____,I want to say sorry to ... -
秘云参苏:[答案] 我有答案了,你追加多少 1 arms 2 if so 3 enemies 4 known 看你加多少了

盐都区17748162034: 几道英语的题,帮忙做下,急求,跪谢!1、He was watching TV at that time(否定句,一般疑问句,对watching TV提问)2、Mr、Green has taught for ten ... -
秘云参苏:[答案] 1.否定:He wasn't watching TV at that time.疑问:Was he watching tv at that time?提问:What was he doing at that time?2.How long has Mr.Green taught?3.She hasn't ...后面照抄.4.Who is the tallest in ou...

盐都区17748162034: 求几道英语题的答案及详细讲解!!二十分悬赏!非常急!!!! -
秘云参苏: (1)这句话的主语是 this university答案是 D.the one这是不定代词作表语 后面是省略that的定语从句不选A是因为 这是表语从句 ,意思也对 但从句缺宾语 故错应该用what或which)(2)A. has ; can`t (3)A. the (4)--what is the weather like here?---There is...

盐都区17748162034: 几道英文题目.求讲解.每题3分.13. - __ - is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century.(A) While the history of twentieth - century ... -
秘云参苏:[答案] 13.选B;因为这是一个statement,就是完整的句子.如果用C,句子后面应该还有修饰.18.skills (指多个技巧之一).20.these (massive animals,复数).23.including (介词,不能用动词).25.temperature at which 28.abu...

盐都区17748162034: 几道英语题,很急很急,请把答案告诉我并附带详解,谢谢!
秘云参苏: BC1.happily 副词修饰动作are playing. 2.remind sb. of sth. 使某人记起

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