读后感 英语翻译和汉语翻译

作者&投稿:费孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




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Movie Review(电影观后感)

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"The romance of the Three Kingdoms" one book, I have seen in a long time, but, now get up, feel is inside a heroic loyalty andhonesty.
Inside the three, give birth to a multitude of heroes, Henry andZhou Yu, full of wit Zhuge Kongming be more brave than wise,Lv Bu Guamba, heavy friendship
Perhaps in many characters, everyone will think, Zhou Yu is ascoundrel, but not, I think, Zhou Yu is bold and crafty, what is the person not the hero? Compared with the Kong Ming, both of them can, however, Zhou Yu was a bit paranoid, aggressive, he is living in Jiangdong struggle, if he did not win, also won't sendout, will not be Kong Ming gas. But, in the eyes, he is a greathero, he is not hard Ming, yes: since living Yu, He Shengliang.Also, give birth to the two writers, inevitably cannibalism, they're not to blame!
Zhao Yun, known as the "Zhao Zilong", the Shu keep faithful and true. From the age of 20 he followed Liu Bei to fight bravely fight north and south. He be a veteran in battle, carry the world before one, no matter how great the difficulties encountered,don't shake that loyalty, until the grey-haired Shu still battle around. All his life he neutral countless military exploits,exhausted efforts to Shu state, is a model of loyalty.
Guan Yu, is one of the greatest hero in the world I admire most.His loyalty, amazing. Live in the Cao camp but with one's heart in the Han camp leave a good name throughout the ages. Hisrighteousness, shaking heaven and earth. "Huarong Road,catch put Cao" as everyone knows. Guan Yu in order to repaythe grace of Cao Cao courtesy and release of love, do not hesitate to violate the military order, the price to man's life and family possessions, and put Cao Cao in Huarong. If it had not,may not have the later Jin Dynasty. His courage, shock the common customs. "Riding alone for thousands of miles, five, newsix will be well-known, far and near". Guan Yu saw two lady Liu Bei and protect Liu Bei, a fighting all the way, no one can be the enemy, no one can stop; "start a solo run," alone into the enemydeep environment, no one say, no one dare harm. It all boils down to one sentence, Guan Yu, this is the world of the hero!
The three heroes too many to count, they are not good or bad,regardless of social status, the battlefield heroes!
A very touching song, chapter nutation soul stirring poem, aheartfelt sigh, a mighty tall would go through fire and water, asoldier. This is the three kingdoms.

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