
作者&投稿:移肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
与···一起生活 用英语翻译?~

live with sb.

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

Life with

Difficulties with females you live with could cause emotional stress.

I had learned to live with hate.

And... Live together
Many young ladies becoming mothers have to live withparents.

The zoologist had spent a long time living withmonkeys.

Like many of the other testers, he lives with hisparents.

Previous studies have shown that kids with dogs areless likely to develop asthma.

get along with 是相处融洽 也可表示你所表达的

live together with……

词组:live with sb
例句:我与父母一起生活。 I live with my parents

living with somebody(something)
stay with somebody
be with somebody


生动的,精力充沛的 2、短语 1)live with 忍受;[口]承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居 2)live on vi. 以...为食;靠...生活 3)live for v. 盼望;为...而生活 4)live by 以…为生 5)live together 同居,生活在一起 6)live alone 独自生活;一个人住;单独居住 ...

there be句型用英语怎么说
there be句型用英语怎么说  我来答 9个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗? 半杯暖 2019-08-06 · 这世界所有的寒,终究会暖 半杯暖 采纳数:4 获赞数:7963 向TA提问 私信TA 关注 展开全部 一、there be句型是个表示某物某事存在与否的句型,句中的,there只...

有想过在最喜欢的年龄陪我看薰衣草花田的是你,有想过去喜欢的城市跟我一起生活的是你,有想为了柴米油盐酱醋跟你吵架的情景,有想过陪我一起疯玩的是你,有想过到白头还能跟我牵手的是你,原谅我唯一没想过的就是结婚 Have thought in the favorite age to accompany me watching lavender fields ...

We can't be together, you and I still have a quiet life.

To understand the life together 让懂生活的人聚在一起

makes them do what they do.我一直着迷于是什么让人们一往如常,又是什么驱使他们做着这些事。2、From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family.从一开始,父亲迷上了这个迷人的新人,并很快邀请他与我们的家人一起生活。

英语中表达学习、生活、运动、交流的动词 快快快!!!
10. give…a call (ring) 给……打一个电话 11. give medical care to 对……进行治疗 12. give birth to 生,产生 13. give out 散发 Have 1. had better\/best (not) do 最好(不)做某事 2. have to 不得不 3. Have sth. done 请(让)做某事 4. have a good trip 旅行愉快...

怀念校园生活 怀念那些一起度过校园生活的同学们 用英语怎么说?
I miss my school life ,miss my clossmates who enjoy schoollife with me,and I think ,they will be in my memory forever.

2012-10-04 跪求日常生活中常用的英语问句,要多些 12 2008-04-08 跪求关于美国日常生活的英语文章,用英文写的 19 2017-12-10 日常生活的英语句子有哪些 4 2011-12-14 跪求生活常用的英语单词和句子(最好有音标) 4 2013-12-06 跪求:50个以上日常常用的英语短语。 7 2008-08-31 跪求三部英文电影...

在另一个国家生活 我的名字叫布拉德. 李。今天我在这里讲述我去年在美国作为一名交换生的经历。我必须承认,起初美国(文化)对我来说是个很大的文化冲击。许多事物是陌生的:语言、食物甚至学校。 我与小镇上的一个寄宿家庭生活在一起。我寄宿家庭的父母,赫斯特先生和夫人,非常善良。在我的空闲时间里...

嘉黎县19566616821: 与…一起生活用英语怎么写 -
解到牛黄: And... Live together 1. 很多已生育的年轻妇女不得不与父母一起生活. Many young ladies becoming mothers have to live withparents. 2. 这位动物学家与猴子一起生活了很长时间. The zoologist had spent a long time living withmonkeys. 3. 和其他...

嘉黎县19566616821: 与···一起生活 用英语翻译? -
解到牛黄:[答案] live with sb. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

嘉黎县19566616821: 英语翻译1.与……生活在一起2.关于……询问某人 -
解到牛黄:[答案] 1. live with sb 2. ask sb, about sth

嘉黎县19566616821: 与……相处的很好 用英语怎么说? -
解到牛黄: “与……相处的很好”翻译成英语是:Get along well with例句:1. No matter where you are on the corporate ladder, it's to your advantage to get along well with your supervisor.不论你处在公司的哪个级别上,和上司的相处融洽对你来说都是的一...

嘉黎县19566616821: "与某人在一起"用英语怎么说?^ - ^ -
解到牛黄:[答案] be together with sb.

嘉黎县19566616821: 与猪一起生活用英语怎么说?
解到牛黄: 楼主你好. 英语为:Life with a pig. 希望对你有帮助.

嘉黎县19566616821: 我希望你能久留,与我们一起愉快生活 用英语怎么说 -
解到牛黄: I hope you can stay long and we will have a happy life!

嘉黎县19566616821: “珍惜父母带给你的生活和和与他们在一起的生活”,这句话用英语怎么说? -
解到牛黄: Treasure the life that your parents have presented to you as well as the days that you are with them.说得对呀,是要珍惜!

嘉黎县19566616821: 一些人喜欢和父母一起生活一写喜欢自己生活,你的观点写一篇英语作文 -
解到牛黄: Today's young people to pursue the liberation of personality, like battles alone, do not like to live with their parents. In fact, for young people living with their parents is good. First, young people with little experience of social encounter things that do ...

嘉黎县19566616821: 我和我的家人生活在一起用英文怎么说 -
解到牛黄:[答案] I live with my families together

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