
作者&投稿:淳秀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. How are you doing? 你好吗?
美国人见面时候最常用的打招呼方式就是, "Hey! How are you doing?" 或是 "How are you?" 不然 "How's going?" 也很常见. 我觉得这种每天跟别人打招呼的习惯, 就是跟美国友人建立良好关系的开始. 很多人都觉得美国人很冷漠, 不跟自己打招呼, 但自己又何尝不是对美国友人很冷漠呢? 关于更多打招呼之间的应对 , 请参照笔记本专题篇.
2. What's up? 什么事?
"What's up?" 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式. 比方说 Bob 在路上看到我跟我说 "Hey! Kun-Lin!" 那我通常就会答说 "Hi! Bob. What's up?" 这就是问对方近来怎样, 有什么事吗? 通常如果没什么事人家就会说 "Not much." 不过还有一种情况也很常见, 你先跟人家说 "Hey! What's up?" 那别人也不说 "Not much", 反而反问一句, "What's up?" 所以 "What's up?" 已经变成有点 Hello! 的味道在里面了 .
"What's up?" 也常被用来问人家有什么事? 例如有人登门拜访, 你就会说 "What's up?" 到底有何贵干啊? 总之 "What's up?" 在美国应用的很广, 各位一定要熟记才是.
我有一个从南非来的朋友 David, 他对于我的笔记本提供了很多的帮忙和建议. 他说在南非的打招呼方式是 "How zit?" 这是从 "How's it?" 衍生变化而来. 所以同样是讲英文的国家, 打招呼的方式也有很大的不同.
3. Could you do me a favor? 能不能帮我一个忙?
人是不能独自一个人活的, 需要别人帮忙的地方总是很多, 所以我就会常讲, "Could you do me a favor?" 或是 "Could you give me a hand?" 这算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法. 有时候要请别人帮忙还不太好意思说, 我就会说 Could you do me a little favor? 能不能帮我一个小忙? 其实也许是帮大忙但也要先讲成小忙, 先让对方点头才是. (注意一下这里用 could you 会比 can you 来的客气一点.)
另外, "Can you help me?" 也很常见, 通常比如说我们去买东西, 可是店员自己在聊天, 我就会说, "Can you help me?" (其实正常来说, 应该是他们主动会问 "Can I help you?" 或是 "May I help you?" 才对, 但有时实在等不急了, 就直接先问了 "Can you help me?"
4. What are you studying? 你主修什么的?
通常老美一听我是学生, 都会很自然地问, "What are you studying?" 其实这样的问法就是问你 "What's your major?" 但他们比较喜欢说 "What are you studying?" 如果说你遇见一个人, 你也不确定他是不是学生, 我们通常会问, "What do you do for living?" 你是作什么工作的? 或是简单地问, "What do you do?" 一般不会说成 "What's your job? "
5. Where are you going? 你要去哪啊?
通常走在路上遇到好朋友, 除了打招呼之外, 我都还会问 "Where are you going?" 虽然刚来美国时我只听得懂自己的问题, 却听不懂对方的回答, 但是我还是□喜欢问. 原因无它, 听久了自然就会了. 另外老美也很喜欢用 heading 这个字来代替 going. 所以你也可以问 "Where are you heading?" 同样都是你上哪去的意思.
6. What's your favorite ice cream? 你最喜欢的冰淇淋是什么?
这句话通常是当我遇到陌生人时, 又想不到其它话题的时候会最先想到的一句话. 试想二个人如果有共同的兴趣和嗜好是不是就很容易成为好朋友呢? 所以我就常问人家, "What's your favorite movie? Who's your favorite movie
e star?" 总之 favorite 之后可以接任何你有兴趣的话题.

Favorite 这个字很好用, 如果这句话你不用 favorite 的话, 就会变成 "What kind of ice cream do you like the most?" 听来是不是很冗长? 还有一点值得一提 , 比如我要回答, 我最喜欢香草冰淇淋, 再来是巧克力要怎么说? 那就是 "Vanilla is my favorite flavor and chocolate is my second favorite."
7. What color is your car? What's the color of your car? 你的车子是什么颜色?
个人觉得 What 后面接一个名词这样的问句好用的很, 可是不知道为什么刚来美国的人似乎对这样的问法都不太熟悉. 同样的句子我就曾说过, "What kind of color does your car have?" 听来是没错, 但我跟你保证老美绝不会这样问的啦! 他们就是 "What color is your car?" 有时候就干脆只说 "What color?" 就完事了.
让我们再来练习几句, "What year is your car?" 问你的车是几年份的? "What area do you live?" 问你是住哪一区的. 同样的 How 后接一个形容词也很常用, 例如 "How big is your dog?" 你的狗有多大?
8. What's going on? 发生了什么事?
比如说你要用电脑, 可是不知为什么无法开机, 你就可以说. "Hey, What's going on?" 虽然这句就完全等于 "What happened?" 或是 "What's up with that?" 但是老美还是比较比喜欢说 "What's going on?" , 又比如人家问你说, "Why is our oven broken?" 你就可以推的一干二净地说. "I don't know what's going on." (我不知发生了什么事)
9. How come? 为什么? (怎么会这样?)
How come 的用法大部分就等于 why 但是它的用法没有像 why 那么广, 它通常是用在你觉得奇怪, 而问为什么的时候, 比如说有人早上一大早要去 supermarket 你就会问他. "How come?" 另外, 当别人问你一个问题, 而你不想回答时可以说 "How come?" 相当于, "Why do you ask that?" 也就是说 "It's none of your business!
" 虽然 how come 跟 why 的用法上差不多, 但二者的问法不同, 例如上句, "Why is our oven broken?" 换成 how come 的话, 要说成, "How come our oven is broken?" 注意一下, 这二句的 be 动词位置是不一样的.
10. You want to go to see a movie? 你要去看电影吗?
这样的句子看似不合文法, 但却是老美天天在用的句子. 他们有时候要说一个问句, 就直接把肯定句的尾音提高就成了疑问句. 其实正确的说法应该是, "Do you want to go to see a movie?" 但可能是太冗长了点, 所以老美才会直接说 "You want to go to see a movie?"
另外, 更口语的说法应该是 "You wanna go to see a movie?" 因为在口语中他们常会把 want to 省略成 wanna. 或是把 going to 省略成 gonna. 所以这句话也可以讲成 "Are you gonna see a movie?"
11. Anybody needs a fork? 有没有人要叉子的啊?
以前老师都教说英文中的问句只有 W-H 问句. 其实不然, 我发觉还有很多种问句, 例如这个我自己称它是 anybody 问句. 例如有一次我们出去玩, 一下车, 有一个老美就问说有没有人要去上厕所, 我记得很清楚她是怎么说的, "Anybody has to pee?" 是不是简单易懂?
也有很多的问句是用 Any 开头的, 例如 "Any volunteer?" 有没有志愿的啊? 或是 "Any luck today?" 今天 运气好不好啊?

Translation studies
As we all know, translation means communication. It is important to our daily life. When we want to communicate with others, At first, We must translateone language into another. But, translation is a complex process. Because thereare many additional factors involved. If we wan t t o get a prefect result, we must master many skills.
This paper talked about something about translation.I think if we pay more attention to the following details, we will do better in translation.
While opening up new perspectives, the genegel approach as practiced in North American transition workshops might best be characterized by a theoretion and subjection that tend to reinforce whatever theoretical values individual translators hold .much that has been written on the subject of translation yields very little when sifed for theoretical substance because it has always been written as if spoken in the wortkshop . the personal anecdotes and pieces of advice may provide some help ,but certainly not the coherent and consistent theory required for translation.
The problem is not just a contemporary phenomenon in North America ,but one that has troubled translation theory historically . people practiced translation ,but they were never quite sure what they were practicing. During the sixties in the United States ,the translation workshop perpetuated the same practice .Clearly, a more systematic approach to translation was needed ,and the discipline that appeared to have the theoretical and linguistic tools necessary to address the problem was linguistics .



Hi! *比Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可以用。
Hi! (嗨!)
Hi! (嗨!你好!)

Hello. *一天中常用的寒暄用语。
A)Hello, Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生,您好!)
B)Oh, hi John. (嗨,约翰,你好!)

Good afternoon. *下午用寒暄用语。主要用于工作环境中。

Good evening.

How are you? *最常用的问候方式。除了有问候对方“你好吗”的意思外,还含有“午安”在内的意思。
Hi, John! (嗨!约翰,你好!)
Oh, Mary! How are you? (噢,玛丽,你好吗?)
How are you? (你好吗?)
Pretty good. (非常好。)
How's it going?
How're you doing? *语气较随便。

Fine, thank you.
I'm fine, thank you.

Not so good. *用于身体状况不好或是有其他什么不好的事时。
How are you feeling? (你的身体怎么样?)
Not so good. (不怎么好。)
Not so great.
Could be better. *虽然“有向好的方向发展的余地”,但给人一种“不怎么好”的语感。

Nothing much.
Nothing special.

Glad to meet you. *用于初次见面。
I'm glad to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
It's great meeting you.

What's up?
What's up? (出什么事啦?)
Nothing much. (没什么。)
What's new? *用于强调有无新的变化。
What's happening? *强调“发生什么事情了?”
How've you been? *有好长时间没见的语感。

How's your family?
How's your family? (你的家人怎么样?)
Everyone's fine. (大家都很好。)

How's everything? *意为“进行得顺利吗?”。如果在饭馆服务员这样问的话是“饭菜怎么样?”的意思。
How's everything? (怎么样,还好吧?)
It's going pretty well. (一切很顺利。)
How's everything? (还好吧?)
Same as always. (和平常一样。)
How's everything going?
How's it going?
How are things?

How's business?

Not bad.

How did it go today? *用于会议或聚会等特别场合。
How did it go today? (今天怎么样?)
So-so. (还凑合吧。)
How was your day?

Oh, same as usual.
How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?)
Oh, same as usual. (和往常一样。)
Same old, same old. *俚语。
Another day, another dollar.

What's the hurry?
What's the hurry? (急着干什么去呀?)
We're going to be late for the movie. (我们赶着去看电影呢。)
Why are you in a hurry? (为什么那么着急?)
Why are you hurrying? (干吗那么着急?)

Where are you headed? *head 是动词,be headed for...表示“向着……前进”。

Where are you going?
Where are you off to?

What are you doing?
What are you doing? (你干吗呢?)
I'm ironing my shirt. (我在熨衬衫呢。)

I was just thinking. *just 表示一种“有点”,“不过……”的语感。

I was just daydreaming. *daydream “沉湎于幻想”。

I'm just killing time. *kill time “消磨时间”、“打发时间”。
I'm just hanging out. *hang out “什么都不做,无端地耗费时间”。

What's on your mind?
What's on your mind? (你想什么呢?)
I'm worried about my wife. (我有点担心我的妻子。)
What are you thinking of?


Another day, another dollar.
How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?)
Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样。)

You've come just in time.
You've come at the right moment.
You've come at the right time.

There you are! *用于终于找到了要找的人时。
There you are! (原来你在这儿啊!)
Were you looking for me? (你找我?)
Gotcha! *俚语。
Here you are.
Found you!

Is Jeff around?
Is Jeff around? (杰夫在吗?)
He was here a few minutes ago. (几分钟前他还在这儿来着。)

Have you seen Scott? 多用于公司和学校。
Have you seen Scott? (你见到斯科特吗?)
No, not today. (没有,今天没看见他。)

I ran into him. *run into “没想到的,偶然的相遇”。
I bumped into him.

Guess who I bumped into yesterday?
Guess who I bumped into yesterday? (哎,你猜我昨天遇见谁了?)
Who? (谁呀?)

He's a stranger to me. *表示“以前从没见过面”。


It's been a long time. *当别人这么对自己说时,通常用It sure has.来回答。

It's been so long.
John, is that you? (你是约翰吧?)
Yeah, it's been so long. (是我,好久没见。)

Long time no see. *比较随便的说法。对方一般回答Yeah, how have you been?/Yeah, too long.

Long time no see. (好久没见了。)
Yeah, how have you been? (是呀,你还好吗?)
I haven't seen you for a long time.
I haven't seen you for ages.

How have you been?
How have you been? (还好吧?)
I've been all right. (嗯,挺好的。)

How have you been doing? *询问对方的身体和近况。
How have you been doing? (最近怎么样?)
I've been alright. (干得还不错。)

What have you been doing? *用来询问没见面的这段时间里的情况。
What have you been doing? (忙什么呢?)
Just working. (上班呗。)
What have you been doing? (忙什么呢?)
Nothing much. (没忙什么。)
What have you been up to?

Where have you been?

I'm glad to see you again. *回答这句时说So am I. (我也是)。see可以用meet代替。去掉again则带有初次见面的语感。

I'm happy to see you.
Nice to see you.
It's great seeing you again.
You haven't changed at all.
You're the same old Bob, aren't you? (鲍勃,你还是老样子。)

You haven't changed much.
You haven't changed much. (你没怎么变。)
Neither have you. (你也没变。)

You've really changed.

You've grown up.
You're all grown up now.
Look how you've grown up. (看你都长这么大了!) *多用于爷爷、奶奶见到孙辈时。

You've become so beautiful.
You've gotten so pretty.

Is John okay? *这种说法带有约翰有病或受伤的语感。
Is John okay? (约翰他好吗?)
He's getting better. (好多了。)

You look great.
You look great. (你看上去不错。)
You look good, too. (你也一样。)

How are you feeling?
How are you feeling? (你感觉怎么样?)
I'm feeling great. (我感觉很好。)

How's he getting along these days?
How's he getting along these days? (他这些日子过得怎么样?)
Good. (挺好的。)
How's he doing? (他干得怎么样?)

Are you gaining weight?
Are you gaining weight? (最近你是不是胖了?)
I'm afraid so. (好像是吧。)
Have you gained weight?
Are you getting fatter? *不礼貌的说法。
Are you losing weight? (最近你是不是瘦了?)


Goodbye. *分手时最常用的寒暄用语。
Goodbye. (再见!)
Goodbye. Take care! (再见,保重啊!)

Bye. *比Goodbye的说法随便。
Bye for now.
Have a nice day. (祝你今天愉快!)
See you later. (以后见!)

See you.
See you later.
See you soon.
See you again.
Catch you later.
See you around. *用于在同一座楼里,过会儿还有可能再见面时。

I'm off now. *off “去,走开”。
I'm leaving.
See you.

I have to go.
I have to go. (我得告辞了。)
Can't you stay a little longer? (再呆会儿吧!)

Good luck! *在对某人去旅行或去做一件比较难的事情时使用。
Good luck! (祝你好运!)
Thanks. I need it. (谢谢,借你吉言。)
I wish you good luck.

Have a nice day. *与Goodbye的用法一样。
Have a nice day! (祝你愉快!)
Same to you. (也祝你愉快!)

Have a nice weekend.

Good luck.
Break a leg. *原本是对要上台演出的人说的话。
Go for it. (走吧!)
Hang in there. (那,加油吧!)

Have fun.
We're going to Hawaii! (我们要去夏威夷喽!)
Have fun! (祝你玩得愉快。)
Have a good time!

Keep it up.
Keep it up! (就这样,坚持下去。)
Thanks for the encouragement. (谢谢你的鼓励!)

Don't work too hard.
Take care.
Be careful.

Have a nice trip. *对要去旅行的人说的话。
I wish you a pleasant journey.
Have a good vacation. (祝你假期愉快!)
Bon voyage. *这是一句法语,现在英文中也用。

Have a good one!

I hate to run, but... *这句是结束谈话时的开场白。其语气为“虽然我不想走,但……”。

It was nice meeting you. *只用于与初次见面的人分别时。其他情况下meet换成see。
It was nice meeting you. (认识你我非常高兴。)
It was nice meeting you, too. (我也很高兴见到你。)
Nice meeting you.

Please say hello to John (for me).

Good night.

Come again.
Come again. (再来啊!)
I will. (我会来的。)
Please come again. (请您再来!)
I hope you can come over again. (希望你能再来。)
I'd be glad to have you over again. (如果你下次还能来的话我将很高兴。)

Don't forget to bring something back for me.
Don't forget to bring something back for me. (别忘了给我带点儿什么。)

Don't worry, I won't. (放心吧,忘不了。)

Take it easy. *“放松”、“不要紧张”的语气。
Take it easy. (放松点儿!)
I can't. I have a test tomorrow. (不可能,我明天要考试。)

I hope to see you again soon.

Call me later.
Call me later. (给我打电话。)
Okay, I will. (嗯,好吧。)

Take care. *“多加小心”的语气。
See you later. (再见。)
Take care. (多保重!)

Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself. (你自己多保重!)
Don't worry about me. (别担心我!)

I'll be back.
I'll be back. (我还会来的。)
You'd better. (一定来啊!)
I'll come back later. (不久我就会回来的。)
I'll stop by later. (我会顺便来的。)

It's getting late.
It's getting late. (天不早了。)
Let's go home. (我们回家吧。)

I've got to go. *口语用法。
I have to go.
I have to get going.


I'll miss you. *miss “想,想念”。
I'll miss you. (我会想你的。)
I'll miss you, too. (我也会想你的。)
I'm gonna miss you. *gonna 是going to...的缩略形式,是比较随便的表达方式。

I wish I could go with you.
I wish I could go with you. (我真希望能和你在一起。)
So do I. (我也是。)

Please give my regards to your family.
Please give my regards to your family. (请代我向你的家人问好。)
I will. They asked me how you were doing. (我一定带到。我的家人也问过你的情况。)

You must come back.

Give me a call sometime.
Call me sometime.

Let's get together again sometime.
Thank you. I enjoyed it very much. (谢谢,我真是太高兴了。)
Let's get together again sometime. (我们什么时候再聚吧。)

Please write me (a letter).

I'll write you (a letter).

Let's keep in touch. *keep in touch with... “和……保持联系”、“保持接触”。

Let's keep in touch. (让我们保持联系。)
Will do. (好的。)
Let's keep in touch with each other. *each other “互相”。

Don't forget to write.
Don't forget to write. (别忘了写信。)
I won't. (忘不了。)


Hello! Anyone home? *“对不起,屋里有人吗?”的语气。
Hello! Anyone home? (喂,有人吗?)
Yes? (谁呀?)
Yoo hoo! *进入别人家时一种口语的说法。
Hello! Is anyone there?
Excuse me! (对不起。)
Hey, you! (嘿,你呀!) *比较粗鲁的说法。

Please come in! *可以用于各种场合,如欢迎他人等。
Please come in! (欢迎,请进!)
Sorry I didn't call first. (对不起,来之前我没打个电话来。)

How nice of you to come!
How nice of you to come! (你能来,太好啦。)
Thanks for inviting me. (谢谢你邀请我。)
(It's) nice of you to come!
Thank you for coming.

What do you want? *比较莽撞的语气。
Is anyone here? (有人吗?)
What do you want? (你有事吗?)
What are you here for?

Please feel free to make yourself at home.
Make yourself at home.

Have a seat.
Have a seat. (请坐吧。)
Oh, thank you. (啊,谢谢。)
Take a seat.
Please sit down.

Enjoy yourself!
Have a good time!

Would you care for something to drink?
A) Would you care for something to drink?
B) Yes, I'll have a beer, please. (好的,我要啤酒。)
*当拒绝A的提问时,可以用No, thank you. (谢谢,我不喝。)/Maybe later. (过一会儿再说)。

Don't mind me.
Sorry, I'm too busy to talk to you now.
Don't mind me. I just came to see John.

May I use your bathroom?
May I use your bathroom? (我可以用洗手间吗?)
Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,请吧!)
May I use your rest room?
Where can I freshen up? *女性问Where can I freshen up? (我可以在哪儿梳洗?) 是打听厕所的婉转说法。

May I use your toilet? *toilet 表示“厕所”,太直接,一般不用。除此之外,ladies' room“女厕所”, men's room“男厕所”,俚语 the john、the head也表示“厕所”。

Where's the bathroom?
Which way is the bathroom?
How can I get to the bathroom?
Could you tell me how to get to the bathroom? (能告诉我洗手间怎么走吗?)

May I use your phone?
Is it all right if I use your phone?

I'd better get going now.
I must be going now.
I have to leave now.
I gotta go now. *gotta为口语,是got to的缩略形式。

vt.把…固定在; (某人)发生性关系; 给人铺床;例句:Rachel hurried him to his bed 雷切尔催着他上了床。复数:beds 2、枕头pillow 英:[ˈpɪləʊ]美:[ˈpɪloʊ]n.枕头; 垫子; 花边垫子;vt.搁于枕上; 当作枕头用;例句:I have a pillow with ...

日常生活中的英语单词 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 知道团队 ...

日常生活英语单词汇总 十二、地点 (locations)home家 room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom卫生间 living room起居室 kitchen厨房 classroom教室 school学校 park公园 library图书馆 post office邮局 police office警察局 hospital医院 cinema电影院 bookstore书店 farm农场 zoo动物园 garden花园 study书房 playground操场 ...

零基础学英语,都是从简单的知识开始。日常生活中经常会碰到一些英语单词,你知道吗?无论你是出国留学旅游,还是学习生活的兴趣。学习这些英语单词,也许会打开你的新世界大门,来一起了解一下日常生活需要的英文单词吧。 Mall 商场 - elevator 升降电梯 - men’s clothing department 男装部 - mannequin 人体模特 - fi...

我的日常生活 英语作文 六年级的
in the morning。在上午 i get up at half past six。我在六点半起床 I have breadfast at seven o’clock。我在七点吃早餐 i go to school at a quarter to night。我在七点四十五分去学校 i go home at a quarter past eleven。我在十一点十五分回家 in the afternoon。在下午...

我的日常生活(My Daily Life)英语作文
在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的'我的日常生活(My Daily Life)英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。我的日常生活(My Daily ...

英语作文 关于日常生活 并带翻译
I like play taborin ,I always go to park to play taborin with some friends ,when I lose myself in the music ,I always forget the time 。After dinner ,I do some sports like Yoga ,it usually let me feel I am in the nature and so relax。我的日常生活 我认为我是一...

应该用in our daily life 而不是in our daily lives ,life 和 live都有生活的意思,但是live更偏向于生命,生动,和直播,而life常指的是日常生活,在不同的语境应该区分着去应用,比如现场直播可以用live,而生活相关的日子要用life。live和life的区别 live vi居住;生活;存在a新鲜的;精力充沛的...


生活中有很多微不足道的事情都有用到英语,我下面就给大家分享英语口语,大家快来学习吧 看电视 W: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?其它频道有什么好看的吗?M: I think there’s a Western on.我想播的是一部西部片。W: Do you mind if we watch it. I’d...

龙岗区19183685456: 日常生活的英语怎么写 -
陶清奇迈: 应该是daily life~

龙岗区19183685456: “日常生活”用英语怎么写 -
陶清奇迈: “日常生活” "Everyday life 双语例句1 在我的日常生活中,我很少和青少年打交道.In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers. 2 青少年被迫学习和他们的日常生活关系不大的学科.Teenagers are forced to study subjects that seem remote from their daily lives.3 这些运动员不得不改变他们的日常生活习惯和方式.The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle

龙岗区19183685456: “日常生活”用英语怎么念? -
陶清奇迈: everyday life 或者是 daily life

龙岗区19183685456: 求日常应用英语求一些日常生活中常用的英语句子,就比方有以外国人准备到自己家里住一段时间,以及一起参观旅游等时候能够用到的,比较常用的,关于... -
陶清奇迈:[答案] I've been dying to meet you.我非常非常想见到你 Tell me your story,I'm all ears.告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听I hope your idea takes wing.我希望你的想法成真I have a bottomed-down mind.我是个没有什么独到见解...

龙岗区19183685456: 日常生活用用的英语单词. -
陶清奇迈: 1.卧室blanket 毛毯cushion 垫子quilt 被子cotton terry blanket 毛巾被feather quilt 羽绒被cotton quilt 棉被bedding 床上用品mosquito net 蚊帐pillow 枕头bolster 长枕pillow case 枕套...

龙岗区19183685456: 求日常生活用的英语句子 -
陶清奇迈: 1. After you.你先请.这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下.好象现在女士不愿意你这么做,特别是那些女权主义者,我还记得这么一段话:一个女士对一个让她先行的男士说:You do this because I am a woman...

龙岗区19183685456: 英语日常生活用语(急用啊) -
陶清奇迈: . After you.你先请. 这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下. 2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住. 想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I ...

龙岗区19183685456: 有谁知道所有的日常生活用语的英语词汇 -
陶清奇迈: 最好用的一般日常生活用语英语词汇:bathtub 浴缸 hand shower 手握式淋浴器 shower nozzle 喷头 tap faucet 水龙头 plastic curtain 防水浴帘 shower cap 浴帽 bath slipper 洗浴用拖鞋 bath mat 防滑垫 towel hanger/holder 毛巾架 towel ring 毛巾环 ...

龙岗区19183685456: 写生活日常 用英语 50到100个单词 很简单就行了不要特别复杂要三篇 谢谢 -
陶清奇迈: 正在使用发音 Fish life August 17th sunny A few days ago, my mother bought two small goldfish. A lovely and flexible, a delicious and lazy to move. Before long, that cute and flexible little goldfish belly up, like a ball of gas leakage on the surface of the ...

龙岗区19183685456: 日常生活英语短语,比如“该起床了”“吃饭了” -
陶清奇迈: 该起床了It's time to get up 吃饭了For dinner 请坐Please sit ;Sit down, please 该睡觉了 It's time for bed 你在干什麽What are you doing 知道了 got it roger i see 我想喝水I want to drink water 过来Come over 我饿了I'm hungry 我想看电视I want to watch TV

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