
作者&投稿:申钟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He walks, sings at the same time
She knits while watching TV
The teacher is doing as he said.
She said while she crying

朋友,在英语中,“一边....一边....”的表达一般用when 来表示,在做什么的时候同时做什么。
例如:I was often singing when reading books.
此外,用as亦可以的。例句: Dick whistled as he worked. 迪克 一边 干活 一边 吹着口哨。


example: your desk is beside mine.
example: she is standing by the table.
3.在旁边 beside
强调是在左边或者右边 on the left/right side of
4.next to

example: your desk is beside mine.

example: she is standing by the table.

在旁边 beside
强调是在左边或者右边 on the left/right side of

on the side of ...


一边……一边 怎么用英语说啊
at the same time while

simultaneously或者 sb was doing sth while sb was doing sth 英语教师团为您解答, 谢谢采纳!

do while do

一边...一边 英文该怎么读?
给你接个例句吧 Groan out a sad story 一边呻吟一边讲一件伤心事 She sang As she worked.她一边工作一边唱歌。The farmer whistled as he milked.农夫一边挤奶一边吹口哨。I'll look at it while drinking my tea.我一边喝茶一边看。Life must be lived as we go along.生活得一边过一边瞧!T...

在另一边的英文:On the other side。双语例句:1、确保在另一边与他们会合。Make sure to meet them at the other end.2、在另一边有一堆快燃尽的篝火。But on the other side , a large fire had almost burned itself out.3、约翰.阿尔内.里瑟补上了这个位置,还有艾比路亚在另一边取代了...

on the other hand

爱在海的另一边 用英语怎么说?
Love lies in the other side of the sea .

一方面...另一方面...用英语怎么说?(除了on one hand 和for one thing...
还可以说成 one side...the other side.one side...the other side.意思是,一方面...另一方面;一边...另一边;一面...另一面。例如:1、方面会使你长高,另一方面会使你长矮.意思可能是这种东西或者什么的会有副…One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make yo...

工程师一边讲解,一边画出他所设计的机器的草图。Mrs Smith watched Soloman with the tail of her eye as she talked to Lady Trevor.史密斯太太一边跟特里弗尔夫人谈话一边偷眼看着所罗门。A side exactly equal to others.等边同其它边完全相等的一边 Groan out a sad story 一边呻吟一边讲一件伤心...

朋友,在英语中,“一边...一边...”的表达一般用when 来表示,在做什么的时候同时做什么。例如:I was often singing when reading books.此外,用as亦可以的。例句: Dick whistled as he worked. 迪克 一边 干活 一边 吹着口哨。请采纳,谢谢支持下!

江源区17377525550: 1.在……一边2.在……另一边用英语怎么说? -
挚砌特比:[答案] on one side of ... on another side of

江源区17377525550: 英语翻译在…的另外一边 -
挚砌特比:[答案] on the other side of . 在街道的另外一边,有一棵年夜树. On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在房子的另外一边,有些向下的台阶通向大海. On the other side of the house there are some steps leading down to the sea.

江源区17377525550: 在……的一边的英语是什么 -
挚砌特比: 1.beside example: your desk is beside mine.2.by example: she is standing by the table.3.在旁边 beside 强调是在左边或者右边 on the left/right side of4.next to

江源区17377525550: 1.在……一边2.在……另一边用英语怎么说? -
挚砌特比: on one side of ... on another side of

江源区17377525550: 在……的另一边的词组有哪些,英语 -
挚砌特比:[答案] on the other side 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳, 如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

江源区17377525550: 在……的另一边用英语怎么说? -
挚砌特比: 应该是on the other side of...

江源区17377525550: 在....的左边用英语怎么说 -
挚砌特比: 在....的左边的英文:On the left of... left 读法 英 [left] 美 [lɛft]1、adj. 左边的;左派的;剩下的 2、adv. 在左面 3、n. 左边;左派;激进分子 短语: 1、turn left v. 向左转 2、left and right 左右 3、left hand 左手 4、left side 左侧 5、left over 剩余,留...

江源区17377525550: “一边……一边”,“先……再”等英语怎么说呢? -
挚砌特比: 一边一边:when,while,at the same time 先 再:先嘛first 再嘛furthermore 不但而且:not only... but also... 与其 不如:would rather...than..

江源区17377525550: 在.....的另一边用英语怎么说 -
挚砌特比: 1.the other way2.over there3.on the other hand4.on other side5.on the opposite side

江源区17377525550: 英语中的 一边……一边 如何表达 -
挚砌特比: they are driving while talking

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