问一些英语问题,请帮我回答并每个题做一下解析!Thank tou very much

作者&投稿:检纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙做一下这道英语题。thank you very much。~

What did you do this morning?
Mary didn't do her homework last night.
Did the farmers grow apples last year?

Did Jim milk a cow?
What did he do at home?
She was in the library?
They had a good time in the park?
Jane took a lot of photos on the farm.

A 因为问题问的是现在时,所以是现在父亲正在睡觉。父亲昨晚工作了一整夜,用一般过去时,表示一个事实。
B have ... in common表示有。。。相同点。
C 意思是我想要多摆一个叉子在桌子上,回答了问题的现在正在做什么。
C 表示适合做一个程序员,如果用is proud of应该是is proud of being a programmer, B选项意思不对。
C 谓语是has所以用单数,each of 是固定搭配,every直接加名词。
C 意思是一个为期十天的假期,要用冠词,如果选B应为 ten days' holiday。
A it takes + 一段时间 + to do sth 是固定用法。
A 是一个在家庭中比较的关系,谁回来最晚。


1 答案是A was watching。因为当电话响起的时候是过去的某一时刻,表示某人在过去某一时刻正在做什么事情要用过去进行时。
2 neither of 是表示提到的两个人都不怎么样。如,Neither of my sisters drinks coffee。表示两个妹妹都不喝咖啡。
3 He no longer like to play with David.
He doen't like to play with David any longer.
4 I think you are right.
5 why not 后面确实是接动词原形,但是可以在动词前面或者后面加副词,而且just只能放在动词前面。
6 这个句子是祈使句,所以可以用动词原形。
7 what for 本身就是一个单独的短句,所以只能像这样造句 What for? Your english is as good as mine.
8 be strict in 是指在什么方面要求很严格;而be strict with 是说对某人要求很严格。
9 Just wait and see.或者 let it happen.

英语 语法问题,有深度,请求帮助,谢谢
1.Have the flowers being watered by him?2.The house is going to be pulled down by them.3.It is bound to be found by them.4.The names will have to be written clearly by you.5.The second item on the agenda should be dealed with right away.6.How many people is going ...

1.My mother and I were taking photos in the park the day before yesterday.2.my friend and i were playing games yesterday moring.3.jim went fishing with his friends yesterday noon .4.jim was ...

第一题:to do sth表示还没有做,doing 表示已经发生过的事 。帮助他做作业已经做过了 所以用doing 第2题: be是系动词 ,系动词后面用形容词 ,系动词还有feel,look等感观动词,carefully是副词 ,用在行为动词后面修饰行为动词。第3题:他认真的衡量着因空气污染而带来的健康问题和制造核武器以及...

第一篇:1.What happened to the man that night?2.Why did he laugh as the sun came out?3.What can you learn from this story?第二篇:1.Why were the wind and the sun disputing?2. Who do you think is stronger?why?3.What can you learn from this story?

第二句用完成时,可以理解成我俩碰面了,然后我知道你在了,便问,你在这呆多长时间了?2.Tom slipped into the house when no one was looking him.你的问题我不太明白,从句就是一过啊。3.Do you have any clothes to be washed today?Your hair is too long.You should have your hair ...

26 C 这里的given是 介词,意思是“由于、鉴于、考虑到”的意思.本句的意思:在缺乏经验的情况下,他们的这个工作已经算做得不错了.27C 首先非谓语动词的否定式都是在最前面加not 现在分词主动进行,过去分词被动状态 现在分词的形式 1.一般式:Do you see the man talking to the dean(主任)?...

3.cries,sometimes说明时态是一般现在时,4.My work 中work作为名词是工作的意思,是单数作为主语(复数为works)所以后面的谓语动词要加第三人称单数的“s”5.well,well通常作为副词跟在动词后面,good通常为形容词,well也用在一个人大病初愈 6。这题好像有点问题,我觉得应该是Eric is always ...

1.形物代和定冠词不能同用 2.for是介词后跟宾语用动名词 3many修饰可数名词复数,much 修饰不可数名词,a lot 不修饰名词。4.let sb do sth固定搭配 5.for表用途 6.take 在这里相当于buy买 7.这个可以用 8.one代指一个noes 是one的复数,9.take ...

rested at the bank of the (lake ) (\/) 蛇在岸边息 4.The little girl in full of ( fun )playing with the ( fan ).(\/) 那小女孩尽情尽兴地玩扇 (此句无主语)5.The mother often sings the English ( songs )for her (son).(\/) 那位母亲经常给他儿子唱英文歌。

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徵栏地氟:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

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徵栏地氟:[答案] 1 The Spring Festival is the lunar new year of China ,it is a big date.2 We make dumpings ,do shopping for year's goods3My best friend is a girl who study very hard and once didn't speak to near 3 yea...

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徵栏地氟:[答案] 1.What do you think are the things that contribute to a successful marriage?fist one is the comprehension ,get better to know each other and try to forgive the mistakes.second one is space,no need to ...

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徵栏地氟:[答案] I like classic. It show me up.No I can't.My fingers are out of control.Golden old. I've a aged heartI don't think music could narrow down the generation gap. The gap is gap!There is no adv/disadv of p...

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徵栏地氟:[答案] 心水一版本 问题题号1 see to it that = see that = make sure that = ensure that 要注意使...;务必要... see to it that 中的to 是介词,后面不能加do. 形式主语、形式宾语it. (1) appreciate/dislike/hate/like/love/make+形式宾语it+由if或when 引导的宾语从句. ...

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徵栏地氟:[答案] 1.open,could类似于can,后面跟动词原形2.前面有now,所以后面跟进行时is ordering(这个不是很确定)3.cries,sometimes说明时态是一般现在时,4.My work 中work作为名词是工作的意思,是单数作为主语(复数为works)所以...

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巴中市18925475295: 问一些英语问题,请帮我回答并每个题做一下解析!Thank tou very much -
徵栏地氟: 1 答案是A was watching.因为当电话响起的时候是过去的某一时刻,表示某人在过去某一时刻正在做什么事情要用过去进行时.2 neither of 是表示提到的两个人都不怎么样.如,Neither of my sisters drinks coffee.表示两个妹妹都不喝咖啡....

巴中市18925475295: 快来帮我回答以下英语问题我妈让我快做这些题请英语高手们,帮我回答以下了 谢谢 ,全是选择题如果这些题全对 ,我会追加50分的1._____a pencil,a pen ... -
徵栏地氟:[答案] 第一题:A(首先这是there be句型,后面又是一支铅笔所以用there is)第二题:B(当回答我和某人时,把某人放在前面是有礼貌的表现,而我变成me是因为see这个谓语动词后面要加宾语,所以是joy and me ) 第三题:D(回答应...

巴中市18925475295: 一些英语问题啊啊...帮帮我哦!!! -
徵栏地氟: (1).Miss Tang ---was terrified of------- flying on an airplane for the first time. (2).She----is interested in-------shopping all the time.

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