
作者&投稿:羿盾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.这是一个省略了连接词的强调语句,It's high/right time + 从句,相当于省略了that。但个人感觉这个答案很不好,英语里面没有如此拗口的表达方式。

1.首先,regret to do要记住是“很遗憾”而不是“很后悔”,于是就是B了……
4.实话说,我再看到这问题的时候被silhouette雷到了……这得是多少的单词量才有的单词啊……silhouette的确有轮廓的意思,但是 1.生僻 2.要表达的是突出(轮廓)的意思。silhouette……囧


注意;名词;attention,动词短语;pay attention to(其中to为介词,后接名词或动词的ing形式)
尽最大努力:do one's best,try one's best
阻止;stop you, oppse you
(stop you doing sth;阻止你做某事)
坚持写日记:insist on writing daries
keep on writing daries
做得更好:do much better
与...无关:have nothing with...

第一题:to do sth表示还没有做,doing 表示已经发生过的事 。帮助他做作业已经做过了 所以用doing
第2题: be是系动词 ,系动词后面用形容词 ,系动词还有feel,look等感观动词,carefully是副词 ,用在行为动词后面修饰行为动词。
第3题:他认真的衡量着因空气污染而带来的健康问题和制造核武器以及修铁路付出的代价。应该用against 因前后两者是对立的
第4题:当前面提到的人或物是以具体的名字出现时,后面再提到不用the ,或者是因为习惯问题,在说外语的国家,在日常生活中说话实际是不那么按语法,就像我们说汉语一样,有时不太遵守语法。(这个不太确定)
第5题:promote the communication of culture between east and west
6 :experienced prefered

7:Nowdays,great number of companies take the conception of digitizing management,you have less chances to be hired if you have not received the high school education

to help肯是不可以的 (and)helping

be 后面接adjective而不是adverb 所以是careful

我觉得答案应该是the former latter

boost the omnunications of culture between china and western

experienced prefered

Nowdays,great number of companies take the conception of digitizing management,you have less chances to be hired if you have not received the high school education

1、Asia(形容词)asian 2、warm(反义词)cold 3、meet(同音词)meat 4、it(所有格)its 5、print(名词)print本身有名词含义,也可用printing 6、Europe(形容词)european 7、final(副词)finally 翻译:8、秘书 secretary 9、经理 manager 10、大学 university 11、在你书桌上的包里 in you...

1、Richard failed the French paper. <变一般疑问句> Did Richard fail the French paper?2、The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.<对the guy next to me提问> Which man wrote his name at the top of the paper?3、He sat ...

1、They are flying kites.2、Listen,the kids are singing songs.3、Look,my mother is washing clothes now?4、Are the boys running on the playground?5、Listen,Sarah and Mike are reading books.6、It's 10:00.The babies panada are sleeping.这几个...

〔选C,has gone to表示“已经去了某地(现在不在这里)”,符合题意。has been to表示“(曾经)去过某地”,与题意不符。而had been to,had gone to本身时态与题目不相符。〕A. has been to B. had been to C. has gone to D. had gone to 4.— Do you think Brazil will beat Ja...

我英语不大好所以有些题目不会希望大家帮帮忙一.根据首字母提示写单词1.Shes___histroublesaswellashisjoys.2.LeiFeng,YangLiwei,etc.theyareallm___forourstudents.3.Lifeinthespace... 我英语不大好所以有些题目不会希望大家帮帮忙一.根据首字母提示写单词1.She s___ his troubles as well as his joys.2....

1.People don't like the dry climate winter.2.There is going to be a maths test tomorrow morning.3.My mother thinks my bed is uncomfortable.She will buy me a comfortable one.4.Comouters will be light (because they are very small).对括号部分提问 Why will computers be light?

并且习惯说法是which to choose 不是 to choose which 一般item只能用which,因为已经确定了是item这种东西,哪一个的意思,what只能用在不确定的东西上,是什么的意思,如what to eat,which country 6 C set out 出发 got up 起床 arrived 到达 started 只能用作 started the journey, 不能...

1.My grandmother watch TV at night.(W )My grandmother watches TV at night.--- 主语是单三人称,谓语要用单数。2.Tigers like meat.(R )--- Tigers用了复数,主语用复数形式。3.I don't have breakfast this morning.(W )I didn't have breakfast this morning.--- 在英语中,说到...

1.what are your weak points. 这道题是不是是your?翻译:你的弱点(缺点)是什么。2.when she is nervous,she does nothing but eat.翻译:当她紧张的时候,她除了吃东西什么都不做。3.don't interrupt me while i'me busy!翻译:当我在忙的时候不要打扰我。He wonderes why the boy ...

1. I like going to the movies with my friends. 我喜欢和朋友一起去看电影。(和不定式1意思差不多)Thanks for joining us. 感谢你和我们在一起。2. I enjoyed reading your "What's Cool" article in the school magazine. 我喜欢阅读校杂志上你的什么是酷的文章。We had great fun ...

邹城市13925182649: 我英语上有几道不会的题目麻烦各位大侠啦用所给单词的适当形式填空Aunt Mary is - __ - (experience)in looking after children.He always makes - ___(借口)... -
脂贴适洛:[答案] expericenced excuses behaviour to watch 单项选择 B D A D 同义句转换 is the meaning of all the time here and there very patient and listens so patient that she listens

邹城市13925182649: 我有一些英语问题,希望大家可以帮我解答.应该不是很难.请解答的时候各位可以告诉我选择的理由.1.It's hot in the room.Could you (open\ opening )the ... -
脂贴适洛:[答案] 1.open,could类似于can,后面跟动词原形2.前面有now,所以后面跟进行时is ordering(这个不是很确定)3.cries,sometimes说明时态是一般现在时,4.My work 中work作为名词是工作的意思,是单数作为主语(复数为works)所以...

邹城市13925182649: 我有点英语题不会,各位大虾给说下答案哈!Thanks for your help!对了,回答的时候标上题号!谢谢合作! -
脂贴适洛: 一. 综合句意,根据汉语提示填入适当的单词1.We visit an art___display____(展览)this morning2.Let's go and __ask____(问)him3.__Sometimes____(有时)he goes to school by bus 二.结合句意,根据首字母提示填入适当的单词4.My ...

邹城市13925182649: 不会做的英语习题 -
脂贴适洛: 一、(1) A (2) B (3) A (4) C (5)B 二(1)Which TV shows do you like?(2) Next month's issue you can publish my letter on it? (3)He is always thinking of others and never consider their own. (4)The sweater does not wash. (5)How do you think this ...

邹城市13925182649: 有几个英语题不会,望各位仁兄帮忙!!谢!!
脂贴适洛: hollow return whole pleasure jape repair/mend tear是动词,没有比较级或最高级

邹城市13925182649: 一堆看不懂的英语题……望各位相助
脂贴适洛: 1、really 2、twelfth 3、take to 4、can have look at5、favorite movie star is 古诗:劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人

邹城市13925182649: 老师你好,我有一道英语题不会做,望老师帮忙,谢谢!!!题是:不含助动词,be动词,情态动词的句子. -
脂贴适洛: 用一般的动词就可以.I like animals.I get up at six every morning.He plays basketball well.祈使句也可以,不过可能不符合这个题目的本意.Please help me with this problem.助动词就是do,does等等;be动词是is,am,are,was等等;情态动词就是could,should,would等等;其否定形式可直接在动词后加not,如don't,isn't,couldn't.一般的动词改否定则在前面加助动词的否定形式,如 I don't like animals.

邹城市13925182649: 有几道英语试题不会做,麻烦看到的老师指点下鄙人,非常希望能得到你的帮助,谢谢你们了 -
脂贴适洛: 1 B 考察虚拟语气结构 were to do表示将来2 A 考察条件状语从句 A表示只要的意思 供参考.

邹城市13925182649: 有几道英语题不会,请大家伸出援手帮帮吧
脂贴适洛: 外语@SOSO团队很高兴为您解答! 1.Put the books on the desk! 2.Don't ask that woman over there. 3.Today she is in a red sweater4.The man is in the room who is Kate's uncle 5.This isn't Lily's book? 希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

邹城市13925182649: 有几道英语题,需要各位高手帮忙解决下.感激不尽!
脂贴适洛: 1.很容易理解的,have sth to be done ,表示 sth和动词存在被动关系,是某物被怎么样了. 2.rise 表示声音的提高、河水的上涨、物价的上涨时等,均是不及物动词.要表达声音的提高,应为:her voice rises, have sth done 常指(让别人)把某...

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