
作者&投稿:祖威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Excuse me,Miss,can you tell me where the bank is?打扰一下,小姐,你能告诉我银行在哪儿吗?
B:Yes,the bus doesn’t go there directly.You have to take the No.26
bus for five stops and then change to a No.16 bus and get off at the
third stop.When you get off,you can see the
A:How long will it take me to get there?到那儿需要多少时间?
B:It’s about an hour.大约一个小时。
A:I see.Thank you.我知道了,谢谢。
B:Not at all.不用谢。

用流利的英语问路 - 路的种类、uber司机问答、常见回答

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bank around?
I’m trying to find the nearby bank . Could you help me?
Would you mind showing me how to get to the bank?
Could you tell me which is the nearest way to the bank?
Pardon me? Can you give me directions to the bank around here?

Excuse me, could you tell me how to go to the nearest bank around here? 或Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the nearest bank around here?...........

Do you know where is the nearest bank?

How do you get there?

A:hi,do you know how to get to the bank?
B:yes,you can go straight and crossing on the right.
A:which cross?
B:the second.
A:i still don't know,can you show me,please?
B:yes,let's go.OK,you can see,right?
A:thank you so much.
B: you're welcome.

To go to the bank, the people where the nearest bank

bus for five stops and then change to a No.16 bus and get off at the third stop.When you get off,you can see the bank.可以,但是车不能直接到那儿你得坐5站26路公共汽车,然后换乘16路公共汽车,在第三站下车后你就能看到这家银行了。A:How long will it take me to get ther...

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bank around?I’m trying to find the nearby bank . Could you help me?Would you mind showing me how to get to the bank?Could you tell me which is the nearest way...

英语口语三人对话,主题是 介绍问好再见 的内容。
Tom: Hello! My name is Tom. Nice to meet you!Jim: Hello! My name is Jim.Nice to meet you, too. I am from England, what about you?Tom: I’m from the USA. This is my friend, Mary.Jim: Hello, Mary.Mary: Hello, Jim.Jim: Are you American, too?Mary: No, I am ...

银行常用英语口语对话篇一 A:IsthereanythingIcandoforyou? 有什么我可以帮您的吗? B:Yes.I'vereceivedthisRemittanceAdvicefromthebank. 是的。我收到了你们银行的汇款通知。 A:CouldItakealookatit,please?Letmejustcheckthesedetails...right. 请让我看一看,好吗?让我检查一下内容??没错。 B:MrCKChencontac...

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银行英语情景口语对话:Meeting Foreign Guests接待外宾
对话 1 (在机场)A:您好,我是约翰·史密斯。B:我们一直在恭侯您,史密斯先生。我是中国工商银行南京分行的李林。A:哦,很高兴见到您,李先生。B:我可以帮您提行李吗?A:哦,谢谢,我自己来。B:请把它们放在车斗里,可以吗?A:好的。这样可以吗?B:可以。请系好您的安全带。我们很快...

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吉荆去乙: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to XX bank please?

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吉荆去乙:[答案] Excuse me,could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the bank around?I'm trying to find the nearby bank .Could you help me?Would you mind showing me how t...

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吉荆去乙: 你好,不止一种问法, 比如: 开始用Excuse me. 然后再问 Do you know how to go to the bank? Could you tell me the way to the bank? Where is the bank? 第二句特别礼貌,第三句是最简单的问法.望采纳.

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吉荆去乙: What's the way to the bank?/How can I go to the the bank?

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吉荆去乙:[答案] Excuse me,could you tell me how to get to...Excuse me,could you tell me the way to...Excuse me,where is ...Excuse me,do you know where is...Excuse me,Do you know where ...is

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吉荆去乙:[答案] Mrs Li:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the post office? I:Walk down Green Street,and turn right at the second crossing.there is a bank on your right.The post office is oppisite the bank.

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吉荆去乙:[答案] A:excuse me,but can you tell me how to get to the post office? B:certainly,just go down the street and turn rigt at the second cross,then you will see a bank ,and the post office is just in the opposite of it.you can't miss it A:oh,thanks so much for your help,it's...

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吉荆去乙: "You can go down the Green Streen and turn right at the third crossing ,the bank is in the front for you,the post office is across from the bank!"把分给我吧!!!!

道真仡佬族苗族自治县18951745138: 根据提示,编写一段问路的英语对话(初一水平) -
吉荆去乙: Mrs Li:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the post office? I:Go along this Green Street,turn right at the second turning.There is a bank on theh right.The post office is across from the bank. Mrs Li:Thanks. I: You're welcome. 初一的同学吧?》 across from;在..对面

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