
作者&投稿:禤差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"His father did not want to let him watch TV at night." "She tried a piece of clothing, but are not suitable items of clothing or her." "Warmer today than yesterday." "It's very fashionable clothes."

Shall we/Do we need to arrange desktops for 3 colleagues coming back from Tesco office?
give的感觉是送给人家 比较中式英语 其实原句的意思是给他们安排台式机
computers现在不太作为office用于了 多指大的那种 台式机现在多用desktop
开头处shall me or do we need to 都是可以的 看你和谁说这句话
如果是书面用或者对方职位高过你 最好用do we need to 这样正式一点
如果是同级同事间那shall we就可以了

1, But anyway, we couldn’t deny this technology is the greatest inventions in the history of mankind IT.

2, With economic development, culture, customs and habits of the gradual change, more and more people pay more attention to improving the quality of life than ever before.

3, People, especially young people can not always indulge in entertainment, we must face up to our own now, then to make a future.
4,To change this situation, we must determine to began to adjust from now on, this will be not far away from success
5 For my idea, all things have a multi-faceted. We couldn’t jump to conclusions any time, On this topic, I would like to point out a few caveats.
6. Of course, this is not enough, we still need all the support, which will encourage us to make effort to achieve better results.

1, but anyway, we admittedly this technology is the humanity information technology one of the greatest inventions of.
2, with the development of economy, culture, customs and living habits of the gradually changing, than before, more and more people pay more attention to improving the quality of life.
3, people, especially young people can't always indulge in the enjoyment of entertainment, we must face up to their own now, this will be the future.
4, if you want to change this situation, we must resolve to adjust, from now on, it will not far from success.
5, the multidimensional nature of all things, any moment cannot jump to that, talk about some of his own ideas on me. On this topic, I think the need to pay attention to the following areas.
6, of course, this is not enough, we still need support in all aspects, which will enable us to achieve better results.

1. however,it can't be denied that this is one of the most great historical invention in information technology.
2.With the development of the ecomomy, culture and custom change gradually.More and more peole pay more attention to the improvement of life quality
3.Man, espencially the young,can't always be indulged in entertainments.One needs to face ourselves presently,so we have a brightness futurely.
4.If you want to change your consition, you should make up your mind first from now.Only by that could you suceed
5.Everything has its own versatility.Never to declare sth.I can just express my own ideas. Concerning to this topic ,i'd like to give some notations beloe:
6.Certainly,it is far from what we need. We also require some powerful supports from all aspects.it will encourage us to make a further progress.

1. I had studied violin when I was a child , but now I have almost forgotten it .我小时候曾经学过小提琴,但是现在我已经几乎把它忘光了。2.Tom who had an appreciation of tropical fish experts from New York.Tom从纽约请来了一位鉴赏热带鱼的专家 3.XXX's grandfather gave him...

中翻英 几句话请求帮忙翻译
Dear Professor:My name is XXX,I am a senior student from China.Do you feel that you have any time to take a look at my essay and give me some advice.Any advice will be highly appreciated.Yours Sincerely XXX 不过是按照原文稍微翻译了一下,个人觉得原文还要做一下修改,态度要更加...

我在XX(商店)买了XX 逐字翻译(我从xx买了xx)I boughtxx from xx store 这些东西是我在XX买的 I bought these stuff from xx store(一般商店)I bought these stuff on xx (网上商店)我很庆幸我办不到。I'm so glad that I can't make it.这部电影我没看过 逐字翻译(我从来没有...

1今天下午我去你家了,可你不在(go to your house,be out)I went to your house this afternoon, but you were not in.2我买了今晚七点的电影票(ticket for the film)I bought the tickets for the seven o'clock film tonight.3你可以做Subway No 1至south shanxi road You may take the...

每天最开心的事就是见到你Every day the most joyful thing is to see you 只想快点飞奔投进你的怀抱!Want to hurry up only dash to jump into a bosom who enters you!常常一个人倚着镜子发呆 One people often stares blankly being leaning against a mirror 夜晚一个人独坐在阳台上数星星 I...

1. I plan to read\/study abroad. (纯人工翻译)2.After return back, I hope to be a translater. (纯人工翻译)3.I know that realize the ideal is a little difficult, but I will try my best to do it. (纯人工翻译)纯人工的啊,花了我10分钟呢,我都没用有道翻译。拜托采纳啊...

1.你今天晚上去北京对吗?祝你旅途愉快!\/祝你长假愉快!Is it right that you are going to Beijing tonight?Wish you have a good journey!Wish you have a good vacation!2.这部电影我看完了再还给你可以吗?Could I return you the DVD disk after I have finished it?

is there anyone else, sir ?2:you didn't betray me ,you betrayed yourself.3:you've been miserable,and you should so,just take a look at my poor car, I feel miserable every day.4:lower your weapons,we will make your death respectable.手工活啊,满意的话请采纳吧,谢谢。

1、我刚刚才看到你的留言,不好意思。2、我们以后可以保持联系。3、希望你越来越好。1, I have just seen your message, I am sorry.2, we can keep in touch later.3, I hope you get better and better.

If you are not satified, please let me know. What do you want?One yuan or 100 yuan? There are also some other products in different prices. We can design models according to the price you offer and your requirements. Therefore, you can have a reference.Our cooperation can ...

城关区14788518877: 十句中译英,在线等,急! -
柯许意速: 1.他法语讲得非常好(terribly) He speaks French terribly well. 2.我们的学校生活 活泼和令人愉快. Our school life is lively and pleasant. 3.有人正在敲门. There's someone knocking at the door. 4.当秋天来临,树叶开始掉下. Autumn coming, the ...

城关区14788518877: 求人翻译 汉译英 就几句 可加分 在线等 -
柯许意速: 大猫咪人工翻译,绝对用心.一楼机译,鄙视. 1 Here I, tog...

城关区14788518877: 急~!!在线求翻译句子,中译英!! -
柯许意速: 1.阅读的关键在于懂了多少而不是读得多快. Read the key to understand how much more quickly rather than read2.Robert burns 在诗中把他所钟情的女孩比作玫瑰花.Robert burns put him in the love poem girls than for roses.3.他的国籍和他是否是...

城关区14788518877: 中译英,请帮忙翻译以下几句话:(这个我知道,是HELLO!)很高兴认识你!你很漂亮!(漂亮的英文忘记怎么拼了) -
柯许意速:[答案] nice to meet you you're pretty beautiful

城关区14788518877: 帮忙翻译一下几句话,中翻英 -
柯许意速: It's a pleasent surprise that you wrote to me, I am willing to be your friend. I always want to have a pet dog. I think your dog must be adorable. I can teach you chinese, and we can also try communicating in Chinese.(交外国朋友请小心哦!)

城关区14788518877: 超简单中译英·,一小时之内!急求急求~!把下列句子翻译成英文:1他获奖是令人激动的消息2我越了解他,就越喜欢他3我习惯在傍晚时出去散步4据说运... -
柯许意速:[答案] 1 He won the prize was an exciting news. 2 The more I know him,the more I like him. 3 I'm used to take a walk in the evening. 4 It is said that the sports meeting will be held by the end of the month.

城关区14788518877: 急求翻译几句话(汉译英)
柯许意速: 求高手帮忙翻译,在线翻译不准确.希望高手帮忙修改或自己翻译,感激不尽!汉译英:2、威胁社会治安,加大城市管理难度南方日报曾经报道过,两位摆地摊的小商贩为了占据有利位置而互相竞争直至大打出手,两人受伤的同时还伤及了前来劝架和过路的市民.一些缺少法律意识的小商贩对前来劝告的城管工作人员也以武力对抗.例如,买早餐的商贩将翻滚的油泼到城管的脸上,烤羊肉串的用刀伤人等.类似围绕摆地摊发生的暴力事件屡见不鲜,需要引起政府城管部门的格外重视.

城关区14788518877: 求翻译几句中译英
柯许意速: 1.He jumped into the river without any hesitation and saved the drowning child. 2.Your lecture left a deep impression on all the students. 3.Miss Li goes to the hair salon every other week to maintain her hair. 4.Today the Great Wall is preserved as a ...

城关区14788518877: 急——在线等——3句话中译英——高中英语翻译高手速进——纯人工翻译请各位看到的英语高手 纯人工翻译下面的句子——不要用机器翻译!谢谢合作~~尽... -
柯许意速:[答案] 1.Those interested in participating in this contest, please sent your piece to writingcompetition@126.com via email before 22md May 2010.2. The winner will receive a beautiful gift.3. Also, the writin...

城关区14788518877: 帮忙翻译几句中译英``急` -
柯许意速: 1>在太阳底下看书,对你眼睛有害.(harm) Reading books under the sun is harmful to your eyes.(Reading in the sun 是在太阳(光)中读书...)2>人们高兴的是,苏州河不再是以前的样子了.(To one's delight.) To people's delight, SuZhou river is ...

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