
作者&投稿:频砌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求翻译成韩语 (翻译器勿入)求口语化生活化,非敬语,非诚勿扰,翻译器真的请勿回答,谢谢啦 最近总~

  최근 늘 고 고생 해 야 살 라 의 리허설 을 준비 했 고 땀 을 흘 리 며 꾸벅꾸벅 졸 기 밤새 웠 던 유니폼 하 하하.
  지난번 에 날씨 가 추 울 까, 말 했 는지 모 르 지만 당신 이 작용 한 것 으로 보 는지 기억 을 잊 어 버 렸 다.외투 를 준비 했 다.셈 선물 을 해 야 하 기 때문에 잘 집 으로 가 져 갈 지 말고 그것 을 눌러 앉 세요!!!
  있 는데 힘 들 땐 스릴 러 의 때 가 더 많다 고 는 깜짝 기 뻤 어요.너 의 진보 는 일 은 아니 지만, 모든 게 완벽 했 지만 도 노력 했 죠 (언어 능력 은 반드시 필요하다 계속 급 유 아 친 했 어...처음 역 은 이렇게 다른 무대 에서 는 지금 도 생각 꿈 만 같다.는 잘 보존 한 기억 이 있다.희망 에 대한 너 도 처 럼, 희망 하 기 나중에 생각 나 는 졸업 을 기점 으로 한 새로 운 멋 진 추억 이다.
  이 작 은 희망 을 던 것 같다 " 며 " 당신 은 타고난 성격 이 활 달 한 아이 (그래 요 를 바 꿨 다. 이제 는 성인 이 었 지만 계속 볼 의) 은 아주 침착 자중 하는 측면 만 이 간간이 조심 하지 못 해 거 드 러 나 는 개구쟁이 였 다.비록 너 에 대한 완벽 한 집착 을 내세 웠 지만 그 간혹 실수 를 자신 이 두려워 하지 말고 잘못 을 잘못 된 것 도 너무 귀 여운 이 갑 지 않다 "는 군 요.줄곧 너무 고지식하다 신중 해 오히려 했 다 는 생각 이 어 색 했 지만 손발 을 이렇게 여러분 힘 들 지?이 떠 오 르 지 않 으니 다음 이 어떻게 대응 할 때 보다 마음 에 따 라 자신 이 가장 적 나라 하 게 생각 합 시다.
  곧 결혼 기념일 까지 자린고비 는데 여기 서 만날 수 있 을지, 날 것 같다 " 며 바 쁘 게 움 직 도 항상 두려워 주인 센 데다 뒤편 에는 더 많은 행사.그러나 에 올 라서 겠 다!듯 매번 이런 얘기 를 하 면 매번 로 변 신하 면서 어려움 려고 노력 하는 사람. 나 는 키 가 틉 니 다.그러나 할 수 없 더라도 등장 할 수 있다 는 방침 을 멀리 서 데 리 고 생각 나 는 여러분 앞 에서 마음 의 축복 을 내지 는 못 할 망정 당장 내일 이 아 도 겪 을 빨리 나 타 난 다.너 도 응원 그래!

1. Construction ItemsSchedule
2.Outside Projects Schedule
3. Each Evaluation and Reconnaissance Schedule
4. Construction Items for Approval Schedule
5. Each Kind of Transfer Items Gathering Schedule
6. Remove Items Schedule
7. Construction Market Bid Statistics
8. Governments Purchase and Bid Statistics

1:I am not sure any of you who followed me can return ,but the world needs you,I can get back myself,is there anyone else, sir ?
2:you didn't betray me ,you betrayed yourself.
3:you've been miserable,and you should so,just take a look at my poor car, I feel miserable every day.
4:lower your weapons,we will make your death respectable.

1 I cannot promise that everyone who go there can be back , but the world need you.
I can go back by myself , sir.
Anyone else?
2 You didn't betray me , you betrayed yourself.
3 You're sad ,aren't you?You should be sad. Look my damn car,I feel sad everyday.
4 Put down the weapons, we will let you go with your dignity.

I cannot promise you those following me could be back alive, but the world needs you. I can be back myself, sir. who else?
you didn't betray me. you betrayed yourself.
you are upset. surely you should be so. look the dame car I was driving, I feel shame everyday.
lay down your arms, and I promise you a respective leaving.

1.你今天晚上去北京对吗?祝你旅途愉快!\/祝你长假愉快!Is it right that you are going to Beijing tonight?Wish you have a good journey!Wish you have a good vacation!2.这部电影我看完了再还给你可以吗?Could I return you the DVD disk after I have finished it?


中译英几句话 谢谢
最近忙什么呢?直译:What are you busy with recently?信中一般不这么说,意译:How is everything going?怎么不写信给我?直译: Why not write to me?意译:We have been out of touch for several months.(一般这样对方自然会回复不写信的原因)开学了吗?译:Did the new term get started...

工厂方面同意如果货物在7月24日之前到达厦门港的话就不拒收。The management agreed that if cargo before July 24 arrives at Xiamen Port not to refuse to accept.7月15日到24日之间,我方仍然会赔偿给工厂每天1万元。Between on July 15th to 24th, we will still compensate give the factory ...

1正如你所说的,当一个啦啦队员的确很酷,但也很辛苦.Just as what you said, it is cool as a rootor, but it is also hard.2我们每天都必须很刻苦地训练.We must train hardly every day.3我们的主要任务是参加各种比赛,有时也会为校篮球队加油.Our main task is to take part in...

There are three people in my family,my father ,my mother and I.Start from my father ,he is a good lawyer,and also a good father ,even a good husband. My father is a very important role in the family.Then my mother ,I love my mother best.My mother is a boss.I am ...

1 一阵风吹走了一张纸 A piece of paper was blown away by a gust of wind.2 连声说谢谢 Express thanks instantly.3 一边做……一边做…… He milked the cow as he whistled.4 踩到香蕉皮而滑倒了 ...slipped on a banana skin.5 自言自语 think aloud or talk to oneself.6 走上...

1, despite mixed to the network, but we must clear understanding to the point: the network itself is not good or bad, how people use it to determine the social value.2, the rapid development of economy will inevitably accompanied by some of the problem of morality, and the ...

1.他在电影院门口显得很窘迫,因为他忘了带电影票(embarrass)He was emberrassed standing in front of the cinema gate, as he had forgotten the ticket.2.我喜欢让我的女儿穿粉红的衣服。(dress)I like my daughter to dress in pink.3.我的英语书是用彩色的纸包的。(wrap)My English...

1.这项新技术使该公司的产量增加了1倍 This new techonology has doubled the production of the company.2.务必准时参加会议,不要迟到 Be sure to attend the meeting on time. Don't be late.3.这个年轻人每月省下一些钱,以便能够买一辆他喜欢的新车 This young man saved some money every ...

新民市13011937272: 求几句中文翻译英文(不懂得请绕行 谢谢)
濯诞阿奇: 1 I crush Jiang Shan 2我没有什么可报告 3如果这个世界上还有什么让我内疚,对不起,关心我的亲人

新民市13011937272: 请帮忙翻译几句话,中转英 软件翻译勿进
濯诞阿奇: I have been trying my best to offer you the most information I can since April 6,2010. I didn't keep these materials deliberately while creating the account. I've done what I can. Please never ask me to give anything more. And, read carefully what I've offered to you. Tell me the final result,please.

新民市13011937272: 求翻译几句中译英
濯诞阿奇: 1.He jumped into the river without any hesitation and saved the drowning child. 2.Your lecture left a deep impression on all the students. 3.Miss Li goes to the hair salon every other week to maintain her hair. 4.Today the Great Wall is preserved as a ...

新民市13011937272: 请帮忙翻译几句英语 汉译英 不要翻译器 -
濯诞阿奇: There are a lot of pockets on the backpack for tissues and meal-boxes.Stars are objects in the sky that can shine.Stars are far away from us.Only at night can we see stars.

新民市13011937272: 求翻译一段话. 中翻英
濯诞阿奇: When I was young,my teacher told me,there were a diligent goblin and a lazy goblin in one's body.When you hesitated,they would fight.The dilingent won during primary school,draw during middle school,and losed during high school.Now,I found they never fight for the dilingent one has been killed,oh shit!(粗语,还是翻译了,不要也行)

新民市13011937272: 求中文翻译英文几句话
濯诞阿奇: 1:机器翻译肯定不可以.另外,做了调整,收到邮件肯定会尽快阅读,你是否想表达会尽快答复? 2:OK,改写并增加了,加粗部分. Dear/Hi **Having received your email, I will read the attachment(附件) and reply you soon/ASAP.Thank you(一般只可对平级或下属说thank you). reply(如果你一定要说阅读,就写成read) you soon/as soon as possible(商务信函也可使用缩写词ASAP). Cheer up(一般只对平级或下属)/Best regards(无限制).Yours **

新民市13011937272: 【中译英】一句话翻译,机译勿进! -
濯诞阿奇: Perhaps, between any two related "lexical items" or "Senses" , their respective core meaning is relatively clear, but the edge or border area between the two is "fuzzy", "inaccurate" or "uncertain".翻译如上,楼主看好的话要追加分数哦.

新民市13011937272: 翻译几句话 (中译英) -
濯诞阿奇: who teaches you English?Is your teacher here or not?Almost no one of us knew him.

新民市13011937272: 汉译英!不懂勿进!跪求高手!
濯诞阿奇: 1. He was so excited that he couldn't say a word. Topic 2 2. Not much is learn bad language. Question 3 3. Human will eventually win over natural disasters. Question 4 4. She walked slowly, with antiskid down. Question 5 5. He should have to see the...

新民市13011937272: 急!求高手翻译几句英文!有赏!将以下几句话翻译一下!谢谢!1 为了理想努力就一定会成功2 学会在平凡的生活中挑战并享受3 美好的梦境令人向往4 不... -
濯诞阿奇:[答案] 1.Make great efforts to be sure to succeed right away for the ideal2.Learn to challenge and enjoy in ordinary life3.Fine dreamworld is alluring4.Not being controlled and seduced by desire5.Ought to be...

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