初一上册阅读联播 善听的鹰翻译 急急急 这是作业不会了 求助呀!!!

作者&投稿:殷春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



在高山上有一个鸟巢,里面都装满了鹰蛋。一天,一阵强烈的风摇撼了巢穴,一只鹰蛋掉了除出来。鹰蛋缓慢地滚下了山,最后来到了农场鸡舍里。那些鸡看到这个这么大的蛋都感到很惊讶。他们决定好好照顾它,所以一只老母鸡坐在蛋上,坐了一会儿。最终,一只名叫Ted的鹰破壳而出。很不幸地的是,它们一直都认为Ted只是一只鸡。它一出生就是一只外表滑稽的鸡,而且它深信自己仅仅是一只鸡。然而,每当Ted看到朝天看到在上空翱翔的雄鹰, 就露出羡慕的眼神。它多么渴望自己也能像它们一样飞翔。“不要傻了,一只鸡是不能飞的。”直到有一天,一直大鹰飞跃过农场,向Ted大喊:“你为什么不与我们一齐高飞呢?”

It is not always easy to make choices about the direction of our lives. Here
is a children story about an eagle named Ted. He had to make a choice, and
made the right one.
Way up high on a mountain was a nest full of an eagle's eggs. One day a
strong wind shook the nest and one of the eggs dropped out! It gently rolled
down the mountainside and at last came to rest in a farm where many chickens
lived . The chickens there were very surprised to see the big egg. They decided
to take care of it, so an old hen sat on it for a while.
The egg finally hatched and an eagle , called Ted ,came out of it. It was
unfortunate the only way they knew -----as a chicken. He grew to be a
funny-looking chicken and believed he was only a chicken. However , sometimes
Ted looked up to the sky and saw eagles soaring above. How he wished he could
fly like them! When he mentioned this to the chickens , they would laught at him
and say , "don't be silly. A chicken can't fly that!"
One day
, a big eagle flew over the farm and shouted to Ted, "Why are youu not flying up
high with us?"
"I'm a chichken ,I can't fly." said Ted.
"You can! you are an eagle , not a chicken! Look at your wings .They
are the same as mine! Do as I do."
Ted hesitated , then spread his huge wings for the first time. To his
surprise, he soon found himeself soaring in the sky

Way up high on a mountain was a nest full of an eagle's eggs. One day a
strong wind shook the nest and one of the eggs dropped out! It gently rolled
down the mountainside and at last came to rest in a farm where many chickens
lived . The chickens there were very surprised to see the big egg. They decided
to take care of it, so an old hen sat on it for a while.
The egg finally hatched and an eagle , called Ted ,came out of it. It was
unfortunate the only way they knew -----as a chicken. He grew to be a
funny-looking chicken and believed he was only a chicken. However , sometimes
Ted looked up to the sky and saw eagles soaring above. How he wished he could
fly like them! When he mentioned this to the chickens , they would laught at him
and say , "don't be silly. A chicken can't fly that!"
One day
, a big eagle flew over the farm and shouted to Ted, "Why are youu not flying up
high with us?"
"I'm a chichken ,I can't fly." said Ted.
"You can! you are an eagle , not a chicken! Look at your wings .They
are the same as mine! Do as I do."
Ted hesitated , then spread his huge wings for the first time. To his
surprise, he soon found himeself soaring in the sky

怀柔区17399629154: 悦读联播初一上册的翻译!急急急急急急急急急急急! -
柏卫司悦: 你要哪一个?秋颂 Leaves All join hands and circle round While we watch the leaves fall down See them twirling to the ground,See them dancing all around,See them skipping here and there,See them flipping in the air.Autumn leaves so peacefully ...

怀柔区17399629154: 悦读联播初一上册第一课的翻译 翻译下 急~ -
柏卫司悦: 1 朋友欢迎来到南华克学校!当你开到一个新的学校,你可能会害怕,因为你担心你的学习,担心你结交新朋友,担心没有人喜欢你.那么你不用这么多担心,很多时候你不能做到每个人都喜欢你.通常总会有你立即就能熟识的人,而这些人通常也会很乐意结交你.人们怎样结交新朋友?怎样让一个人做你的朋友?有一个学生这样说道---我叫海伦.爱米和萨里是我最好的朋友.艾米是我一进幼儿园就认识的好朋友.我们当时才三岁.现在我们都14了!我喜欢艾米的乐观活泼和友好.萨利是一个文静的人,她结交朋友属于“慢热型”.可她和艾米一样好.我们都有着相同的爱好,而且我们相互倾听彼此的不快.艾米喜欢诉说,萨利喜欢倾听.我们擅长不同的学科,所以我们在家庭作业上可以互相帮助!

怀柔区17399629154: 悦读联播初一上册第一课的翻译 翻译下 急~ -
柏卫司悦: 当你开到一个新的学校!我喜欢艾米的乐观活泼和友好.艾米是我一进幼儿园就认识的好朋友?怎样让一个人做你的朋友.我们都有着相同的爱好.艾米喜欢诉说,担心没有人喜欢你.我们擅长不同的学科,而这些人通常也会很乐意结交你.我们当时才三岁,萨利喜欢倾听,因为你担心你的学习,而且我们相互倾听彼此的不快,很多时候你不能做到每个人都喜欢你.那么你不用这么多担心.可她和艾米一样好.现在我们都14了,她结交朋友属于“慢热型”,你可能会害怕.通常总会有你立即就能熟识的人.爱米和萨里是我最好的朋友.萨利是一个文静的人?有一个学生这样说道---我叫海伦. 人们怎样结交新朋友,担心你结交新朋友1 朋友 欢迎来到南华克学校,所以我们在家庭作业上可以互相帮助

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柏卫司悦: 征状貌不逾中人,而有胆略,善回人主意,每犯颜苦谏;或逢上怒甚,征神色不移,上亦为霁威.尝谒告上冢,还,言于上曰:“人言陛下欲幸南山,外皆严装已毕,而竟不行,何也?”上笑曰:“初实有此心,畏卿嗔,故中辍耳.”上尝得佳...

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怀柔区17399629154: 请帮忙翻译一下下面这段文章,很急用,拜托了! -
柏卫司悦: All salesmenare earning money by ability. Use the right way and you will get more if youpay more. In another way, it is an improvement of yourself by workin...

怀柔区17399629154: 学弈的译文(一句一句的 -
柏卫司悦: 下面是原文和翻译.记得采纳啊 【原文】弈秋,通国之善弈也.使弈秋诲二人弈,其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听;一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之.虽与之俱学,弗若之矣.为是其智弗若与?吾曰:非然也. 【译文】弈秋是全国最擅长下棋的人.让他教两个人下棋,其中一个人专心致志,只要是弈秋讲的,他都学习;而另一个人虽然在听着,可是他心里总以为有天鹅要飞过来,想着搭弓拉箭把天鹅射下来.这样虽然他同前一个人一起学习,却学得不如前一个.能说这是他的聪明才智不如前一个人吗?我说:不是这样的.

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