
作者&投稿:刀樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Our center specializes in cultural communication, and especially has a unique concept in the aspect of popularizing Chinese. The main teaching styles are as following:
1. Member activities style (party, communication, school trip, recreational activities etc.)
2. One to one tutorship style (offer the tutor according to the demand of students)
3. Small-class teaching style (stepped tutor complies with the students' specific Chinese level)
4. Interchange between Chinese and foreign language learning style (interchangeable learning between Chinese and foreign languages)
5. Examination oriented Chinese teaching style (intensive training of corresponding examination)
6. Academic exchange style (learning by relevant academic exchange)
Welcome students abroad to apply for our center, and we promise a quality service for you to easily learn Chinese well!!
Precious opportunity seldom knocks twice! It’s time to come and grasp it!

Yangzhou university introduction: located in jiangsu yangzhou university city-in yangzhou city.

Yangzhou university is jiangsu provincial focus comprehensive university.

The school has a national features six professional, has three national teaching team, 29 provinces brand characteristic, a national professional experimental teaching demonstration center, 20 of the central government and the local construction, two professional laboratory personnel training innovation mode was listed in the national post, 11 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center of basic course, have 14 door country exquisite course.

The existing ordinary full-time undergraduate 34620 people, all kinds of bo, master graduate student 7362 people.

As the first one of the doctor's or master's degree awards unit, the school has the postdoctoral research station 7, meier, a master's degree program is 54 226, bo, the master degree of 14 species;

Having the key discipline 2, national key (foster) 1, department, the subject of the key subject 11, department, provincial key (construction) laboratory 14, department, province engineering technology research center, public technology service center, provincial institute of 10, 1 achievements were awarded as national teaching achievement prize.

Excellent academic tradition, the rich cultural background, strong scientific research strength and energetic, and promote the innovation mechanism of yangzhou university has a great influence has a large number of the achievements in scientific research, social benefit is remarkable, academic influence is profound.

Yangzhou university animal science and technology college introduction: college has a long history, history can be traced back to the earliest running in 1902 by a famous modern industrialists and educator Mr Zhang create private tongzhou normal school.

In FengHuanWen, such as animal husbandry and experts of the older generation picture the lead, after several generations of hard struggle, the comprehensive strength of enhanced obviously and the same colleges in front.

The college has three animal science and animal science (animal nutrition), aquaculture, pratacultural science three bachelor's degree and a professional direction, of which animal science (including the animal nutrition) professional for jiangsu province, jiangsu province, jiangsu province professional characteristic brand professional construction point, aquaculture yangzhou university characteristics for professional construction points.

In 2010, the college has a full-time bo master graduate student (including undergraduate students), more than 700, otherwise the absentee continue to education students registered more than 700.

Yangzhou university first learn the doctoral graduate study in research in animal science and technology institute.

学院拥有畜牧学一级学科博士学位授予权,有动物遗传育种与繁殖、动物营养与饲料科学 、草业科学、特种经济动物饲养、动物发育生物学、动物生产与环境控制、动物源性食品营养与加工工程、动物与人类的运动比较科学、畜产品安全与环境控制等9个二级学科博士学位授权点。
College has animal husbandry and learn one degree course degree of architecture, dr animal breeding and genetics and breeding, animal nutrition and feed science, pratacultural science, special economic animal breeding, animal developmental biology, animal production and environmental control, animal-derived food nutrition and process engineering, animal and human movement more scientific, animal products safety and environmental control and nine secondary discipline doctoral degree authorization centers.

Have the animal breeding and genetics and breeding, animal nutrition and feed science, pratacultural science, special economic animals, animal products safety and environmental control, and 5 master's degree authorization centers and agricultural extension (breeding) for the master degree of architecture, and built the animal husbandry and learn the postdoctoral research station.

The animal husbandry and learn to jiangsu province level key discipline, the animal breeding and genetics and breeding as national key (foster) subject and jiangsu province key discipline, animal nutrition and feed science, pratacultural science, special economic yangzhou university raised animals for key discipline.

College has a genetic breeding animals and molecular design of jiangsu province, jiangsu province, jiangsu province key laboratory research demonstration base of the joint training, graduate students and built the bee product research institute, luzhou engineering research center, animal nutrition and feed engineering technology research center (the center for agriculture department designated feed and feed additive effectiveness test units), feed grasses such as research and development center, four laboratory (have) and feed factory, experimental bees field, the aquatic product research and achievements such as greenhouse base.

Attention of scientific research, technical services and international exchange work, host, "863" plan "973 project", "the national natural science funds" and so on more than 80 items of scientific research, in the research project funds for a total of more than 2000 RMB, molecular markers and animal breeding in genetic resources evaluation, animals, the protection and the use of genetic and animal breeding, quantity, embryonic biological project and breeding and animal development and genetic engineering fields such as research has made a series of innovative, and the symbolic achievements.

Livestock and poultry feed, bee products, yangzhou goose and so on many achievements after application, has obtained the remarkable economic and social benefits.

The school also and Japan, Germany and other foreign scientific research institutions established extensive academic exchanges and the scientific research cooperation relationship

When the world's only the beginning of a person you do you will never be lonely, so lonely, not because a few people, but not more than a person close to

You will never feel lonely if you are the only one in the world since the beginning. Your loneliness is because of the person who is not around you but you are lacking of a person.

You will never be lonely when there is only you at the beginning of the world, so lonely is not because of someone missing, but rather someone more who is not by your side.

If you were the only person in the world at the beginning,you will never fell longly,so your loneliness is not for lacking of a person but for the absence of someone who should around you.

问的英文单词:ask、question 、inquire 1、ask 读音:英 [ɑːsk] 美 [æsk]v. 询问;请求;邀请;要求;开价;期待 例句:May I ask a question?我可以问一个问题吗?2、question 读音:英 ['kwestʃən]   美 ['kwestʃən]n. 问题;疑问 v. ...

1. let是系动词,跟be的级别一样,有了let就可以直接加形容词或者分词了,heard就是分词。。。你这里再加to be就多余了,没人这么说。就好像你不会说“我们希望我们能被你们理解”吧,,是不是很怪~?,一般说“我们希望能被你们理解”就好了~!2. be + 介词 + 名词,,,表示时间空间方位,...

(译注:Jan Karski Award for Valor and Compassion是一个奖项,但目前尚未有权威中文翻译)她曾经拯救过的一名儿童将代表她前来领奖。(译注:以下是采访问答内容吧)问:您冒着生命危险拯救了这些孩子。答:我父亲常常教育我,当看到某人溺水时,不要问他是否会游泳,而应该立即跳下水救人。在战争期间...

1.今天我花了2小时读英语。Today I spent two hours reading English.2.我花了100元买了那件甲克衫.I spent 100 dollars on that jacket.3.昨天我在家里呆着。I stayed at home yesterday.4.12月24号你在哪。Where were you on December 24th?5.这个故事的结尾非常另人激动。The end of the...

"only adolescents will like adolescents". Yes, a teenager can only share his\/her interests with other teenager。 Due to a generation gap, adults can never understand the thoughts of a teenager. I think the reason that people say this is because of their personal experience.有不懂...

2015-12-05 一个有关英语语法的问题,高手进!!! 2015-12-05 有关英语的语法问题,高手进!!! 25 2010-08-20 高中英语语法。高人进 ,感激不尽。 3 2012-07-08 关于几个英语语法的问题,望高人指点! 2 2008-08-15 跪求英语高人进入!!!(语法,单词) 2015-11-09 英语语法问题求高人解答!!thx 2 ...

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By the way.通常放在句首的

the diploma he gaines at last.so if one with a hige diploma can't get involved into the social reality quickly, the first thing he should do is pondering if he own the ability to deserve it rather to complain that the diploma is useless.若有错误,希望可以给指出,谢谢 ...

老大 问你个问题 be done 和 done 有什么区别 怎么用? 高中英语
am\/is\/are+动词过去式 是 一般现在时 was\/were+动词过去式 是 一般过去时 will be+动词过去式 是 一般将来时 have\/has\/been+动词过去式 是 一般完成时 把这4种记住了 在看句子的时候就知道他说的是 现在 过去 将来还是已经完成的了 这4种语态 百度文库里能有例句 LZ自己看看就明白了 非...

绥德县18367671762: 急求英语达人帮我翻译一段文字,本人英文水平有限 -
寇季欣百: Time will dilite everything. I still want to say: Don't be so extreme, no impossibility but giving up. Don't say no to love for sudden impulsion, there are still many who will treat you well. Let all go by nature with a bright mind's eye.what's more, to be more ...

绥德县18367671762: 求英文达人帮我翻译一句话 -
寇季欣百: Today's temporary separation is in order to meet better tomorrow.

绥德县18367671762: 有英语达人么,帮我翻译一句话.谢谢了先.
寇季欣百: 谢谢2楼的,已经有了.DON版给的译文:“与反复尝试和错误截然不同的是,能够系统地得到PID 参数.”[:xi14:]

绥德县18367671762: 请英语达人帮我翻译一句复杂的话 -
寇季欣百: No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

绥德县18367671762: 有没有英语达人帮我翻译2句话,谢谢了 -
寇季欣百: Families with many members are going to be divided into small families and direct line families.As a result, there are more and more nuclear families. After 1949,especially after the fifities,many housewives became workers.They are economic ...

绥德县18367671762: 有没有英语达人啊,帮我翻译一句话,谢谢了
寇季欣百: 而其拥有者认为,与继续使用它是一个关键,他将继续为所有美好的日子.

绥德县18367671762: 求英语达人帮忙翻译一下
寇季欣百: I will possession entire of your heart and body ,then owned them happiness in my lifetimes . 希望能帮到你哦 记得采纳哦

绥德县18367671762: 求英语达人帮我翻译一下,中译英
寇季欣百: Woman, don't pull on me, in my eyes, you are nothing!

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