
作者&投稿:皇命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

's:译为”……的“,还是”……是“ 或者别的,要看具体的句子结构。
It's mine.它是我的。这个It's就是It is
It is my mother's. 这个mother's意思是我妈妈的
He's going to leave. 他要离开了。这里He is中的is是没有意义的,与going构成进行时,只是个助动词而已。
He's never been to Beijing. 这时He's=He has(has是个助动词,也是没意义的。加been构成现在完成时)

英[n'ju:dz] 美[n'ju:dz]
n. (绘画、照片或雕塑) 裸体( nude的名词复数 );
[例句]He was one of Australia's most distinguished artists, renowned for his portraits, landscapes and nudes.
[其他] 原型: nude

ge‧ni‧us 发音: / 'dʒiːniəs ; ˋdʒinjəs /
英 / 'dʒiːniəs /
a very high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability, which only a few people have 天才,天赋。
1)The film reveals Fellini’s genius.
2)a work of pure genius

拉丁语中“精英”另外翻译为天才 一词是:genius, geni(i) m.古典式读音:\/\\'genius\/意大利式(罗马式、教会式)读音:\/\\'dʒenius\/ 请注意:以上仅仅是这个单词的基本形式。用在具体的上下文中,很可能应该取不同的词尾变化形式(名词有12个形式)。


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In order to enpghten the educational researches and practice , this text discuss the educational theories of the enterprise and its meanings in the magna didactics , which is johann amos enius ' magnum opus 论文探讨了夸美纽斯的代表作《大教学论》中的首创性教育理论及其意义,以期对教育学研究和教...

Lord John Rushell, who was the Premier Minister of England during the period of 1846-1852, once said, 揂 proverb is one man抯 wit and all men抯 wisdom.?The great writer Francis Bacon also spoke highly of proverbs, 揋enius wit and spirit of a nation are discovered by their proverbs.?An...

融水苗族自治县19157298967: henius翻译 -
厨人景怡宝: genius.ge‧ni‧us 发音: / 'dʒiːniəs ; ˋdʒinjəs / 英 / 'dʒiːniəs / 释义:a very high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability, which only a few people have 天才,天赋.例句:1)The film reveals Fellini's genius.这部影片展现了费里尼的天赋.2)a work of pure genius 天才之作.

融水苗族自治县19157298967: 一个简单的英语词谢谢 -
厨人景怡宝: genius 天才1. 天资,天赋,才华[U] She has genius.她有天赋.2. 天才,英才[C] Einstein was a great scientific genius.爱因斯坦是一个伟大的科学天才.3. 才能,才干[S] [(+for)] He has a genius for getting along with children.他擅长与孩子们打成一片.

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