历史重演了 英语翻译

作者&投稿:澄平 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

re-act of history

I am really scared,of once will it come again!(倒装+句子分割)

History repeated itself.


History repeats itself. 中文也可译为历史总是惊人的相似。

History has repeated itself.

history repeats itself

History has repeated

许昌县19877074372: 历史重演的英文怎么翻译 -
错晶心荣: re-act of history

许昌县19877074372: “历史往往重演”英语翻译? -
错晶心荣: 你好是: History repeats itself.

许昌县19877074372: “重新演绎”英语怎么说 -
错晶心荣: Re-interpretation

许昌县19877074372: 英语翻译:我很害怕,害怕又会重来一次(历史重演之意) -
错晶心荣: I am really scared,of once will it come again!(倒装+句子分割) 蛮深的,希望你能理解 就是双重强调

许昌县19877074372: 寻求 歌曲《yesterday once more》的歌词的中文翻译. -
错晶心荣: yesterday once more 历史重演 When I was young I'd listen to the radio 是时年少 我痴守着收音机 Waiting for my favorite songs 在等我至爱之曲断 When they played I'd sing along, 其播放后 我随之吟唱 It make me smile 其令我笑然 Those were ...

许昌县19877074372: 时间将会倒流,历史也更着重演,悲剧将会重新上演 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译下 -
错晶心荣: 时间将会倒流,历史也更着重演,悲剧将会重新上演 Time will flow backwards, history will recur even more too, the tragedy will be performed again

许昌县19877074372: 英语翻译1.水是人类的生命2.水能够减缓热岛效应3.水在汽车中起到降温的作用*4.恐龙几百万年前因为食物的问题灭绝,我们不能因为浪费水,而将历史重演... -
错晶心荣:[答案] 1 Water is the life of human beings. 2 Water can help to relieve heat island effect. 3 Water play the part of reducing the heat in the car. 4 Millions of years ago the dinosaurs died out because of the food,we can not waste water,or the history will repeat it. ...

许昌县19877074372: 翻译 Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up.
错晶心荣: 每一次历史重演,代价都会增加.

许昌县19877074372: 历史有着惊人的相似 英文怎么翻译 -
错晶心荣: 历史往往有惊人的相似之处. Astonishing parallels can often be found in history 历史有时似乎会重演.History sometimes seems to repeat itself.

许昌县19877074372: History repeated again and again, which made me tired 翻译下
错晶心荣: 历史不断重演,我好累

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