
作者&投稿:满子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

suggest sb doing sth建议某人做某事是固定的

1 D(HOURS 是可数名词,所以要用A FEW 修饰)
3 C (THINK 后的宾语从句的否定要前移)

38. I ______ any help .I can manage it myself.
A.needn't B.needn't to C.don't need D.don't need to 
need, dare这两个词既可以作情态动词,又可以作实义动词。要特别注意。
need 作情态动词时,多用于非肯定句,用法和其它情态动词如can, must 一样,不过,主要用于否定句多一些,needn't do sth. 即needn't 后直接跟动词原形。这里的any help (有的用your help) 是名词词组,所以可以排除A和B。
need作实义动词时,类似于want 你可以将它和你熟悉的want的用法联系起来,其否定句是用助动词do的,解don't need to do sth. 或don't need sth. (对比:don't want to do sth. / don't want sth.)
根据any help是名词,排除D,选C。

36 A 继续
38 C (不需要帮助) 注:NEED 作实义动词后接名词或动词不定式(TO DO ),作为情态动词时后接动词原形
39 A 前后时态一致。


ACA 我做过的,听我的没错。


都是A A A


1、The com grows well this county,( ) in this field.A.especial B.especially C.special D.specially 答案选B.especially adv. 特别;尤其 2、I'm ( ) to music.A.hear B.hearing C.listen D.listening 答案选 D.listening 我正在听音乐。3、What colour is you...

1. Every student has to carry ___bag.A.hers own B.his own C.their own's D.one's 答案:B 翻译:每一个学生都得带上他\/她自己的包。解析:固定短语:one's own + 名词,意思是“某人自己的某物”,排除CD;其中one's指的是形容词性物主代词,排除A(hers是名词性物主代词)。2...

正确答案如下:( A )1.Wewill go to the SummerPalaceit does not rain tomorrow.A) if B) and C) but D)however ( D )2. It is the third time that the boy .A) was late B) is late C) will be late D) has been late ( B )3. We won’t be able ...

1. I have told you the truth. ___ I keep repeating it?答案是A: Must; 前面“已经”说明事实,我还“必须”不断重复吗 2. Parents ___ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.答案是A:attach;单词意思在这里是赋以 整...

☆☆4道高三英语的选择题 求详解哈!
1.I wonder why Ann didn‘t get___ the job.She is the right person for it.A.to be offered B .to offer C .offering D.offered 【错选B 正确D】译:我感到纳闷,为什么Ann没得到这份工作。她可是做这份工作的最佳人选啊。析:此题考查另类被动语态。被动词态的基本结构是助动词be+及...

2、.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning. A.in B. on C. at 选A。in the morning 在早上 汤姆和玛丽在早上喝牛奶,吃面包。 3.Does it ___in Guangzhou? A. raining B.rains C.rain 选C。rain 下雨。前面有助动词does,所以后面只要用rain就可。广州下雨吗? 4.The ba...

1.plan to do sth.【答案选A】2.how to do sth.【答案选B】3.完成式,be用过去分词been,yet用于疑问句 【答案选B】4.be going to do表示将来,别的选项都不构成句子 【答案选B】5.完成式可以表示持续一段时间,用介词for+一段时间 【答案选A】6.in...city城市用介词in 【答案选B】7...

【选择】A, must have been 【解析】本题的先是作出让步肯定地说“她认为一定有个人在对面的人行道上说话”,接下来话锋一转又说(对此事不能保证),所以可以看出此处是对过去情况的肯定判断,而不是可有可无的B, should have been (应该有),C. would have been(有可能有) . D. might ...

答案解析:在信封上面用介词 on 答案为B A:___does Jack do?B:He is designer.A.What B.How C.Where D.Which 答案解析:对职业提问用 what 答案为A The___makes it easier for postmen to deliver letters.A.signature B.postcode C.title D.date 答案解析:邮政编码,...

所以其标准答语中必然用will,可以排除AB;2)固定短语:live to be + 基数词 + years (old) = live for + 基数词 + years,其意思是“活到...岁\/年”。即:live to be 50 years (old) = live for 50 years 所以,排除C,正确答案为D.参考资料:英语牛人团团员 ...

吴旗县18892078494: 3道英语选择题~~急1.Ted has never spent a - __ - day.A.more worry B.most worried C.most worrying D.more worrying选:D问:老师讲adj最高级前要有the 但... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 问题补充: 4.It is _____ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. A. a so unusual B. such an unusual C. so unusual D.such unusual 选:B 问: 其余三个哪不对 work of art 艺术品——这是可数的. CD就不行了. such an unusual work of art=so ...

吴旗县18892078494: 3道选择题,(英语的,请帮忙)1.With the help of the Internet,news can - ___ - every corner of the world.A.go B.get C.reach D.arrive2.The novel is - ____ - ... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 1.D.因为get和arrive,go都是不及物动词,后面应该加跟介词. get to ,arrive at/in ,go to等形式都可以使用.但没有介词时直接加地点是不合适的. 翻译:通过互联网的帮助,信息得一到达世界的每一个角落. 2.B.这是一个固定搭配,be worth doing sth.表示...

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羊哗先强:[答案] 1.A 2.D意思是:在那位主播上了船之后,他们驶离了港湾.(既然又有人上船,加上开船迎接的人,应该多于一个人,所以选择they) 3.D

吴旗县18892078494: 英语三道选择题求解答1 Do you need any help , Lucy?Yes. The job is - ____ - I could do myself.A less than B more than C no more than D not more than 2 I was... -
羊哗先强:[答案] B more than 超过 “这份工作超出我能力所及.” A what 引导感叹句在此语境中充当宾语从句 D 怀疑你D项打错了,应该是:would get 过去将来时态. 仅供参考.

吴旗县18892078494: 求帮忙设计三道英语选择题,现有题目也可以,有要求都是三个选项第一题:正确答案是“proclaim”,时态可变,选项词都有词根:claim,例如:de[claim]... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 1 His supervisor asked him to ___ his departure for home because his paper was not so well- done. A. infer B. prefer C. defer. D. refer. 答案:C A. infer 推断 B. prefer 更喜欢 C. defer 推迟. D. refer 谈及. 2.The investigatiors ___ for lunch. A process B ...

吴旗县18892078494: 3道英语选择题,望详解.103.---I think he lives - ___ - No.386 West St.---Are you sure - ___ - that?A.at ,/ B.in ,of C.in ,about D.at ,of145.I turned back only to find ... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 103.Clive in居住在...:be sure of...确定...句意:--我想他住在西街386号.--你确定吗?145.D过去分词表示被动.根据后面的by group of beggars可以推断,需用被动形式.句意:我刚一转身,发现我被一群乞丐跟着.147.A a...

吴旗县18892078494: 三道英语选择题,要理由1.Make a mark_______you have any questions.A.whichB.in whichC.whatD.where2.He doesn't know_______to stay or not.A.whetherB... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 1.D 定于从句,从句缺少状语 意思是 在你有问题的地方做标记 2.A whether ...or not whether与or连用,引导状语从句 不管是.... 不管我们能否找到所需的工具,我们要把这件工作做下去. 不能选if 因为if 后面不能接or not 我的中考英语成绩是142(满分...

吴旗县18892078494: 3道英语单选题 1.Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like_______working here.A.with B.at C.about它说是“关于在这里工作,我.” 为什... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 1.这里的选项与定语从句I like 无关.它与working here连在一起,构成整个句子的状语,把它变为:About working here,modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like.再变为:About working here,I thi...

吴旗县18892078494: 三道英语选择题.要原因.1.We all think that this young man deserves - ___ - .A.to be praised B.praising C.to praise D.being praised2.I was reading a dook - ___... -
羊哗先强:[答案] 1.A deserve to do 是固定结构,用 to be praised表被动 我们都认为这个年轻人值得被表扬. 2.B 首先从语义上认定为时间状语从句 “当我的一个老朋友来访时我正在读书” 其次从句中的 came 是非延续性动词,不可以用while 3.A 用现在进行时的被动...

吴旗县18892078494: 问3道英语选择题1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive2.What( )has been finished.A.will ... -
羊哗先强:[答案] C 因为浇水的动作用将来时,所以存活下来的动作也用将来时 B 被动语态只有这个了 A 被动语态的只有AD 但 must 要跟动词原形 不带to

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