
作者&投稿:梁庆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题


( A )1.Wewill go to the SummerPalaceit does not rain tomorrow.
A) if B) and C) but D)however
( D )2. It is the third time that the boy .
A) was late B) is late C) will be late D) has been late
( B )3. We won’t be able to leave the office until therain .
A) will stop B) stops C) stopped D) is stopping
( 4.) I’d like to introduce you James Stewart, the new manager of ourdepartment.
A) to B) with C) of D)in
( A )5. She is a famous movie star, and her parentsare of her.
A) proud B) happy C) glad D) surprised
( B )6. So loudly that the audience in the back heard himclearly.
A) does he speak B) did he speak C) he speaks D) he spoke
( D )7., a friend of Mrs. Black found thewatch she had lost two days before.
A) Especially B)Usually C) Generally D) Fortunately
( C ) 8.Idon’t know how this problem.
A) do B) to do C) tosolve D) solve
( B )9.We on this project for over a month now.
A) has been working B) have been working C) are working D) are goingto work
( C )10.We talked for more than four hourswithout a cup of tea.
A) to have B) having C)have D) had
( D )11.In our company, great changes since the new manager came.
A) took place B) take place
C) will have taken place D) have taken place
( C )12.This company has two branches: onein Paris and in New York.
A) another B) one other C) theother D) other
( B )13.She didn’t hear the door bell. Shewas­­theradio.
A) hearing B) listening to C) listento D) to listen
( C )14.We will have to pay them a large of money for their service.
A) size B) set C)amount D) series
( B )24. I’d appreciate it if you could tell mehow the machine.
A) operation B) to operate C) operating D) operated

25. Please remember ( to lock) the door when you leave.

26.Thiscourse ( is designed ) as an introduction to the subject.
27.The new (national)museum will beopen to the public next week.
28.My impression is that the sales of this company has ( great )
increased this year.
29.TheMay 4th Movement (took)place in 1919s.
30.It is quite difficult for me ( to decide)who should be given the job.
31.Ateam of nurses assisted the doctor in ( performing ) the operation.
32.The witness gave us a ( particular )account of what happened.
33.Jim was (attracted) to the Italian girl.
34.It was not, in all ( honesty ), a very good start.


在公基部分判断题共20道题(0.75分\/题,共15分),多项选择题共10道题(1.5分\/题,共15分),单项选择题共10道(1分\/题,共10分)。3职业能力测试 职业能力测试主要是由言语理解与表达(共10道题,1分\/题,共10分)、数量关系(共20道题,1分\/题,共20分)、资料分析(共10道题,1分...

你好:第一题:先执行循环体:b-=a; a++;b=b-a=10-1=9,a=2,再判断条件:b--<0 b=9>0 然后b-- (注意无论判断条件是否满足,都执行),b=8 第二题:答案错了,应选D 程序应该这么看:int a=3,b=2,c=1;int x=10,y=20;if(ab就不满足条件,所以下面的不执行!if(b!=0)...

单项选择题由15道四选一的选择题组成,主要考查各类别参赛者在本类别内英语学习中所应掌握的词汇及语法知识,以及对参赛者对于英语母语国家基本文化知识进行考查。包括A词汇语法选择题,B风俗文化选择题。3、完形填空题 完形填空试题由一个英文篇章组成,共包含10道小题,每小题计1分,总分为10分。本...

题目:在本赛季中,CBA上届冠军北京队惜败山东队,遗憾地止步于半决赛,但马布里和队员们已经尽力,广大球迷们不应求全责备他们的表现疑惑:这道题用求全责备...三、本大题共4小题,共25分。10. 把上文中画波浪线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(4分)①古闻是语,今乃有是事乎②江不能舆,亦步行11.用斜线(\/)给下面...

( ) 二、单项选择题(共10道题,每小题2分,共20分。请从四个备选答案中选择1个最恰当的答案,将正确答案前的字母填到题目中的括号内,多选、漏选或误选均不得分)1.绩效循环一般包括三个阶段,( )阶段不属于绩效循环。(A)制定SMART目标(B)通过目标来监督成功(C)评估目标(D)通过目标来检测成功2.彼得·圣吉...

一、多项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分) 1. 函包括 等种类。 A. 商洽函 B. 询问函 C. 答复函 D. 请示函 E. 周知函 知识点:第四章国家行政机关公文写作学生答案:[A;B;C;D;E;]标准答案:A;B;C;D;E;2. 议案的特点包括 等。A. 制作主体的法定性 B. 内容的特定性 C. 时限性 D. 形式的艺术...

第二部分为听力理解A讲座,10道题,B对话,10道题,共计20分。考试时间大约为20分钟。第三部分语言知识,1道题1分,共20道题,总分为20分。第四部分完形填空,1道题1分共10道题,总分10分。需要大约15分钟。第五部分阅读理解,A 选择题+B 简答题,共15题,总分20分。考试需25分钟。第六部分...

求文档: 2009--2010年北京石景山区初三语文二模试卷及答案
第Ⅰ卷 (共60分) 一、选择题。下列各题均有四个选项,选出符合题意的一项。(共10分,每小题,2分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音有错误的是: A.订正(dīng) 暗礁(jiāo) 扣人心弦(xián) B.剔除(tī) 祈祷(qí) 买椟还珠(dú) C.字帖(tiè) 魁梧(而) 深恶痛疾(wd) D.赈灾(zhèn) 暂时(zàn) ...

单项选择题由15道四选一的选择题组成,主要考查各类别参赛者在本类别内英语学习中所应掌握的词汇及语法知识,以及对参赛者对于英语母语国家基本文化知识进行考查。包括A词汇语法选择题,B风俗文化选择题。3、完形填空题 完形填空试题由一个英文篇章组成,共包含10道小题,每小题计1分,总分为10分。本...


宁明县19143223606: 10道英语选择题,英语好的来1 .The grass has grown so tall that it needs - ____.( 1 )分 1.cutting 2.to cut 3.being cut 4.cut 2 .Do you consider it any good - ___ - ... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] 1,4,2,2,4,3,1,3,1,4

宁明县19143223606: 十道英语单选题一、单选题 1、I'm Chinese.Where - ____ - from?A.do you B.are you C.you come 2、The time is 9:40.It's - _______.A.forty to nine.B.nine ... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B

宁明县19143223606: 10道英语选择题,悬赏100分Choose the most suitable answer and fill in the blank provides.1.Jack was laughing so - ______that his sides ached and tears ... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] Choose the most suitable answer and fill in the blank provides. 1. Jack was laughing so _______that his sides ached and tears started rolling down his cheeks. A loud B rough C heartly D hard 1.A2. Whe...

宁明县19143223606: 10道英语选择题,最好带理由解答1.Grandpa was ill yesterday,and he had ( ) sleep.A.a night bad B.a night's C.a bad night D.a bad night's2.Writing articles in ... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.Cwhm专指人,which可指人或者物 5.B这个句子中what做can的宾语,宾语从句,that在句子中不充当成分 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 有些答案是因为做的多了语感而选的,有时做对了也说不清楚原因,都是固定用法.但愿你能采纳!

宁明县19143223606: 英语选择题10道,31. Will you please tell me - _______ - A.where Pudong Airport it B.how far Pudong Airport wasC.how can we get to Pudong Airport D.... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] BCACBCCBC 好好学习英语

宁明县19143223606: 10道英语选择题. -
倪盼硫酸: 1答案都不和逻辑,应该是个时间的名词,2C,3B,4C,5B,6B,7A,8A,9D,10C

宁明县19143223606: 英语题目10道选择题第二次提问了1.My pen friend is going to visit Shenyang.And I plan - __him around.A.to show B.showed C.showing D.show2.Excuse me,... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] 1.plan to do sth.【答案选A】2.how to do sth.【答案选B】3.完成式,be用过去分词been,yet用于疑问句【答案选B】4.be going to do表示将来,别的选项都不构成句子【答案选B】5.完成式可以表示持续一段时间,用介词for+...

宁明县19143223606: 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 60 分.)V 1.___ - my way home,I met an old friend of mine.A.InB.ByC.OnD.At满分:6 分2.Look!The twins - ___ - new sweaters... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] 1—5CABAC 6-10 BBBBB 1on -in 2plicemens-policemen 4 at-on 7 si-are 8foots-feet 9who+is (其余正确) ps.不敢保证全部正确哦!

宁明县19143223606: 10道英语选择题,要答案 -
倪盼硫酸: 楼上的应该是乱答的.1. A, 作为, 2. B, so...that...如此,以致于,too..to.., to后面不可能加句子3. A,没看到你4. C, 对visited进行否定5. A, it's time to do sth,句型6. B, 周几+上下午/晚上得用介词 on7. B,有点,D的话需要是kind of8. A, 明显是过去时,如果是现在时的话,read应该有s.9. D,10. C. 如果是how的话,应该是how interesting it is

宁明县19143223606: 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 60 分.)V 1.Who taught you English last year?Nobody taught me .I taught - _____.A.meB.myselfC.mineD.I满分:6 分2.There is ... -
倪盼硫酸:[答案] 一、1-5BADDB 6-10DCDCC 二、1-5BAAAA 6-10BAAAB

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