
作者&投稿:关迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  片 名:《爱在哈佛》
  英文名:《Love Story》
  出 品:韩国SBS电视台
  上 映:2004年11月22日首播
  类 型:浪漫爱情喜剧
  片 长:十六集
  导 演:李漳洙、李振石
  编 剧:崔皖奎、孙恩惠
  金莱沅--饰金贤宇 金泰熙--饰李秀茵
  李廷镇--饰洪政敏 金 玟--饰柳珍雅
  姜男吉--饰吴英载 郑松姬--饰韩智慧










  新生欢迎会上,贤宇又遇见秀茵,和JAMES刘一个很有名的律师,贤宇在飞机上巧遇的珍雅也碰到了.聚会正热烈时,JAMES律师抓著胸口倒下了,秀茵很慌张的试图实施救助的应急措施 但……









  敬敏看到贤宇和秀茵在一起的样子火往上冒。敬敏接受了珍雅的帮助,准备类比法庭,敬敏的学习团体,展开了妨碍作战,让贤宇的小组找不到案例集。贤宇生气了,扑向敬敏,却被敬敏打了。敬敏知道贤宇是有名的金律师的儿子很慌乱。更加激起了敬敏的竞争心,开始准备决战。贤宇和朋友们很辛苦的去被害方的家裏查寻,但是没有什麽帮助。 因为瑟琪(郑素熙)的恶作剧(玩笑)贤宇得到了想法,开始抓住了线索。最后公开类比法庭开始了,敬敏拿出珍雅和JAMESLIU告诉他的事实和贤宇争论,贤宇在决定的瞬间,提出了决定性的理由赢了敬敏,贤宇和秀茵分享胜利的喜悦,敬敏则向珍雅说出了,因为贤宇的父亲,自己的父亲自杀的事实……






















  秀仁的爸爸看着垂死的秀仁,很着急,没有办法,去找贤宇,知道事情真相的贤宇飞快的跑去找秀仁,贤宇看着秀仁 很痛苦 很伤心,贤宇整完炤顾秀仁,终于秀仁醒返…另一边,贤宇向法院提出的诉讼被撤销,正民和贞儿举起酒杯祝贺,贤宇想到了向更高的法院提出诉讼的办法,jesson想除掉贤宇,到圣诞节的时候贤宇去找秀仁却在半路上遇到车祸


  贤宇伤势无大碍,不致影响日常生活,秀因这才安下惊吓的心,贾医师看过秀因的MRI结果后坚持要她再作脊椎穿刺,秀因在忍受锥心之痛下完成了检查. 秀因偷听到医师与护士对话得知自己罹患恶性淋巴肿瘤。正敏得知秀因罹病之事实. 贤宇尚未获知秀因之检查结果,而四处奔波寻访有利於案件的证据。然而,正敏这方 先一步发现目击证人而将之带走








  结婚当天,贤宇爸爸忽然出现,贤宇很高兴,贤宇爸并向秀因爸道歉并相拥新娘入场时,小妹妹认出杀死父亲的犯人而惊叫并用手指认,杀人犯被跟著贤宇来到结婚会场的刑警逮捕,而杰森逃跑,贤宇在正敏帮忙下追至机场将杰森拦住,结束最长的婚礼..两人终於有甜蜜独处时光.... 但是...





  第十六集 (大结局)





姜男吉饰吴英载 郑松姬饰韩智慧

“Love Story”是一部以美国为背景,全景立体化的描写韩国留学生的爱情和野心的剧集。剧中金来沅饰演一个虽然贫穷却性格开朗不屈服于生活的非常有魅力的男生。在这部电视剧中金莱元是出生名望家族的才子、哈佛大学法律系的韩国留学生,金泰熙也是自强自立的哈佛大学三年级学生。之外,一同出演的李廷镇和金玟更为电视剧增添了一份色彩。通过他们四人之间的故事,不仅表现了青年男女间的爱情,还要让观众们欣赏到哈佛“书呆子”的学习和生活。

世上最炽热的场所, 他们相遇了。

吱吱嘎嘎响的沉重木椅上, 几百年间慢慢被腐蚀的藏书,还有与岁月同在的许多不知名的灵魂。哈佛图书馆的灯火不会熄灭 。 那个地方的年青人们如同百年前一样在图书馆的一角通宵达旦。



Love Story in Harvard TV Series (2004)
러브스토리 인 하버드

Starring: Kim Rae-Won, Kim Tae-Hee, Lee Jeong-Jin
Director: Lee Jang-Su, Lee Jin-Seok
Genre: TV, Drama, Romance
Certification: 12
Runtime: 960mins
Production: JS Pictures
Distribution: SBS
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea


Kim Rae-Won ("My Love Patzzi", "Ing") as Kim Hyun Woo
Lee Chong Jin as Hong Jung Min
Lee Tae Hee (Stairway to Heaven) as Lee Soo In


The first half of the drama is set at Harvard (although I believe it was filmed in California because they couldn't get permission to film it at Harvard). The story is essentially about the lives of Hyun Woo, Jung Min and Soo In. Hyun Woo and Jung Min, both first year law students, are rivals in class and for the affections of Soo In. Jung Min applies himself more and as such is the favourite of Professor John Keynes. Hyun Woo, who had a hard time adjusting to the workload in the beginning, falls into the bad graces of the professor. However, Hyun Woo perseveres and eventually wins the respect of Professor Keynes and his classmates. Both men meet Soo In and fall for her. This intensifies the rivalry between them.

Lee Soo In is a poor, kind, hardworking medical student at Harvard Medical School. Her ambition is to join OEP, an organization that provides medical care to patients in Third World countries. She is charmed by Hyun Woo's cheerful, persistent, idealistic and kindhearted nature and she falls for him. However, their relationship is short-lived when her application to OEP is accepted. She tells Hyun Woo about it and he tells her grudgingly to go. So, after spending a night with him, she leaves. In the note she leaves behind, she tells him that she isn't cut out for marriage and children. He is devastated.

Hyun Woo returns to Korea after graduating from Harvard Law School and sets up his own practice. He is still as idealistic and only accepts cases he believes in. He soon gains a reputation for himself. Jung Min stayed in the US after graduation but now returns to Korea to take on a case. Soo In is also back for 2 months in Korea to conduct some research. And predictably they all meet up again.

Soo In is pleased to see Hyun Woo again but he is still angry with her. He is upset she left the way she did and that she didn't try to stay in touch with him. He doubts she ever loved him. Jung Min is disappointed that after so many years apart, Soo In still can't forget Hyun Woo. She still loves Hyun Woo but she doesn't want to resume their relationship as she will be leaving again.

Hyun Woo takes over his late friend's environmental case and finds that the opposing counsel is none other than Jung Min. They face off again. Hyun Woo, unable to let go of Soo In, pursues her again and finally she relents. They spent a happy week together and then it's time for her to leave. Hyun Woo, in contrast to his younger immature self, tells her that he will keep her in his heart, knowing that she loves him. He will wait for her until she returns, but if she doesn't, he will still continue to wait. This is the most touching scene in the drama as each tries to put on a brave face for the other. At the airport, she assures him that she will return and promises that this will be the last time they part.

On her way to her departure gate, Soo In collapses and is taken to the hospital. At the hospital, Hyun Woo is worried but she lies that she faked her illness because she doesn't want to leave him. Hyun Woo reminds her of her promise.

Jung Min is warned by his client, Jason, that anyone who gets in the way of winning his case will be dealt with. Jung Min warns Hyun Woo but he refuses to listen and is run over by a car. He survives with a broken leg. At about this time, Soo In learns that she has leukemia but she keeps it from Hyun Woo. Jung Min accidentally finds out about her illness. He goes to Jason and tells him that he will win the case but Jason must find a cure for Soo In. Jung Min bribes Hyun Woo's star witness in the case to lie that Hyun Woo had bribed him for his testimony. Hyun Woo's case is jeopardized as well as his career and reputation.

Hyun Woo finds out from Jung Min about Soo In's illness. He is hurt she didn't tell him. He proposes to her. She refuses to marry him, assuring him that she will get well on her own. He tells her that he will not forgive her if she leaves him again but she does. When she learns about his troubles, she seeks out the witness to compel him to tell the truth. He eventually does and she confronts Jung Min. Jung Min tells her that he is willing to do anything to save her life. Their conversation is overheard and reported to Jason who sends his henchman to take care of the witness. Hyun Woo, who has been visiting the witness every night to find out the truth, finds the body and becomes the chief murder suspect.

Worried for each other, Soo In and Hyun Woo reunite and promise that they will not part again. Soo In's father is reluctant to agree to their marriage as he wants to spare Hyun Woo the pain of losing Soo In should she die. Soo In assures her father she will get well and her father finally agrees. They also get the tacit approval of Hyun Woo's father who was previously opposed to Soo In. At the wedding ceremony, the witness' 6 year old daughter spots Jason's henchman and identifies him as her father's murderer. Hyun Woo and Jung Min give chase and the henchman is arrested. Jason escapes to the airport but he is apprehended by Hyun Woo. Hyun Woo is late for his wedding but he is confident that Soo In and their guests are still waiting. They are and the couple is finally married.

Soo In collapses later in the night and at the hospital, the doctor tells Hyun Woo that her condition has deteriorated. Her only option is a bone marrow transplant. Hyun Woo receives a double blow when he finds out that Jason has been cleared of all charges. Jason approaches him and tells him that he can help find a cure for Soo In. However, Hyun Woo has to drop the case.

Hyun Woo and Soo In return to their new home and spend a happy day together. In the evening, Hyun Woo sadly tells Soo In that her condition has worsened. Soo In later recounts to Hyun Woo that several years before, she had donated her bone marrow to a little boy whose sister, although a match, was unable to do so, due to her weak health at the time. Hyun Woo urges her to contact the sister, Anna, and ask for her help but Soo In refuses. However, Hyun Woo secretly writes to Anna and she agrees to help.

Soo In discovers that Jason (the defendant) is also her benefactor who had commissioned the research she had conducted. The research was then used by Jason to help his own case. When Soo In realises she had been used, she sets out to help Hyun Woo with his case to redeem herself.

When Jason learns that Soo In will testify against him, he contacts Anna. Anna writes to Hyun Woo and tells him that she has changed her mind. However, she comes to Korea and is met by Jason. Jason later tells Hyun Woo that he has found a donor for Soo In but Hyun Woo must drop the case. The next day, Soo In receives a call telling her that a donor has been found. Whilst Soo In is excited, Hyun Woo is worried. He confronts Jason and is introduced to Anna. He reluctantly tells his associates that he can't continue with the case even though they are on the verge of winning. Soo In catches sight of Anna with Jason and she realizes the truth. She tells Hyun Woo she won't go through with the transplant. Hyun Woo is angry but she is adamant. Finally he relents and the next day tells his associates to continue with the trial. When Jung Min learns the truth, he begs Hyun Woo to reconsider but Hyun Woo stands firm. At the trial, much to Jason's surprise, Soo In doesn't testify. Jung Min stands as witness instead against Jason. Hyun Woo wins the trial and Jason is arrested.

Anna decides to go through with the transplant. During the operation, Jung Min asks Hyun Woo to play a game of basketball with him. It is quite funny to watch Hyun Woo as he is terrible at the game. They talk and Jung Min decides to stay on in Korea. The operation is successful and a happy Hyun Woo reminds Soo In of her promise to have a son who looks like him and a daughter who looks like her. Eventually, they have triplets.


The story starts out very much like "Paper Chase, an American TV series in the seventies about the lives and struggles of students at Harvard Law School. Even the stern professor John Keynes is based on professor John Houseman (equally stern, impatient and fierce) from "Paper Chase". And just as in "Paper Chase", students discussed aspects of law and cases in class. In the drama, there was even a mock trial like Soo In's disciplinary hearing, both of which Hyun Woo and Jung Min took an active part. These would have been interesting and credible had the actors been able to speak proper English.

It really hurt my ears to hear the actors mutilate the English language. At least I was able to make out 50% of what Kim Rae-Won said. I couldn't understand Lee Chong Jin at all which is unforgivable considering his Jung Min was supposed to have grown up in the US. Now I understand that the actors are not proficient in English and was probably just reciting the lines they had memorized. However, considering the growing popularity of k-dramas with non-Koreans and the expenses the producers were willing to incur shooting overseas, they could have spent a little more to hire someone to teach both actors the proper pronunciation of their lines. It would have added greatly to the credibility of Hyun Woo and Jung Min as the brightest students at Harvard Law School as they were supposed to be. Instead I cringed during these scenes and wondered why the writers set the drama at Harvard Law School. Thankfully, the second half of the drama sees the characters back in Korea.

I was disappointed with the English but not with Rae-Won's acting. I actually watched this because of him, having been a fan since "My Love Patzzi". He does a wonderful job portraying the growth of Hyun Woo from a happy, cheerful, idealistic and at times immature young man to the serious, mature, still idealistic but no longer so cheerful older man. His Hyun Woo is very subtle when he is sad. Just the saddest expression and tears in his eyes. I find this more moving than over-the-top crying. I believe this is his most mature role to date.

Lee Tae Hee does a reasonably good job as Lee Soo In but I find she lacks the presence to be a lead actress. She was good in the beginning as the rather cheeky, independent and strong-willed Soo In, who was willing to part with Hyun Woo to fulfill her dreams. However, in the second half of the drama when Soo In is diagnosed with leukemia, Soo In becomes rather one-dimensional and weak. She lost her spunk. And at this point, Tae Hee unfortunately lacks the charm to play Soo In as anything but pathetic. Fortunately, Soo In gets some of her spunk back when she realises the truth about Jason. Her attempts to help with Hyun Woo's case are courageous, such as when she confronts Jason and secretly tapes his threats and admissions of guilt. Tae Hee's portrayal becomes less pathetic here but unfortunately, it lacks the freshness and spiritedness of her earlier performance.

Hong Jung Min is arrogant, cold and unemotional and Lee Chong Jin plays him to perfection. I was just starting to question Chong Jin's depth as an actor seeing as how his expression doesn't change much when I saw the scene in which Soo In teaches Jung Min to throw a football. She is trying her best to be cheerful even though she is very sad. Out of anger, Hyun Woo had made it clear to her that they should each go their separate ways. Jung Min sees through her and he too is sad for her. The subtle changes in his expressions were so good. I can see that he is sad then he fights for control to keep his emotions in check, as he tries to smile for Soo In's benefit. Very well done.

I can understand why Hyun Woo fell for Soo In. I can also understand why Soo In fell in love with Hyun Woo too. However, I find it hard to believe that Jung Min could fall for Soo In at first sight and then after just one date (where she tells him not to waste his time) would continue to love her for so many years to the point where he was willing to sacrifice everything for her. Jung Min and Soo In's relationship could have been better developed so that his one-sided love was more realistic.

I liked how the love story between Hyun Woo and Soo In began. I liked that there was a valid reason for them to part the first time (Soo In wants to pursue her dreams) and also for her not to keep in touch. She didn't feel they have a future together and it would have made it harder to forget by keeping in touch. I also liked that when they do meet again, Hyun Woo is still bitter and angry at the way she left. They tried to stay away but ultimately their feelings for each other were just too strong. And when she has to leave again, Hyun Woo is very mature about their parting. He accepts that there is a possibility they wouldn't see each other again, but he understands her reasons for going. Up to this point, I would say this is one of the most realistic and mature love stories ever in a Korean drama. Then the writers decide that Soo In should have a terminal illness and that just spoils it for me. I am not against a couple facing a terminal illness "Love Story"(with Ryan O'Neal and Ali MacGraw) is one of my all-time favourite movies. I just think it was unnecessary in this drama. The writers wanted to part them again and couldn't think of a better way. And then to have Hyun Woo choose between Soo In's life or his case was just silly. That's just a no-brainer. Why couldn't the writers have Soo In continue to be the brave strong person she initially was and have her continue to pursue her dreams? Hyun Woo could have gone with her upon completion of his case. Or he could have just waited for her to come back.

However, I continued to watch the drama because of the pairing of Rae Won and Tae Hee, who have a lot of chemistry together. Together with the writers, Rae Won and Tae Hee made their scenes together very real, moving and affectionate; they kiss, hug and cuddle as they sleep (and all this before marriage). The dramas these days have more love scenes in them compared to the older ones where "the kiss" is saved until the end. And I think this new trend is great as it adds to the realism of the couple.

Overall, I think this drama only rates a 3 out of 5. I did like watching Rae-Won together with Tae Hee. And I applaud the writers for making their scenes together very real and loving. However, other than the love story, I found the sub-plots rather flat and not properly developed. At Harvard, the mock trial, Soo In's disciplinary hearing as well as the law and cases discussed in class would have been fascinating had I been able to understand the actors. In the latter half of the drama, the environmental case started out with a lot of promise. I especially enjoyed watching Hyun Woo patiently try to win the peasants' trust and convince them to pursue the case. I was expecting a big showdown in court with each side arguing their case, sort of like in a John Grisham novel/movie. However, that didn't happen because the focus shifted from the wrongdoings of the company to Jason and his evil deeds. A little disappointing I must say. And that's probably how I would describe this drama. It had potential to be more intelligent and meaningful than it was. Still, I have to give credit to the writers for trying to give the drama some depth by including the mock trial and environmental case. And, for all its faults, I did enjoy the love story (even with the terminal illness) and I am a sucker for a happy ending.



金贤宇 ( 金来沅 饰 )


李秀茵 ( 金泰熙 饰 )

哈佛医学系3年级,幼时移民美国,贫穷侨胞第2代,因父亲辛苦,为兼顾学业而昏天暗地打工,不失希望不妥协主张, 虽曾说 ”为了钱什麼都做”,但和想於白人社会出人头地的移民第2代不同,一心希望到医疗落后地区当志工,为了和贤宇的爱情甚至放弃实现自己梦想的机会
洪政敏 ( 李廷镇 饰 )

哈佛大学法律系学生-韩裔二世的后代 , 一心想进入美国政界的野心家, 羡慕医学系的 金泰熙,面对金来沅时有自卑感,战胜忌妒心后走向成熟的一个角色
刘珍雅 ( 金玟 饰 )


In this television drama was born in the vegetable Yuan standing family Wets, the Korean students at Harvard University, Faculty of Law, is also self-Time Order of the third grade students at Harvard University. , to search the town and Jin Min Li Ting more television dramas add a color. Through them between four story between young men and women not only demonstrated the love, but also to viewers who appreciate Harvard "bookworm" learning and living. Jinxianyu (gold ornaments to Yuan River) Harvard University students from grandpa, father, uncle, paternal aunt, brother, sister in law of the background display, sets wealth.
Power and glory in all legal family, the father is the largest domestic law firms while the representatives of the environment in which they were dependent, but personality than anyone untrammeled freedom, a human face, Also have a smart warm heart, very ambitious, hard-working, cheerful character, courage or patience point not bow to harsh environment, is filled with charming charm of boys Lee Sau Yan (Golden Hi ornaments) Harvard Medical Faculty 3 grade girl emigrated to the States, poverty 2nd generation overseas Chinese, as his father worked to balance their working and reading, lose hope uncompromising advocate, once said that "money to do anything", but in white and want to succeed in society of the 2nd generation migrants different, as I hope to backward areas as medical volunteer, and Yin Yu to love and even give up their dream of achieving opportunity Hongzheng min (Li Ting town ornaments), Harvard University law students - Peter II of future generations, One entered the US political careerist, the Golden Order envy Medicine, in the face of the Yuan River, a complex, overcome Jiduxin after matured a role Liuzhen Nga (Jinmin ornaments) typical American style smart, courageous, and bold in the pursuit of love Hung is min .


金贤宇 ( 金来沅 饰 ) 哈佛大学法律系留学生,来自爷爷,父亲,叔父,姑姑,哥哥,姊姊等皆具有法学背景,集财富.权势与荣耀於一身的法律世家,父亲是国内最大律师事务所的代表 虽然在这环境被抚养长大,但是个性却比任何人都自由奔放,具有人性,聪明又拥有一颗温暖的心,很有野心,性格开朗勤劳,魄力满点有耐心,不向恶劣环境...

有关Love Story in Harvard(爱在哈佛)
电视剧 片 名:《爱在哈佛》英文名:《Love Story》出 品:韩国SBS电视台 上 映:2004年11月22日首播 类 型:浪漫爱情喜剧 片 长:十六集 主创人员:导 演:李漳洙、李振石 编 剧:崔皖奎、孙恩惠 主要演员:金莱沅--饰金贤宇 金泰熙--饰李秀茵 李廷镇--饰洪政敏 金 玟--饰柳珍雅 姜...

这个 那里面没有 不属于 官方的OST 楼主等段时间吧 我正在寻找这首歌曲!QUIZAS是 韩版16集里的 到了中国给改了 !!至于好不好听 我还是推荐楼主听 QUIZAS 强力推荐楼主看 16集版本的!

是首西班牙情歌,Quizas Quizas Quizas(Nat King Cole)《花样年华》也有这首曲。http:\/\/www.t9t8.com\/play\/play.asp?id=7056&b1=%B2%A5%B7%C5 <爱在哈佛>的音乐下载http:\/\/www.6621.com\/yy\/9061.htm

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金泰熙主演的《爱在哈佛》, 有续集么?什么故事
没有续集哦 到哈佛大学法律系留学的贤宇(金来元),在飞往美国的飞机上认识了珍雅(金玫)。到达美国之后的第一个晚上在酒店里又偶遇秀茵(金泰熙),并误把她当作妓女。贤宇找到了未婚妻韩瑟琪(郑率姬)的叔叔,哈佛法律系的教授吴永载(姜南吉),拜托他关照自己。在全体室友的聚会上又遇到了正民,并受到...

名字:so in love 歌词:Spring, summer, fall & winter dreams Those are shinning like a star They keep whispering I'm so in love with you 春夏秋冬的梦 那些闪亮如星的梦 他们不停地说著悄悄话 我如此爱你 Spring, summer, fall & winter love It is breezing to my heart and it ...

关于 爱在哈佛 so in love 歌曲


关于爱在哈佛的主题曲so in love的演唱者
张震岳,蕾蕾都唱过的,你看看是不是Kate Ryan的这首

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 爱在哈佛剧情介绍 -
戢径川芎: 片 名:《爱在哈佛》英文名:《Love Story》出 品:韩国SBS电视台 上 映:2004年11月22日首播 类 型:浪漫爱情喜剧 片 长:十六集 主创人员: 导 演:李漳洙、李振石 编 剧:崔皖奎、孙恩惠 主要演员: 金莱沅--饰金贤宇 金泰熙--饰李秀茵 李廷镇--饰洪政敏 金 玟--饰柳珍雅 姜男吉--饰吴英载 郑松姬--饰韩智慧 详细介绍http://ent.sina.com.cn/v/f/azhf/

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 100分求<爱在哈佛>全集下载地址
戢径川芎: 找到个24集的,不过要用电驴下 DVD版的 http://www.verycd.com/topics/127685/

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 翻译爱在哈佛 so in love
戢径川芎: Spring, summer, falling winter dream 春夏秋冬之梦 Those are shinning like a star 他们璀璨如星 They keep whispering, 他们一直在私语 “I'm so in love with you” 我深爱是你 Spring, summer, falling winter love 春夏秋冬的爱It is breezing to my ...

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 《爱在哈佛》中的英文插曲 -
戢径川芎: So in love Spring, summer, falling winter dream 春夏秋冬的梦 Those are shinning like a star 他们像星星一样闪耀 They keep whispering, 他们在窃窃私语 I'm so in love with you” 我深爱着你 Spring, summer, falling winter love.. 春夏秋冬的爱 It ...

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 想问《爱在哈佛》上的金泰熙的英语是自己讲的吗? -
戢径川芎: 是 幸运的金泰熙凭《哈佛爱情故事》迅速走红,但当初拍摄该剧时,她却遇到了大麻烦!金泰熙在剧中扮演的是哈佛大学医学系学生,自然要在剧中说流利的英语.因为金泰熙是就读韩国著名大学——汉城大学的学生,人们认为她的英语实力会比别人强,可是她却为英语对话感到心乱如麻!她说:“我在语言方面没有特别的才华,以前也是要在国语和英语方面提高成绩就得比别人作出几倍的努力.因为我比较喜欢数学,所以上大学后也选择自然科学系.”为弥补这一缺陷,她每天接受2小时的个别指导,终于克服英语难关.

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 用英语介绍哈佛100词 -
戢径川芎: Harvard University (Harvard University), referred to as the "Harvard", is located in Cambridge City, America Massachusetts, is a world-renowned private research university, is a member of the Ivy League famous; here out of the 8 president of the ...

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 《爱在哈佛》插曲中文歌词是什么?
戢径川芎: 春夏秋冬的梦 那些闪亮如星的梦 他们不停地说著悄悄话 我如此爱你 春夏秋冬的爱 如风掠我心 它不断地说 我会让你的彩虹微笑 我记得当我们是天使的时候 当我们到我梦一起 我的时光是如此的幸福 就如雪中圣诞 我希望我能永远拥有它 每一步都写下惊奇 心充满了情意 感受著我生命中的爱和 想念著我的挚友 我希望我能完全拥有他们 在春夏秋冬的日子里 我们一起分享了所有的心情 爱在我眼中闪烁 爱不会褪色中文的

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 请问哪位能提供《爱在哈佛》的英文字幕文件?谢谢!!! -
戢径川芎: 去射手网搜搜,那里有好多字幕的http://shooter.cn/

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 《爱在哈佛》第三集中的英文插曲叫什么呢?主唱是谁? -
戢径川芎: 我昨天刚刚看完,我也很喜欢里面的西班牙歌曲,觉得很好听!!!歌曲的名字叫"quizas quizas quizas"歌手名字应该叫 Nat King Cole,这首歌是电影的原声碟.

民和回族土族自治县13263156265: 爱在哈佛中的英文插曲是谁唱的? -
戢径川芎: 找到了:Kim Jeong-woon - So in Love(中文不会翻)http://t1.tt90.com/playmusic/73187.htm Spring, summer, fall and winter dreams Those are shinning like a star They keep wh...

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