
作者&投稿:大叔希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Planta epiphytica. Rhizoma longum repens, 5–7 mm crassum, pallidum, paleis sparsis
anguste lanceolatis 4–6 mm longis medio castaneis vel brunneis margine pallidis et ciliatis
apice subulatis basi peltatis obtectum. Stipes 8–12 cm longus, 2–3 mm crassus, stramineus,
basi paleis eis rhizomatis aequalibus obtectus, supra basin sparse pubescens. Lamina
lanceolata, 30–50 cm longa, 15–20 cm lata, imparipinnata. Pinnae laterales 9–16-jugae,
oppositae, patentes, lanceolatae, 2 cm inter se remotae, 5–11 cm longae, 1.5–2.5 cm latae,
apice acuminatae, basi rotundae, sessiles, margine integra. Venae reticulatae, laterales
20–25-jugae, utrinque visibiles, venulis inclusis. Rhachis stramineas, sparse pubescens.
Textura folii chartacea, supra sparse pubescens, subtus dense tomentosa; costae subtus
praecipue ad basim laxe paleaceis. Sori rotundi, utraque costae latere irregulariter disposti,
juventute pallidi, maturitate brunnei.

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“would you kill the fat man" 是最近一系列关于哲学家喜欢思考的,心理学家喜欢放在他们实验课题里面的道德问题的书名。在权威的形式上,你在人行桥上看着一辆在轨道上加速行驶的的电车,这辆电车即将撞到5个毫不知情的人。如果你可以把一个胖子推到轨道上去救那5个人(你不能自己跳下去阻止电车,...

在线求翻译 要人工翻译的
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I have something for help.I have something to ask for help.

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When you go on a trip, are your eyeballs glued to your mobile phone? The New Forest National Park (新森林国家公园) in Britain asks visitors to leave their phones behind and enjoy the beauty of nature.There are free safes(保险箱) at the park gates for people to leave their...

求翻译,请翻译高手帮我准确翻译下,感激不尽~在线翻译的就不要来了_百 ...
Dear Sirs \/ Madams,尊敬的先生们、女士们:Thanks for your interest in signing up for the “Listing in Hong Kong Seminar in Suzhou” on 13 July 2011.感谢您有意报名参加于2011年7月13日举行的“关于在香港上市的杭州研讨会”。This is to confirm that your registration is successful. ...

青原区13325937736: 急求英文翻译 -
俞琰丹郁: The power of examples is endless. Someone once said: "Sow a thought reap an act, sow an action reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character, reap a destiny." Spread of a model, we can always see the hard targets and reference. Example is an upward force, a mirror, is the banner.

青原区13325937736: 急求翻译 -
俞琰丹郁: 白居易,写文章很好,在当时堪称第一,却没做大官, 刘禹锡与李太尉分管东都时, 禹锡问太尉 :最近 得到过白居易的文集吗? 德语说: 总有人说,让家人另外收藏起来,却还没有读过,今天就看一下. 拿过来以后,箱子都盛满了书,却有很多尘土,刚打开就卷上了,对禹锡说 我对此人 不满很久了,他的文章精绝,何必看,怕伤了自己本来的新型,所以不想看.他的建议也是如此, 他的门客都嫉妒白居易,都说:有学识的才能,却不是做大官的人\",

青原区13325937736: 急求!翻译!! -
俞琰丹郁: 鲁哀公修建宫殿,规模很大,公宣子劝谏说:“宫殿造了太大,很多人聚在一起就会很喧闹,而人少时又会显得很凄清.所以我希望君王你造宫殿最好是恰如其分.”哀公说:“我听你的指教.”但说管说、做管做,修造大宫殿的工程并没停下...

青原区13325937736: 急求英语翻译!!!!!!急!!!!!! -
俞琰丹郁: 我的回答:明天我不去上班了,明天烧烤,你下午跟我买东西去.I am not working tomorrow just for tomorrow's barbeque, you come with me this afternoon to buy the stuff.你们快点回来吧,我请你们吃东西 You guys gotta rush to come back as I have a nice treat waiting for you. 欢迎参考...呵呵...

青原区13325937736: 急求、英语翻译!!!!!!!!
俞琰丹郁: It took a year's time to familiar with each other, a year's time to make better,and a year's time to prepare to leave.

青原区13325937736: 急求英语翻译
俞琰丹郁: Fround是人名~意思是弗兰德我们的失物招领处收到了一件你的灰色外套,请联系杰克837-4925

青原区13325937736: 急求英语翻译
俞琰丹郁: 1. Enquires 2. Supply of goods/stock in hand 3. to quote the lowest price 4. business expansion / to expand the business 5. products catalogue and samples 1. 已确认不可撤销信用证 2. (直译) 在这边/在这里 3. document against payment 付款交单(贸易用词) 4. 我们有信心... 5. 在中国商议维持有效1. enquires of products / products enquires

青原区13325937736: 急求英语翻译
俞琰丹郁: 请离开,并关上门. 得到一把辞职和一支笔. A:我叫May B:如果你会,请拼读一下.

青原区13325937736: 急求英文翻译?
俞琰丹郁: First, I want to thank you. If it was not you, what would I be like now? For me, forgetting is such a hard thing. But because of you, everything seems to become so easy. And it's the first time, someone can give me so much happiness. You really make me happy. So please, would you like to be together with me? forever?

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