
作者&投稿:杭冯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Distinguished teachers : Today, I was with 120,000 hours of the guilty as well as 120,000 hours you wrote something to this Jiantaoshu to you to express my deep horror absenteeism such bad behaviour can no longer absenteeism and death determination. I just go back in the class, you already gave, repeatedly stressed that the whole class, not late, not absenteeism. At that time, the teacher has to teach words are still ringing in our ears, serious expressions Jew in the eyes, I am deeply shocked and have profoundly realized the importance of the matter, then I have repeatedly told this as their top-priority task should not let our teachers a good intention. However, as Gorky said --- when you see something is very important, hardships and failures to follow. For example, one morning drill, I 5:50 point along the wash is completed, wearing neat, watching time is more, I even head to the point Masi, when I came to the playground, they found that a person did not, when I get a look around to see if there is no one time -- I Sing, originally just the lens are all dream of a watch list Maya is 6:30, and that is for us to catch up with the name you look after with great solicitude, and I was unable to catch up with you care to listen to the teachings deeply sorry, deeply sorry! This matter can only blame myself to get up exaggerate, even some night things morning dream! Alas, they did helpless. Another time, I was high interest bathing, preparing to go to a school Xiwanzao, Xiwanzao Who would have thought when I came to the house in front of the room and discovered that a person did not, I also forging key in the door may not be locked induction dress, the body only a Kucha, even when there is no opportunity to call for help! Now is the wilderness together with the teachers to give us carefully prepared vivid lesson, a teacher work heart out to us missed knowledge ever produced. She shouted along! This small key in my study on bitter mix my trip! But in the final analysis, or because my careless of herself as a result of inadequate understanding of the home time. Recalled that, at present, I should disregard behaviour, ran out to the communal call, individuals should go! However, she also say, she also say! Those such as memory and other school timetable, clocks stopped away bacteria Bad things I do not want to say that I know that these reasons are not set up to, because this all problems can only be attributed to me, also failed to meet with the students to a modern understanding level. Failure to make returns, hard-working teachers, I felt more and more clearly I am a sinner! ! ! For me absenteeism things, the serious consequences as follows : 1, for fear that my teacher safety. I can not be present when the time arise, we can not let the concern of every student in a teacher worried. Such fears are likely to give teachers full day of work distraction, resulting in more serious consequences. 2, students in the middle created an adverse impact. As a person I absenteeism, the following may cause other students, the impact discipline classes, but also to other students parents are not responsible for. 3, the impact of improvements in the level of personal integrated to the instincts of their own failure to improve conditions improved, contrary to the wishes of parents, try unfilial. Now, big mistake established, I deeply regret cried. Depth review that I thought buried in the fatal mistake following points : 1, and low awareness of important issues to be grossly inadequate. Even with awareness, but also failed to take action to really practice. 2, the fundamental ideological consciousness is not high because I lack respect for others. If I have a deeper respect for the teacher, I will get up half an hour early, nor do they in their native 5:50 to prepare for things about, it will be earlier found only a dream, a dream that will not late, the error will not occur. 3, peacetime life style purity. If not because of lazy, careless, and the low level of memory, I can be so hard to produce teaching secretary of the school timetable to forget? 4, and joined in the exchange enough to do a real sense of solidarity students think, if I joined the exchange and sufficient, how can they not know when to leave the house? If they really make me and unity, they do not know how can I take a bath? If I go further and they house a school absenteeism things are possible? Distinguished teachers : Today, I was with 120,000 hours of the guilty as well as 120,000 hours you wrote something to this Jiantaoshu to you to express my deep horror absenteeism such bad behaviour can no longer absenteeism and death determination. I just go back in the class, you already gave, repeatedly stressed that the whole class, not late, not absenteeism. At that time, the teacher has to teach words are still ringing in our ears, serious expressions Jew in the eyes, I am deeply shocked and have profoundly realized the importance of the matter, then I have repeatedly told this as their top-priority task should not let our teachers a good intention. However, as Gorky said --- when you see something is very important, hardships and failures to follow. For example, one morning drill, I 5:50 point along the wash is completed, wearing neat, watching time is more, I even head to the point Masi, when I came to the playground, they found that a person did not, when I get a look around to see if there is no one time -- I Sing, originally just the lens are all dream of a watch list Maya is 6:30, and that is for us to catch up with the name you look after with great solicitude, and I was unable to catch up with you care to listen to the teachings deeply sorry, deeply sorry! This matter can only blame myself to get up exaggerate, even some night things morning dream! Alas, they did helpless. Another time, I was high interest bathing, preparing to go to a school Xiwanzao, Xiwanzao Who would have thought when I came to the house in front of the room and discovered that a person did not, I also forging key in the door may not be locked induction dress, the body only a Kucha, even when there is no opportunity to call for help! Now is the wilderness together with the teachers to give us carefully prepared vivid lesson, a teacher work heart out to us missed knowledge ever produced. She shouted along! This small key in my study on bitter mix my trip! But in the final analysis, or because my careless of herself as a result of inadequate understanding of the home time. Recalled that, at present, I should disregard behaviour, ran out to the communal call, individuals should go! However, she also say, she also say! Those such as memory and other school timetable, clocks stopped away bacteria Bad things I do not want to say that I know that these reasons are not set up to, because this all problems can only be attributed to me, also failed to meet with the students to a modern understanding level. Failure to make returns, hard-working teachers, I felt more and more clearly I am a sinner! ! ! For me absenteeism things, the serious consequences as follows : 1, for fear that my teacher safety. I can not be present when the time arise, we can not let the concern of every student in a teacher worried. Such fears are likely to give teachers full day of work distraction, resulting in more serious consequences. 2, students in the middle created an adverse impact. As a person I absenteeism, the following may cause other students, the impact discipline classes, but also to other students parents are not responsible for. 3, the impact of improvements in the level of personal integrated to the instincts of their own failure to improve conditions improved, contrary to the wishes of parents, try unfilial. Now, big mistake established, I deeply regret cried. Depth review that I thought buried in the fatal mistake following points : 1, and low awareness of important issues to be grossly inadequate. Even with awareness, but also failed to take action to really practice. 2, the fundamental ideological consciousness is not high because I lack respect for others. If I have a deeper respect for the teacher, I will get up half an hour early, nor do they in their native 5:50 to prepare for things about, it will be earlier found only a dream, a dream that will not late, the error will not occur. 3, peacetime life style purity. If not because of lazy, careless, and the low level of memory, I can be so hard to produce teaching secretary of the school timetable to forget? 4, and joined in the exchange enough to do a real sense of solidarity students think, if I joined the exchange and sufficient, how can they not know when to leave the house? If they really make me and unity, they do not know how can I take a bath? If I go further and they house a school absenteeism things are possible? It was, I decided to have the following individuals rectification measures : 1, in accordance with the teachers pay for the quality and quantity requirements of the Jiantaoshu a! For their own ideological line to the root causes of errors collate and understand its potential serious consequences. 2, developed learning plans and conscientiously overcome life lazy, careless shortcomings, a challenge to be good to good results to make up for my mistake 3, and students to strengthen communication. That the mistake will not happen again


1、 让老师担心我的安全。本应按时出现的我未能按时出现,试问怎么不会让平时十分关心爱护每一个学生的老师担心。而这样的担心很可能让老师整天工作分心,造成更为严重的后果。

2、 在同学们中间造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的旷课,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,也是对别的同学的父母的不负责。

3、 影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高,违背父母的意愿,实乃不孝。


1、 思想觉悟不高,对重要事项重视严重不足。就算是有认识,也没能在行动上真正实行起来。

2、 思想觉悟不高的根本原因是因为本人对他人尊重不足。试想,如果我对老师有更深的尊重,我会提前半个小时起床,也不会在梦里对自己5:50就做好准备的事情沾沾自喜,就会更早的发现那只是一个梦,这样梦醒了也不会迟到,错误也不会发生了。

3、 平时生活作风懒散。如果不是因为懒散、粗心大意、记忆力水平低,我怎么会把教学秘书如此辛苦制作出来的课表忘记?

4、 平时和舍友交流不足,未能做到真正意义上的团结同学,试想,若我和舍友交流充足,怎会不知道他们何时离开宿舍?若我和他们真正做到好好团结,他们又怎会不知道我在洗澡?若更进一步我和他们相邀一块上学,旷课的事还有可能发生吗?


1、 让老师担心我的安全。本应按时出现的我未能按时出现,试问怎么不会让平时十分关心爱护每一个学生的老师担心。而这样的担心很可能让老师整天工作分心,造成更为严重的后果。

2、 在同学们中间造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的旷课,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,也是对别的同学的父母的不负责。

3、 影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高,违背父母的意愿,实乃不孝。


1、 思想觉悟不高,对重要事项重视严重不足。就算是有认识,也没能在行动上真正实行起来。

2、 思想觉悟不高的根本原因是因为本人对他人尊重不足。试想,如果我对老师有更深的尊重,我会提前半个小时起床,也不会在梦里对自己5:50就做好准备的事情沾沾自喜,就会更早的发现那只是一个梦,这样梦醒了也不会迟到,错误也不会发生了。

3、 平时生活作风懒散。如果不是因为懒散、粗心大意、记忆力水平低,我怎么会把教学秘书如此辛苦制作出来的课表忘记?

4、 平时和舍友交流不足,未能做到真正意义上的团结同学,试想,若我和舍友交流充足,怎会不知道他们何时离开宿舍?若我和他们真正做到好好团结,他们又怎会不知道我在洗澡?若更进一步我和他们相邀一块上学,旷课的事还有可能发生吗?

1、 按照老师要求缴纳保质保量的检讨书一份!对自己思想上的错误根源进行深挖细找的整理,并认清其可能造成的严重后果。

2、 制定学习计划,认真克服生活懒散、粗心大意的缺点,努力将期考考好,以好成绩来弥补我的过错

3、 和同学们加强沟通。保证不再出现上述错误

was gloomy(如果不悲伤就用cloudy)


do was

I went


If you value your own progress, you need to learn how to criticise yourself. We are often eager to criticise others, but when it comes to criticising ourselves we are strangely reluctant. The art of self criticism is essential to learn ing from mistakes and gaining an improved perspective on life.

Consider Your Motives
We maybe able to fool other people, but we should never try to fool ourselves. It is important to be aware of our motivation for doing something. For example, are we being kind to someone with selfless motives, or is it being undertaken with an ulterior motive? At times we like to fool ourselves into thinking we are being altruistic, when actually we are acting from the basis of our ego. This is when we need to be self critical because otherwise our mind can trick us into feeling we are a very good person, when actually we are just being selfish. By being aware of this, we can try to reduce the power of the ego in our lives.

Be Honest with Yourself
Self criticism means we have to be honest with our-self. There is no benefit from trying to justify our bad actions. If we can learn to be honest with ourselves our conscience will prevent us from undertaking regrettable actions. Many bad people, will try and find a way of justifying their actions to themselves; this is the danger of not being honest with yourself.

Avoid Excessive Guilt
Self criticism is not easy, but it is a valuable aspect of our self improvement. However, when we criticise our bad actions, it is unhelpful to retain a powerful sense of guilt. Guilt does not help us to improve, it can just make us feel miserable. When we have become aware of wrong thoughts, make a resolution to avoid doing it and then focus on doing the right thing. This is much better than becoming debilitated from guilt.

Don’t Judge Other People by the Same Standards
Often we see a defect in our own behaviour, and we quite rightly want to improve upon it. However, the problem is that, in our eagerness, we can gain an evangelical fervour and seek to proselytise to other people. We want to improve ourself, but, also start to feel others should be making the same change. Stick to self criticism; other people will go at a different pace, and we are not responsible for what others do.

Self Improvement not self contempt.
Self criticism does not mean self contempt. We have to draw a careful balance between working at our self improvement and feeling useless and worthless. Remember we are only criticising a certain action and not our self. If we make mistakes no harm; mistakes are an essential part of learning and developing. The important thing is that we are able to learn from our actions. Self criticism should be looked upon as a positive thing, and not a tool for beating ourselves up.

Don’t Let Pride Get in the Way
It is our pride that dislikes being criticised. Our ego likes to believe we are always right and therefore it becomes difficult to examine our inner motives. However, to continue doing the wrong thing from a sense of pride only serves to magnify the existing mistake. If we are reluctant to make some changes because of a false faith in our ego, we will feel a permanent tension. If we can learn to let go of pride, we will gain joy from our own self-improvement.

Know Your Values
It is important to criticise ourselves for the right things. Work out what matters in life. For example, if you fail to meet the expectations of your boss in working overtime, this is not necessarily a thing to be self-critical about. However, if you are letting down your friends by being thoughtless and unkind, this is far more significant; be self-critical about the things that matter.

Invite Suggestions From Others
Quite often we cannot see our faults, even though they maybe glaring to others. In these circumstances, it can be very beneficial to invite criticism from a close friend. This can help us to see faults, that we are just unable or unwilling to be aware of. If you do invite criticism from others, don’t respond by being defensive and aggrieved. Be calm and detached; and see it as an opportunity to learn from the mistakes.

Self Criticism is a Path to Happiness
I feel self criticism is synonymous with self improvement. Self improvement doesn’t mean we just maintain a cheerful disposition; we also have to be able to be reflective and honest about ourselves. It is only when we can impartially judge our motives and actions that we can overcome obstacles and weaknesses. It is in overcoming these weaknesses that we pave the way for long term happiness.Tejvan Pettinger is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Meditation Centre. He lives in Oxford where he works as a teacher, and also offers free mediation classes. He enjoys writing on themes of self improvement and meditation, he updates a blog called Sri C

Dear Mr./Miss/Madam XXXX:
I am writing this to apologize for missing your last class.I sad I was ill,but that wasn't the turth.In fact I was lazing about the class,I thought that it might not be so serious,but now I realized I was so wrong.
I thought deeply after cutting the class, and now I know the concequence:

As I realized my fault and the concequences, I promise that this will not happen again, I will do my best in the following classes to catch up with others.

i'm so sorry

问题五:急需一篇英文版的旷课检讨 Today, I keep in mind sorry and ashamed write down this self-critici *** book with regret to you, to say to you me to cut class this kind of badly behavioral deep understanding and the decision that do not play truant any further.Be used ...

Dear teacher:I am really sorry for my absence of your class,It's all my fault,I have realized that I would not get a high score in my examination if i miss too many lessons,and also I will not get a good result of my studying period.so please give me a chance ,I ...

I understand that I do not have a good record on this, but this time I really could not make it. I feel sincerely sorry about that I did not show up on time, but that was not entirely my fault.接下来解释到底发生了什么 不管什么只要写的坦诚就好 Nevertheless, I am ...

如何写检讨书 1.开头要首先进行自我检讨,要多找客观原因,把责任推干净,注意煽情,要写得自己很无奈,好象无辜的样子,字数不要太多,100至200字即可,言多必失。2.中间部分要尤其谨慎,因为该写事情的经过了。注意要多写你被动的事,至于你错的地方要一带而过,注意大石化小小石化了。如果你的...

I am very ashamed of the English exam result , and I summarize the reasons as follows:At first, my learning attitude is not good. I used not to listen to class sometimes, which leads to a delayed learning effect.Second, I did not review in time after class, especially ...


求一篇英文检讨!求大神写!小弟只有50金,谢谢。 200字
Dear XX:I'm sorry, teacher, forgive I was young and ignorant don't understand, I should not be don't listen carefully in class, no respect for your work, you also intent, offend you, please accept my sincere apology, teacher, I'm sorry....

I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry...please forgive me, i will never ever make the same mistake again!i promise, cross my finger promise to god. i will definatly bring u flowers and kisses.love u always~mwa mwa~so sweetheart could u pleaze forgive me?(bli...

(对不起我把它变英文了)As follows:Teacher, I am sorry. I should not have done something wrong operations. To this end. I am sorry. Want you to forgive me, and I will be the next serious work done! Teacher, I am here in the meeting expressed regret and gratitude. I thank...

If you value your own progress, you need to learn how to criticise yourself. We are often eager to criticise others, but when it comes to criticising ourselves we are strangely reluctant. The art of self criticism is essential to learn ing from mistakes and gaining an improved ...

高县13777116714: 请问英文检讨书有没有固定格式要求?今天英语课看手机被老师抓到了,老师让我写500字英文检讨 请问英文检讨书开头结尾有没有什么固定要求?不用... -
乔詹代芳:[答案] 这个.不需要那么格式化,只要诚恳就行了,like:Sorry teacher for. Please accept my apology,I sware i won't do that again

高县13777116714: 如何用英文写检讨书(开头,结尾,格式)? -
乔詹代芳: 如何写检讨书 1.开头要首先进行自我检讨,要多找客观原因,把责任推干净,注意煽情,要写得自己很无奈,好象无辜的样子,字数不要太多,100至200字即可,言多必失. 2.中

高县13777116714: 一篇100字的英语检讨书 -
乔詹代芳: I am really very sorry for not doing my homework yesterday. I am so wrong for I have forgotten what I should do as a student. I should have done the homework the teacher gave me and hand it up in time for homework helps us to review the knowledge ...

高县13777116714: 用英语写一篇道歉信要求:开头正文结尾 -
乔詹代芳: I am sorry teacher. As a result of their careless not the book to take home. I know that teachers and students on the impact of bad. Although this is not my intention, but I also have the responsibility to their own. Do not be angry I hope the teachers. Life...

高县13777116714: 关于英语考试不及格的200字检讨书,用英文写 -
乔詹代芳: today,I'm very sad,becouse I failed English exam.At first,I think I can pass the exam,but the result make me disappointed.So,I hope the teacher can believe me,I had better next time,please.

高县13777116714: 英语检讨结尾怎么写 -
乔詹代芳: I feel so bad about this and I promise that I will never ever make the same mistake again in the future. 我对此感到十分抱歉,我承诺以后绝对不会犯同样的错误了.

高县13777116714: 英语讲话检讨书160字 -
乔詹代芳: 1 1老师 我知道我错了!我不该在上课时说话.我以后一定会认真尊守纪律,做个好学生,不再让你失望.请你原谅我.我通过思想斗争,已经认识到自己的错误,恳请老师批评我,进一步帮助我我决心在以后的日子里,好好做人,好好学习.老师,...

高县13777116714: 关于未完成作业的英文检讨书 -
乔詹代芳: One of the things that really makes me mad is getting in trouble over something stupid and worthless. While finishing the whole day class, I was so happy and feeling good, probably because it was a Friday. My day was going good and I had finished ...

高县13777116714: 求一份用英语写的检讨书 -
乔詹代芳: I am very sorry, I did not work yesterday, the teachers were asked to complete assignments, and I very much regret, after all, this is the relationship between my own learning problems, should not have to worry about teachers, teachers to give parents ...

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