求翻译。英语高手请进。 问题如下:

作者&投稿:毓矿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



◆deep down 是内心深处的意思。


n. 注意;尊重;问候;凝视
vi. 注意,注重;注视
vt. 注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关

  You heartless, you cruel, you make trouble out of nothing!
  Female: aren't you ruthless, not cruel, not unreasonable!?
  Male: I where ruthless!? Where the cruel!? Where I make trouble out of nothing!?
  Woman: where did you not heartless!? Where not cruel!? Where do not make trouble out of nothing!?
  Man: I no matter how heartless, again how cruel, again how vexatious, any more than you heartless, cruel and unreasonable!
  Female: I am ruthless than you!? Than you cruel!? Than you make trouble out of nothing!? You are I have seen the most ruthless, cruel, most people make trouble out of nothing.
  Male: Yes, I definitely didn't you heartless, cruel not you, not you make trouble out of nothing!
  Woman: Well, since you told me heartless, I cruel, I vexatious, I'll give you see ruthless, cruel to you, unreasonable for you to see.
  Man: look, also said that you are not ruthless, not cruel, not vexatious. Now fully show you heartless, cruel, make trouble out of nothing side?!
  Please translate into English, thank you

In any case, this young man is able to well control himself.
What's new in our school recently?
The political leaders should make more profits for people and take in
suggestions from all society tiers.
The older, the stubborner, and it's hard to make a change of their mind.
Man cannot live without air.
He resembles his father so much, and they both like playing table tennis.
The boss is waiting for you in the hotel nearby the bus station.
Hopefully you can help us get off the hook.
I specially desire a room with a bathroom during travelling.
Everyone holds different way to spend, but not all are unrestrained on
The manager of the company gave his word that they can be offered a one-month
paid holiday each year.
With the development of international trade, more and more foreign language talents are needed.
Researchers hold the opinion that the clean environment has pretty high value for scientific research.
I can't figure out how it took place.
I plan to additionally learn computer as well as French in next semester.
After graduation, I had no contact with most of the classmates except this male classmate.
A friend indeed should have a lot in common, moreover, he should be the one in need.
All the boss wish to get the support from their subordinates, but he really makes us sick.
During one-week National holiday, so many people will travel out, meanwhile, everyone wishes the train or plane they take could reach the destination on the dot.
The capped-speed of a car in highway is no more than 120 kms/h, or you will be fined by the traffic police.
All the parents ecpect their children can live it up.
Some civilized behaviors in West deserve learning for us.
The price of apparel will change with the season, nowadays, so many people prefer to make purchase in the later season.

1.No matter what happens, the young man can always control himself.
2.What's new in our school recently?
3.Political leaders should do more good things for people, and take the other people's advices.
4.A old man is very nostalgic, it is hard to change his minds.
5.Human beings cannot live without air.
6.He looks like his father,and they all like playing table tennis.
7.The hotel is not far from the station and the boss is waiting for you there.
8.I hope you can help us out of trouble.
9.When I travel, in particular, I would like to live in a room with a bath.
10.Everyone has their own ways of spending money,but not all people splash their money.
11.The manager assured his employees that they could enjoy a month of paid holiday each year.
12.With the development of international trade, China needs more and more foreign language talents.
13.Researchers think that the pure environment of scientific research has a high value.
14.I'm not sure how this happened.
15.In addition to taking the course in computer I will take the French course as well next term.
16.After graduating from college, I lost contacts with most of the students, but with this male student having more contact.
17.Real friends should not only have much in common, but also give more generous help in a crisis.
18.Leaders are all hoping to get support from their subordinates, but he is very annoying.
19.During the National Day holiday, more people go out to travel,and everyone hopes the train and the plane will arrive on time.
20. The specified speed of the highway is no more than 120 kilometers, or you will receive a ticket by the police.
21.All parents hope their children have a happy life.
22.Some western civilization behaviors are worthy learning for us.
23.Fashion price varies with the seasons, so that a lot of people like going shopping after holidays.


1. No matter what happens, this young man can control himself.
2. Recently,there is something new to our school.
3. Political leaders should do more good things for the people, and often listen to suggestions that people from various fields put forward.
4. It is difficult to change their views when they become old and very nostalgic.
5. Humans cann't survive without air.

1 No matter what happens, the young man can control his.
2 Recently our school has anything new?
3 Political leaders should do more good deeds for the people, listen to the suggestions from all walks of life.
4 Old very nostalgic, it is difficult to change their views.
5 Human beings could not survive without air.
6 And he looks like his father, they both like to play table tennis.
7 Hotel not far from the station, where is the boss is waiting for you.
8 I hope you can help us out of difficulties.
9 When you travel, I hope I can live in a room with a bathroom.
10 Everyone has their own way of spending money, but not all people are spending money.
11 The manager of the company to the staff to ensure that they can enjoy an annual paid vacation.
12 With the development of international trade, China needs more and more foreign language talents.
13 The researchers believe that pure environment has the very high value of scientific research.
14 I don't know the reason of the thing.
15 Next semester I take computer extracurricular also selected French in addition.
16 After graduation from the University, I lost contact with most of my classmates, but with the male students are more.
17 True friends should not only have a lot in common, even in times of crisis generosity.
18 The leader to get under the support, but he is very snorty.
19 During the National Day golden week, many people who travel, everyone Dou Xi looked train and aircraft can arrive on time.
20 Cars on the highway speed of not more than 120 kilometers, otherwise it will receive the police.
21All of the parents expect their children to live a happy life.
22 Some western civilization behavior are worth learning.
23 Changes of fashion price with the seasons change, now, a lot of people will buy the things after the holidays.

好多啊…不着急的话我抽空慢慢答吧… 1.This young man can control himself no matter what happens. 2.Is there something interesting in our school recently? 5.Human beings can't live without air. 6.He looks like his father and both of them like playing table tennis. 7.The hotel is not far from the suction,the boss is right there waiting for you. 8.I hope you can help us get out of the trouble. 9.I hope to live in a room with a bathroom while I'm travelling. 10.Everyone has his own way to spend money.However,not all of us spend money randomly. That's all for tonight…就先到这里吧.0o。(-.-)


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佐的胜红: He took part in most photography work, and shot an interview about the drivers which, in a pity, didn't come into use. He also took part in most editorial work, including some film-editing. Once confronting problems, he would turn to other team ...

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佐的胜红:[答案] I like the National Day. It is a traditional Chinese festival and took place anually on 1st, October to memorate the birth of PRC. Usually we would enjoy a long vacation from school. So I really like ...

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佐的胜红:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? Do you have trouble in learning English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. Neither his sister nor mum is at home. 注释:neither…nor…两者都不

阜新市13659036341: 英语翻译求助,高手请进!Objects are connected to visualize all possible routingoptions for the model. -
佐的胜红:[答案] 对象被连接起来以可视化地显示此模型中所有可能的路线选择. object:对象、物体 routing:路径、路由、路线. 具体翻译要结合上下文.

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佐的胜红:[答案] 这所学校送到我们学院来的学生在学术上取得的成绩都不错而且他们在来到这里后也小心翼翼的维持着这种情况(成绩不错的情况),我们没理由相信他会偏离这种模式. 参考下吧

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