
作者&投稿:智陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Americans think a great deal about time.From childhood they learn to value time.As children,they are taught to be on time to go to school,to do work and to do everything.When they are having a good time,they say that time flies.When a person is dying,they say he is living on borrowed time.
Time is money.Time is knowledge.Time is everything in America.A working American has to work hard for 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.This is the working time. In his spare time,he also works hard for more money.Even Saturday and Sunday are filled with activities.In the street you can hardly see a man who walks slowly. They walk very fast.In fact,they are running.

Tiger is one of the most endangered animals,they mainly live in Asia.There are not more than 7500 tigers all the earth.People hunt the tigers,they make cloths from the tiger fur,use their body as medicinal materials.The space of the tigers is more and more small.But now,people have realized that the tigers are in danger of extinction,and have make the plan to protect the tigers.


The tiger is one of the animal which is in imminent danger most in the world and the main life is in Asia.The tiger that is in the world doesn't arrive 7500.People hunt to kill tiger, the skin which uses them make dress, and the body which uses them does a medicine material.They can the space of existence be more and more small.But now people with be aware of a tiger have already got close to depopulation, have already drawn up a protection tiger as well of plan


Tiger is the world's most endangered animals, mainly living in Asia. The world's tiger less than 7500. People kill tigers, with their skin to clothes, using their body to do medicine. They can survive the increasingly small space. But now people realize that the tiger has been to the brink of extinction, has also developed plans to protect tigers

Tigers are one kind of the most endangered animals in the world,most of which live in Asia.The number of all the tigers in the world can hardly add up to 7500.Humans hunt them,to use their skin to make clothes as well as their bodies to make medicine.The space in which they can live is increasingly small.But humans have realizd that tagers are in danger and made some plans to protect tigers.

Tiger is the world's most endangered animals, mainly living in Asia. The world's tiger less than 7500. People kill tigers, with their skin to clothes, using their body to do medicine. They can survive the increasingly small space. But now people realize that the tiger has been to the brink of extinction, has also developed plans to protect the tiger!


but remember what good work the old did when they were young."【译文】老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。于是,老妇...


Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.一旦一个小男孩住在一个农场,似乎远离无处不在。He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm.他必须赶在日出,每天早上,以帮助他父亲的农场。 During sunrise he would ...

随着科学技术的发展,人们对计算机的依赖程度越来越大。 那计算机是如何影响我们的生活?On the one hand, it can be very helpful to people who need it and treat it corTectly.从一方面说,它对需要它并且能正确使用它的人来说非常的有帮助。The computer can broaden our knowledge about the ...

《秦观劝学》 文言文 谁能帮我翻译一下

接待员:下午好,先生 罗宾森:下午好,这是Beardsley宾馆吗?接待员:是的,这里是Beardsley 罗宾森:很好。我是罗宾森先生。我们已经预订了房间 接待员:请稍等。没错,您预订了房间。是为五个人预订的,三周时间。有三个单人间和一个双人间。对吧?罗宾森:不,你说得不对。我们想要两个双人间和一...

顺致问候。Bella He (这是她的名字!姓 何 嘛。)上海R&J管理咨询公司 电话: 86-21-64264779 手机: # E-mail: bellahe@rjhr.com 主页: http:\/\/www.rjhr.com 地址:16 Floor,Ascendas Plaza No.333 Tianyaoqiao Rd (地址帮不了你了,我不是上海人,这些东西不清楚)她跟你说话...

那白色的风穿过我的心吹 可能要面对和哭泣 如果你爱遇见你,别重 请我笑到的污垢 我看了看四周,孩子们梦中 所谓梦想名称的影响 附伤伤口放在那里 下雨的心 樱花盛开的方式 我说,他们在散步 我爱她的舞蹈梦想樱花盛开 fuwafuwa furaufura徘徊 直到最后一根稻草枯萎的灵魂永远 多么新鲜和鲜花 本人...

帮忙翻译一下下面的短文 谢谢
告诉我们下次如何做的更好 世界上的一切事情都有好的和不好的一面,失败也是如此。我们应该努力去实现我们的目标,尽力避免失败。假如意想不到的缘故导致失败,不要灰心丧气和半途而废。对我们而言,最重要的就是从的错误中吸取教训。记住古话:失败是成功之母。tell us how to do it better ncxt ...

一篇短文的翻译 各位帮忙一下……在线等阿……
The miracle can create the reason is because of the human.Everything all not impossible problem-free, when comes across the setback but but should welcome difficultly on is not sneak away at a critical juncture.Deng Yaping is precisely a spirit which strives for success by one kind...

安居区13587189514: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下短文, -
束的异山: 一天,史密斯先生穿着非常旧的衣服去参加一个宴会.他进入室内时,没有人正眼看他,或请他就坐.尽管很不高兴,他没有说任何话.史密斯先生迅速回到家中,穿上他最好的衣服后回到了宴会.房间里的每个人都起身注视着他,并给他美味的食物.他脱下了外套,将它放在了食物上说:“吃吧,外套!” 其他人非常讶异问道:“你在干什么呀?干嘛这样做呀?” 史密斯先生答道:“我在请我衣服吃东西呀.当我穿着旧衣服来时,你们不理睬我,也不请我入座.现在我穿着这些所谓漂亮衣服,你们却给我好的事物.我是明白了,你们是将食物呈给我的外套的,而不是我.”

安居区13587189514: 有一篇英语短文要翻译.但是查了网络翻译一点都不对.想求求英语达人帮忙翻译一下.谢谢短文:A "favor" is doing something for another person that the ... -
束的异山:[答案] 帮忙就是帮助别人做自己本没有义务要做的事.例如,帮一朋友去买东西或寄信,从而避免了生病中的朋友在雨天出门.既然帮忙涉及了做额外的事,它会要求受益者表达谢意.受益者最好是当事成之后再次对提供帮助的人表示感谢.对于“大”忙,那就...

安居区13587189514: 帮忙翻译一下这个英语短文,不要在线翻译器翻译出的内种翻译. 哪位高手能帮忙翻译一下,先谢谢啦~~~Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most ... -
束的异山:[答案] 圣诞节是大多数西方国家一年之中最隆重的节日.除了人们为节日购买的所有那些礼物、食品和装饰之外,还要准备一棵圣诞树.在节日的一周之前,人们就开始用小灯、彩纸以及一个小天使来装饰圣诞树.家庭礼物通常放在树下. 所以,没有圣诞树的圣...

安居区13587189514: 帮忙翻译一下初一英语短文~~~~It is half past five,School is over.Vicky comes back.His mother is not at home and the door is closed.His brother Jim likes sports... -
束的异山:[答案] 现在是5:30,放学了.Vicky回来了.他的妈妈不在家而且门是关着的.他的哥哥Jim喜欢做运动.他正在学校踢足球.他的姐姐Becky喜欢音乐,她正在和她的朋友一起唱歌. Hyde太太回来时拿着一个篮子.Vicky看见了他的妈妈然后跑过去帮她拿篮子.他们进...

安居区13587189514: 英语短文翻译(不要翻译软件)请帮我翻译短文 很句子. 感谢Amelia earhart was born in kansas,usa, on July24,1897. In those days, planes were not nearly as ... -
束的异山:[答案] 阿米莉娅•埃尔哈特出生在美国堪萨斯州,在July24,1897年.在那些日子里,飞机是不常见的,因为它们是今天.她十二年岁以前,她第一次看到一架飞机,并没有把她的第一个战斗到1920年.她很激动,因为她第一次乘飞机,她很快学会了驾驶飞机....

安居区13587189514: 帮忙翻译英语短文.
束的异山: 100%准切! Institute of smile I always think that they have very tired all day, has never more smile on rainy days, looking out the window, cry ... Why? I am not strong enough because a person lives, may encounter difficulties, but if you can smile, the ...

安居区13587189514: 帮忙翻译一下英语短文!拜托了!1For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming home to an empty house. Some deal... -
束的异山:[答案] 【可能有错误,不过句子应该还是通顺的.毕竟手打~】对六百多万的美国孩子来说,放学后回家就相当于回那个空荡荡的房子.一些孩子就看电视来打发时间,一些就默默匿了(→_→藏起来).但是他们都有一些共同点,每天他们都...

安居区13587189514: 英语短文的翻译 学霸们来帮忙啊帮忙翻译一下 顺便把空格里面要填的答案填一下 Peter was going to retire next week. He was thanked for his good w____ - all ... -
束的异山:[答案] work given/granted because contentedinstead surprisedwhat bad curetime彼得是下周准备退休.他感谢他的好w_____这些年来,g_____小支票作为礼物.当然,彼得很高兴b_____他对他的老板说:“我不要钱.我一直与金钱和c_...

安居区13587189514: 英语短文帮忙翻译一下
束的异山: My name is .. I am 13 years old in 19 high school girls go to school I was a girl I love fantasy painting hobby is singing erhu my English is not very good but I hope to get good at this game achievement

安居区13587189514: 帮忙翻译英文短文 -
束的异山: 南希和彼得喜欢运动.他们都要在星期六去滑冰.现在是7:30,他们正在听收音机里的天气预报.星期五是多云的,而且还很冷,但是不会下雨.不过,温度正在降低,会下雪的.星期五到星期六早上,星期六...

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