求《动物庄园》(aniaml farm)的英文读后感,速度!

作者&投稿:席岭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

童年这本书记载了高尔基儿时的一些故事,中间还夹着一点点的苦涩,还夹着做人的道理: 高尔基在这样艰苦的环境下也能成才,真让我佩服。
高尔基在小的时候就非常喜欢数学。 在一节数学课上,老师出了一个题目考在班上的同学,题目是:“1+2+3+4+……+100=?”这可为难了很多同学,他们一个个都很着急,只有高尔基算出来了,等于5050。从此,老师不会再因为他们家穷而瞧不起他们,而是觉得他很有数学天赋。
英文:Everyone has their childhood, and each person's childhood is different, but each of us has a childhood Gorky do so poor? No, we do not, we are at home, the only son, is the daughter of parents. Gorky's childhood without us happy, happy families without us.
Gorky from the age of 7, there is no father, her mother and old grandmother lives, other children have new clothes, he had not, he and some only a few patched clothes and a bag. However, he did not complain about his mother, but more efforts have to study hard to prepare honor mothers.
This book documented childhood Gorky childhood stories, in the middle is also tucked a little bitter, but also tucked the truth in life: Gorky in such difficult circumstances can be taught, much to my admiration.
Golgi in a small time is extremely enthusiastic about math. In a math class, the teacher out of a subject test students in class, entitled: "1 +2 +3 +4 + ... ... +100 =?" This can be difficult for a lot of classmates, one by one they are hurry, only the Golgi calculated, and is equal to 5050. Since then, the teacher no longer is because they are poor and look down on them, but feel that he is very mathematical talent.
We would like to Golgi study, Confucius said it well: "think of the Yan Jian Xian."

读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书后,我领悟到:一个人的毅力对他的一生是有很大影响的.就说这本书中的主人公保尔·柯察金吧,他的一生非常坎坷,然而他凭什么使自己继续活下去呢 是毅力.毅力给了他无穷的力量,老天也使他有了三次生命.自从认识水兵朱赫来以来,他的心被共产党吸引住了.经过几番波折,他终于如愿以偿,成为了一名共产党员.他出生入死,英勇杀敌.在战争中他也受了不少伤.最严重的一次就是被弹片击中头部,死里逃生.痊愈后,保尔没有忘记党,拿起新的武器,重返战斗队伍,开始了新的生活!
他十几岁就立足杀场,英勇杀敌,热爱祖国,在战场上,他被砍了好几刀都大难不死,为什么 仍然是毅力.年轻的他后来疾病缠身,但他仍不停地忘我工作,有休假疗伤的机会他也不愿意放弃工作,毅力真是一种锲而不舍的精神啊!
英文:Talking about "How the Steel Was Tempered" This book, surely it is no stranger to everyone bar! Book talked about a strong, brave hero Pavel Korchagin.
Read the "How the Steel Was Tempered" This book I learned that: a person's perseverance in his life is very much affected. Say that this book hero Pavel Korchagin, he's life is very rough, but he himself continues to live on what basis it is perseverance. perseverance gave him infinite power, God also gave him three life. Zhuhe Lai has been since the understanding of the sailors, and his heart was the Communist Party attracted lived. After a series of twists and turns, he finally got his wish, becoming a Communist. he go through fire and heroically fighting the enemy. in the war, he also affected a lot of injuries. The most serious one is hit in the head by shrapnel,
Survived. Healed, Paul did not forget the party, pick up new weapons and return to the fighting team, started a new life!
He was a teenager killed on the base field,'s fighting, love the motherland, and on the battlefield, he cut down several knives have survived, why is still perseverance. Young, he was sick, but he still kept ecstasy work, leave the opportunity to heal, he is not willing to give up work, persistence and perseverance is really a kind of ah!
This is a touching story, my heart dropped in the water as if a big rock, a long time can not be calm. I admire Pavel Korchagin kind of courage and indomitable spirit. Hated the story outside the multi-dimensional and that kinds of small aristocracy. Pavel Korchagin's shadow in my mind from time to time emerge, encouraged me to do like him as a strong, courageous person.
We live in a peaceful era, the difficulties in life a little is no big deal, as long as courage to face up to such things as one-off, you will soon find out that he has the perseverance. Pavel Korchagin spirit, always worthy of my learning.
英语:In the long road of life, has a lot of difficulties and obstacles, there are many hardships and frustrations would block their own pace, so that they can not move forward and never give up anything if you will be conquered.
Ancient saying goes: steed leap, not 10 steps; 10 angry horse riding, and the credit in dismay. Wedge and the homes of, dead wood is not folded; perseverance, stone can be Lou.
Unconsciously, the sudden appearance of a sea of eyes, the distance a lonely island, in the quiet of the island, only the birds singing, goats Ben Xiang, trees grow, the fragrant flowers in the reveal . Gradually, the rough to the sea, there has been a leaf boat paddle with a strong wind overturned his boat, and only one who drifted into this deserted island.
The helm, the person is listening to pen writer Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" in the hero - Robinson.
He was a quiet island in this tough life, there has been a voice kept reverberating in my mind with: "drop the idea, so what is the meaning of life? No one will rescue you." But insisted that the belief is Express defeated the idea. Robinson persisted, will eliminate the difficulties one by one and finally got the opportunity to return to civilized society.
In fact, we should do encounter ups and downs, it should be to overcome, never give up, so that xing XU make their own to become stronger and more daring. Never give up, persevere, in order to obtain a bright success.
Believe me, insisted in the end, struggle in the end, if so, victory will belong to you. Because, persist in the end, the struggle of the Magic Gourd life, he will help you through life's

英文:When I opened the "Gulliver's Travels," when I was immediately attracted to the immediate directory: the Adventure Lilliput, Brobdingnag adventure, fly in the country ... ... these words seemed to be imposed by magic, I saw wanted to quickly look down to those want to learn how quickly will Lilliput and Brobdingnag, the state, how to fly. With these questions I am seriously starting to read the first chapter.
This book stresses the Gulliver to the sea in his capacity as a doctor along with a boat out to sea sailing alone, after the storm hit scraped some magic country, and finally returned to their country thing. The plot twists and turns, abstruse, but also no shortage of humor. Gulliver's adventures to write vivid, very interesting. Not so much a "Gulliver's Travels" We could say was "I Gulliver's Travels" then, because I read this book almost fascinated, as if that is the same as my adventures with him. But I admire his wit and from heart courageous, he always gave me one of "adversity have arisen" feeling,
That is why he was passing through numerous re-embark on their own territory after the main reasons why I strongly would like to learn from him this spirit, otherwise, if I come across such things, then it might already kick in. the!
This book is good read, made me read a few times, or perception of the not seen enough, it was too funny, and I very much like "Gulliver's Travels" in this book. How like? You have heard my presentation is not a cardiogram it? Then this book a quick read! Keep in mind Oh, its name is called "Gulliver's Travels"!

读后感要有中文的,既要中文也要英文,只给英文我看不懂!!!! 要四篇哦!

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"Animal Farm" Du Hougan

Recently had the honour on the recommendation of the teacher read "Animal Farm" This good book. Said fortunate, because I was normal in this area do not pay attention to the books, of course, this does not mean that I am not interested in such books. But that in general are in the position I read some of my professional and closely related to some books, because I have been reading to pursue the "intensive reading" Intensive and professional-related master's classic masterpiece. Therefore, if the recommendation of the teacher if not, I am afraid to have the opportunity to read this book, it seems that at this time, I had to teachers to Liu, "The Sound of extremely grateful." Call it a good book, this is certainly no question about that. Because, since this book was born on the date in the world has aroused strong Fanxiang, and with the lofty rating. Therefore, I regard it as a rare look at the books, is in line with reality. Should perhaps say: "" Animal Farm "is good book, the Earth will know that!"

Of course, I say it, and some people have to ask: "Since you so respected this book, then you should be noted that where it Fortunately, where the Miao." Indeed, if I can not answer this question, to a large extent I will be all summed up as "echoed its views" bad role. Frankly, I do not want this person can become the people with ideology, although I just read the Qianchangzhezhi again, but I still have to "打肿脸充胖子" Shuaxiao a return or to "pig Zhu Ba-jie Dai Yanjing posing as students "Hu You 1. So in this comparison" Wochuo "the idea of the role, I think it is necessary to write this one Duhou Gan. In fact Shuilaishuiqu also be a reading attitude! Saint Cloud; "listen to his words and his deeds letter, in the Jin Wu people, listening to his words and watch his actions." In my personal view, the phrase used in this study should think so; "Reading did not study. Do not read books. Does not lie in your mouth that Reading did not read. Can not see. But you understood how much. Read this The number, have their own unique perspective. And their views reflect the best way is associated with the Du Hougan. A statement to the Pi - "did not write to write Du Hougan attitude is the only school testing standards." This is; "Listen to his words and watching his deeds" attitude of the study. Of course, this is only my personal view, as we can not get the recognition, then a different matter. But this freedom of expression in a democratic society, has "greatly Right to freedom of expression, "I said so is the bar may not be sinners. At least I said these are not reactionary remarks of this kind! Bad as long as this does not meet the state, today I say these words even if we were in The bottom of my heart, with special contempt, special sarcastic attitude to criticism, I do not fear the because I did not break the law, no one I can not take!

Also chat so much, should be entering a theme, such Youzai Tour Zai readers and viewers are probably the Zouguang. (To tell the truth, I was heading for his Lianshangtiejin, because my readers and viewers in the present and the future for a long period of time will be only one person, and this is my own). So I more or less扯desalination. More points on the Mexican and now have to start writing this Du Hougan Yibanyiyan of the main part!

Leaving aside the idea of this book depth and practical significance Xianbu Tan, I think that attracted me the most is the author beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Can actually occurred in real life, the human transplanted to various animals, terrible! Surprise to be able to describe Rumusanfen. Peacekeepers Miao Wei Xiao, admire! Can actually do in the community to expose the phenomenon of pain does not give people a kind of Itching feeling, people can not grasp your Xiaobian Zi, which is too Youcai! Anyway on a word, I am the author of this imaginative genius like Superman, I admire the vote of five to. All but can not pay homage to face A 1,10! At this point, I inadvertently opened a trailer grams. Bougainville's "On the American democracy," and he once again enjoy a democratic society literature on the development of some brilliant insights. Also in the process, I Ruoyousuosi, if the Jones……

"In a democratic society, like the material pleasures, to improve the situation of mutual competition, and other psychological desire Madaochenggong, as a Zhuizi in stimulating people did not have to step in for their own cause by Baoding, but not their Xu Yu left this cause. People's main energy, are used in this area has. Imagination has not been eliminated, but it could have imagined the things is almost out of the practical things, and it can reproduce what is almost a reality East and West. Equality is not only made people underestimate the ideal description, but also narrow the characterization of such targets should be the scope. "- Delaying grams. Bougainville

For <<Animal Farm>> this book, I think as long as a bit of good grounding in literature who can see that this book is in animals by exposing the actions of human reality it. In my personal opinion, taking into account the author's creative background and creativity - World War II, I dare to speculate, by the author in this book irony. Flogging at the time, "Nazism" and "socialism." As for why I Chuci Yan in the end I, in my next course of the narrative will give you a clear answer. Now if you told me this view of the still undecided, the first of it as I am a "hypothesis"! But at least no doubt that the authors in this process is deeply reflect real problem, but means much more sophisticated. Now we have a basic consensus, and this is George. Orwellian are on a unique perspective of examining the social, and the genius of imagination and ugly social reality ingenious combination, complement each other, bright. Now we look at further drag grams. Bougainville this description - "imagination is not eliminated, but it could have imagined the things is almost out of the practical things, and it can reproduce what is almost a reality thing. Equality Not only made people underestimate the ideal description, but also narrow the characterization of such targets should be the scope. " We actually surprised that the two are so anastomosis, really, "Xing Xing of the note". "Heroes see amenable to the idea." In fact, we then enlarge the perspective that our own vision-open, we will find in a broad array of Western classical masterpiece, all have strong flashes of such "realism" spirit, or "humanism" sentiments. Zakai from the darkness of the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment era of the knowledge economy of today, this spirit, this sentiment has continued, has been distributed to youth and vitality. When we look back to Zhuigen fundamental reason for the time, we will only find the answer and only one, that is - "throughout the West to end a democratic society." Because of democracy, have a Rousseau, Marx these gifted thinkers of the world created by the Che-hung chapter masterpiece, as a democracy, only the <<Notre Dame de Paris >>,<<基督山伯爵>> these Handed down the Kuangshimingpian. Democracy for these gifted thinker and writer has provided a pure sky, so that the wisdom of Emmanuel, thinking of the spark as much carpet of blooming, enjoy the driving!

Western superiority of the political environment created by a large number of far-reaching impact on future generations giant of the times, these giant standing history Zhigao Dian, with sharp and deep look at our world. In particular, let us awe is: freedom and democracy in the West, these gifted thinkers can use their most sharp Bifeng to flogging at the time when the reality of the world, and no reason in the course of the narrative sometimes mixed with Bizarre, let us They were all the imagination of Superman and Paianjiaojue. This is the democratic era of the style of writing, just as drag grams. Bougainville has said, "imagination has not been eliminated, but it could have imagined the things is almost out of the practical things and the things it can reproduce the reality of things is almost . " This reality is close to saturation culvert imaginative style of writing, I was very respected.

At this point, I would like to talk about my style of writing on China's views and artistic atmosphere, of course, I am here is to criticize our great motherland has. In fact, people now often say, "Now is really the brains of young people so that bad, now our country国泰民安. The situation is excellent, even the foreigners say" I love china ", why do we have to Chongyangmeiwai» Is the West the moon Really than the east circle »I can not see in! Therefore, in life, young people still have to look at the highlights of our times, and more to talk about the good of our socialist society." Complain too much anti-Duanchang "them ! Young people do not cynical, dry point and more practical, more praise of the great People's Republic of China that we will not be dead ah! " Indeed, I criticized their own motherland, to some extent, failed national integrity, but if everyone not dare say the truth, are not telling the truth, then what is our nation's future? » True to the "emperor's new clothes" that point, I think our country has almost finished! So here I learn a Taiwanese writer Bo Yang, the Chinese people will continue to ugly criticism in the end. Of course, in which the role of radical sentiments, I would inevitably exaggerate the facts, to some "unwarranted" Shi Penzi deduction on our people. So you please Zhang wisdom of the eyes, I try to find the irregularities, I criticized the Chinese people after me to continue this "reactionary. Ugly" Chinese people thrown to the ground. However, I hope that we will not completely negative, because I think I awarded by the inverted these phenomena we really耳濡目染. A common, so from this point of view, I am not free with no drama, not invented, but factual. Only criticism is not yet ripe on the heat, unable to accurately grasp the essence of the issue, leading to only a certain degree of distortion.

In the show that I have these views, I can finally speak their minds by now. Even back Maming I also recognize, as I have done the most to you a lengthy description. If you or Buyiburao, that I really had no way. Get started now critical! Mentioned the West has continued to today's most perfect style of writing, and to indicate my own fresh point of view - very respected! Now I would like to talk about our era, China is the style of writing and artistic atmosphere of the situation.

We now have stressed the need to build a harmonious culture. That good! Since we emphasize harmony, it is natural and has a culture of tolerance it. Another argument, which is what the cultural ideology we must have, what kind of culture we have to engage. Because that is the essence of harmony "and different"! Since the day we are called Nang harmony, then it must surely you must have Kuangda mind, all-inclusive breadth of it. But the reality is that I said this? » Is not! As we engage in cultural construction, we are always in to the "pursue the theme" the tone of letting go. In this thinking under the influence, we find that such a truth - not at the main theme of socialism is the only test standard literary works. Thus, even if you write an article to the humor. To reality. As long as you一不小心exposed so that a slight, in his view is contrary to the social reality of the so-called "mistakes" and immediately put to you was "anachronistic melody," Gao Maozi, you will fight a stick Chen Shui-bian, Killed. And what is the main theme? » In their view is to glorify Taipingshengshi, sing socialism, and Yang is to vigorously core of the revolutionary spirit of the times of war. I admit that in our socialist such a big country, we really need to pay attention to the ideological and cultural construction, we should vigorously to build a socialist core value system. Because of ideological problems are the most terrifying than Osama bin Laden also bin Laden. If the ideological think about the 1.3 billion Chinese people are not a consensus, that is to say that we are terrorists in terms of ideology, not everyone is Ma Jiajue, the community also can not Luantao! So for our country to vigorously strengthen the socialist ideological and cultural aspects of the building I do not oppose, I do not agree with this is the "official culture" grasping the dead too. Pipe is too strict!

Take the video for it. I turn on the TV, film on the war from the face of overwhelming. I do not understand, Lane, in a peaceful era we shoot so many war films doing ah » Our China is not saying that to build a harmonious world? » But in China the film. Sowing big war films, this is it not ill-» If foreigners do not know that you are pursued by China's independent foreign policy of peace, then people really think you China is a country of military hegemony? » Of course, make so many war films is also very necessary. But I did not say these words, some experts is the official said. In their view, make war films, war films sowing purpose is to let our young people remember history and to understand that today's happy life is hard. But no one dare say that they are doing this, they have no other a conspiracy, it is a glorification of truth - only the Communist Party can save China. So I say that they are those that are not relevant to the subject of the Che Dan, in their eyes This is the ultimate goal.

It must be pointed out is that I was not here in the criticism of our great party, telling the truth I have not the slightest mean that, I can swear to God. Oh, no, we should vow to Marxism to the one that I am innocent. Everyone must recognize that we, the Chinese Communist Party in China in modern history did for our entire Chinese nation has made great achievements shine through the ages, it really is the truth - the Communist Party, there would be no new China. But I was in the above named Road to the criticism of the theme we carry forward the practice is not to say that we should not engage in this area of construction, to incite people to forget our party's great. But that we do in this area has too. In other words, is that we value this respect too, and consciously and unconsciously, in the course of the neglected genre of other forms of cultural development, and even to some extent directly or indirectly to suppress the other form of art Development and growth.

So we can see that in a number of major cultural awards show, like the so-called "spiritual civilization construction of a five Project Award", "Golden Rooster" and "Hundred Flowers" and a series of film festival, the type of work with the Award Is the greatest probability » Is promoting the theme of this kind. Such as "Liang Jian", "the Eighth Route Army" ah, "Ren Changxia," "lanes Prime Minister". Indeed in many of these works in the boutique, Take "Liang Jian", bar, is very much like my own! To be fair, is a good drama, whether it is from the story or the characters can be said that the shape is perfect. But I have to ask a 1,10 » This and the extent to which we linked to the realities of life? » I Youmei life in that war years, I know how hard it's that time » We are not saying that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth? » I think, ah, if we do not have the life experiences during the war years, I can not believe you said in the TV series in all, at least not the whole letter. Who knows you in the process of film drama did not exaggerate the reality ah » Even if you do a fake, telling the truth no one knows it » In that era who now lives in the 1980s and an estimated age of the bar, say Taibu Jing, it is not shared, there is early to report back to Marxism, and now Who can say clearly that part of history? » After all, is a confused account, all of us in this way you were Hu You!

Shuilaishuiqu in fact, that is to say, these works out of our lives this reality. We Health in the 21st century, you more than the whole point of our lives and works closely related to the same! You know why South Korea's such a drama? Fire » There is no particular reason for this is that these works with other people's reality, to reality ah! In fact, we Chinese people can also make such a drama, ah, why such a big market in China to allow it to the occupation of the tiny South Korea »these people that we are not patriotic such, I think they are the most unpatriotic. That's not good that these people are still out-and-out traitors!放着make the country a drama of such a major event,不干a good thing, but to the whole Narita some very distant from us very distant war films, such a big cake to give foreigners eat, this is not the act of buying and traitor What are »

Of course, I said very radical, it is inevitable that people can not stand. In fact, the war-appropriate film is very necessary, is the so-called "history as a mirror, is Yi Guan"! But will shoot so many people Daowei Kou. To be honest, do not break the story on so few? » It is necessary to disruption to disruption? » But China's modern history we have learned from the primary University, who did not know the Jinggang Mountains, the Yan'an ah » Who does not know that the Sino-Japanese War, the War of Liberation ah » Even the Chinese are Huhutaishui, you suddenly he was called up to him to answer some of the war years, he is absolutely Daobeiruliu, the word is not charged. It seems to me, ah, Dieniang birthday can not know, but the birth of the Communist Party certainly know that. That these simply want to say is, ah, we have to our revolutionary history has been very understanding, the official would not be necessary again engage in so much of the publicity. To do so much, really is费力不讨好, even in the strokes were scolded.

But in my view, in the future for a long period of time, our government is the main theme will be to build a culture of the key cultural construction. That is to say they will vigorously to eulogize the spirit of revolution and vigorously extol Taipingshengshi. In this process, or will ignore a true reflection of our social conditions related to the cultural style of the building. To be honest, we Chinese are in a transition stage, how can you be that there are no problems, no conflicts? » In my view, our modern complex inner world is a great genre! Our vulnerable groups is a good description of the object! Migrant workers so many stories do not have a good-looking, and this unreasonable it » But we do not like the culture is concerned about the reality, that is like archaeology, like retro. Even if the writing is the reality, always more or less divorced from reality, always报喜不报忧, Jianhaojiushou. Here, I am reminded of the Po Yang, in "ugly Chinese," a book by exposing the Chinese people a fatal weakness - fear of telling the truth, Sibu admit! As we agree this point of view, it all by themselves slowly to find it.

To be mad is the case, these are just my reading "Animal Farm" by the thinking part, in fact, I still have many ideas, but not only written material. Saying this out, I know you will think that I am very proud of these people. However, Confucius is not talked about it » "I do not know who is not a problem, and also to know." The translation, that is to say a person is not afraid of other people do not know, the key is to let others should have the ability to know you. I think I was relatively Taoren Yan evil, and we do not like to discuss, this is my love Xianbai,张狂act created the Evil! Not to say nonsense, since it has said that, should not have said that now, to let everyone on the Zouxia Tai collective trial on me!


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短语 1、Animal Farm 动物庄园 ; 动物农庄 ; 动物农场 ; 畜牧 畜牧场 2、World Animal Day 世界动物日 ; 物日 3、Animal Kingdom 动物王国 ; 动 动物界 ; 野兽家族 ; 植物王国 例句 1、The animal is hunted for its fur.狩猎这种动物是为了获取其毛皮。2、I have an allergy to animal ...

最喜欢的动物英语是Favorite animals。Animal,英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“动物”。短语搭配:Animal Farm动物庄园 ; 动物农庄 ; 动物农场。Animal Product动物产品 ; 畜产品 ; 动物产物 ; 动物性产品。Animal Spirits动物精神 ; 动物情绪 ; 生气。Animal World[动]动物世界 ; 禽兽乐团 ; 宅居动物...


animal 是什么意思
animal的意思是:动物。读音:英 [ˈænɪml] 美 [ˈænɪml]n. 动物 adj. 动物的 复数:animals 例句:He was attacked by wild animals.他被野兽袭击了。相关短语:Animal Farm 动物庄园 ; 动物农庄 ; 动物农场 ; [畜牧] 畜牧场 World Animal Day 世界...

animal的音标是英 [ˈænɪml]或美 [ˈænəməl],animal意思是动物,作为名词和形容词使用。animal n.动物,兽,牲畜;<俚>家畜,牲口;<俚>畜生 adj.动物的;肉体的 相关短语:1、Animal Farm 动物庄园 ; 动物农庄 ; 动物农场 ; [畜牧] 畜牧场 2、...

Animals的中文是 animals的意思是:动物。读音:英['?n?mlz]美['?n?mlz]相关短语:1、marineanimals海洋动物 2、LovelyAnimals可爱的动物 3、photogenicanimals发光动物 4、laboratoryanimals实验动物;试验动物 相关例句:1、Keeptheseanimalsoutofthefields.别让这些动物进庄稼地里去。2、Someanimalspossess...

动物英语单词是animal。animal主要用作名词和形容词,作名词时意思是:兽; 牲畜; 动物。作形容词时意思是:肉体的; 肉欲的; 情欲的。animal是可数名词,复数形式是animals。一、animal读音 英 [?æn?ml]美 [?æn?ml]二、animal短语搭配 Animal Farm动物庄园 ; 动物农庄 ; 动物农场 A...

我爱看一本杂志《读者》上面就有很多意味深长,耐人寻味的句子,如“自由就是能够自由地说出二加二等于四---奥威尔《动物庄园》”“人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播---一位电视人的感慨,”的确,人无法欲知以后每天每时每分每秒发生什么事,每天只有面对而努力 、而奋斗!这时,语文在杂志上生长。 如世界没有语文...


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