翻译成英语:1.放学后 2.在校门口 3.初一(2)班 4.英语角

作者&投稿:泣峰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Your school will hold an English Corner/Salon.
英语角一般用English Corner,也有说English Salon

English corner

  1. after school  

  2. at the school gate

  3. The first (2) classes

  4. English corner

  5. And -- -- friends

  6. use  chinese

  7. Let's go

   8.This is -- -- time


1. After school
2. in front of school
3. Class Two Grade Seven
4 English corner
5 make friend with
6 Use Chinese
7 Let's go quickly
8 It is about the time

1、after school
2、at the schoolgate
3、Class Two Grade One
4、English corner
5、make friend with...
6、in chinese
8、it's time to...

翻译成英语:1.放学后 2.在校门口 3.初一(2)班 4.英语角
after school at the school gate The first (2) classes English corner And -- -- friends use chinese Let's go 8.This is -- -- time 回答的很认真,望采纳!

We often chat with each other after scchool.He spent an hour and a half practising volley ball on Wednesday afternoon.All of my teachers are kind to me.Children have a wonderful time on the Children's Day.Thank you for telling me somethng about your school life.Sandy don't ...

把以下汉语翻译为英语一定采纳! 1.放学之后 2.表演功夫 3.在音乐室...
1. After school 2. Perform kung fu 3.In the music room 4. Write stories 5. School performance 6. drums 7. tell a story 8. play the piano 9. Play the guitar 10. play the violin 11. I want to play the violin 12. He don't want to play basketball 句型转换:1:Can ...

把下列短语译成英文。 1. 放风筝 ___3. 放学后 ___5. 看起来像_百度知 ...
1. fly a kite 2. know about 3. after school 4. faster and faster 5. look like 6. on the grass答案不唯一

现在是放学时间 的英语怎么翻译
人家要的是"现在是放学时间" 楼上的怎么大多都译成 现在是上课时间或者上学时间啊?! it is time to leave school now. 或者 It is an off-school time now. "now" 是"现在" 放句首句末都可以.记得采纳啊

现在是放学时间 的英语怎么翻译
人家要的是"现在是放学时间"楼上的怎么大多都译成 现在是上课时间或者上学时间啊?!it is time to leave school now.或者It is an off-school time now."now"是"现在"放句首句末都可以.

"After school, little red hurried home, rice don't eat see" duo la A dream"

翻译成英语.3.学校 8:10开始上学.4.学校4:00放学.5.他们8;50睡觉.
school begin the class at 8:10 leave the school at 4 go to bed at 8:50

您好,以下为翻译:亲爱的先生:我不明白为什么一些家长让他们的孩子在家做家务。现在的孩子 们已经承担了足够多的学习压力。他们没有时间学习,也没有时间做家务。做家务是浪费他们的时间。我们可不可以让他们只做学生的事?他们应该将时间花在学业上,为的是取得好成绩并考上好大学。此外,当他们长大后...

1. 你放学后做什么?2. i 时常放学后滑旱冰。3. 你时常在那里打羽毛球?4. 你多久弹一次钢琴?5. kim 拉小提琴。6. 你会弹钢琴吗?7. 我们能在 5:00 打乒乓球吗?8. 你喜欢什么做为开玩笑?9. 洁白的是胜利者。10. 你今天必须做什么零工呢?11. 妈妈,i 能现在看 tv 吗?12. 你应该吃...

矿区13373248961: “放学后”用英语怎么说 -
荀彪欧博: “放学后”的英文:after school after 读法 英 ['ɑːftə] 美 ['æftɚ]1、adv. 后来,以后 2、prep. 在……之后 3、conj. 在……之后 4、adj. 以后的 短语: 1、after all 毕竟;终究 2、go after 追求,追逐 3、ever after 从此以后一直 4、after hours adv. ...

矿区13373248961: '放学后'用英语怎么说? -
荀彪欧博: 放学后: after school Examples:1. 放学后直接回家. Come straight away after school.2. 孩子们放学后在花园里嬉戏. The children froliced in the garden after school.3. 今天下午放学后我将走路回家. I will walk home after school this afternoon.4. ...

矿区13373248961: 放学后的英语翻译 -
荀彪欧博: after school

矿区13373248961: “放学后 ” 翻译成英文,除了after school,还有一种是啥?老师说有两种的,但偶忘了~嘻嘻 -
荀彪欧博:[答案] after school =when school is over 祝你开心.

矿区13373248961: 放学后,我和朋友们约好在校门口会合.翻译英文 -
荀彪欧博:[答案] After school, my friends and I are planning to meet in front of the school. My friends and I are going to meet in front of the school after class.

矿区13373248961: 英语翻译1.我在也不会这么做了2.请你叫他放学以后在校门口等我好吗?3.你最好不要错过明天的课 -
荀彪欧博:[答案] 1.I'll never do that again. 2.Could you please tell him to wait me outside the school gate. 3.I'd better not to miss tomorrow's class.

矿区13373248961: 放学后的英语单词是什么 -
荀彪欧博: 放学后after school更多释义>>[网络短语]放学后 after school,after class,Groove 放学后步行回家 walk home after school 放学后的 Pleiades

矿区13373248961: 放学后,我和朋友们约好在校门口集合. 翻译英文 -
荀彪欧博: "My friends and I agreed to meet at the school gate after class." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

矿区13373248961: 放学后我在学校门口等你,你必须给我答案.英语再么翻译 -
荀彪欧博: After school I will wait for you at the school gate and you must give me the answers.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

矿区13373248961: 英语翻译1、放学后2、很快吃过晚饭3、抽空安排4、处于太大压力之下5、一个有着三个孩子的母亲6、从…开始7、各种各样的8、为某人计划某事9、一方面... -
荀彪欧博:[答案] 1.after school 2.have a quick dinner 3.spare some time to plan sth 4.under too much pressure 5.a mother of three 6.since the time of. 7.all kinds of 8.plan sth for sb 9.on one hand.on the other hand 10.need time and freedom to relax PS:答案仅供参考,...

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