
作者&投稿:索秀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Have never thought of
one day is able to
separate with each
other. Once childish
but obstinate
believing. We are met
forever together.
Reality is but so
cruel but. Hook the
hook finger. Have
come to an agreement
not to separate with
each other. Which
your promise has

Once believed as
long as having love.
The so long as I
have paid certain
meeting has bringing
back a report but
we have not gone to
one remember those
promise that you say
to me after all.
Heart ... Good
painful ... Know in
tear. Promise to be
to cheat others.
Beloved I complain
that you are true
not at all

My idol is Xusong,Xusong is the English name vae,Xusong was born in Hefei, Anhui, China, and his career is a singer, his birthday in May, his tall, with medium build, he likes writing and music, instruments favorites is the piano, enjoy the most vivid color, he most likes playing table tennis, enjoy the food Xusong watermelon, his favorite animal is a dog, like autumn.

Shadow play - historical development
The origin of
Shadow play is one of the Chinese operas flourishing in China at the earliest. Has a long history about when it was originally the folk have many claims. Shanxi jinzhong area of shadow play, artist, huanglong reality for ancestors. Is early in the era of shells, huanglong cut hide into reality and his nephew at the window to amuse themselves, later generations cut paper window accordingly filmmaker, then just have window movie later in the paper. Doing the rounds in shaanxi shadow play, is a word: "shadow play began in the han, xing in the tang dynasty, sheng in the song dynasty", and argues that shadow play from shaanxi. But these have not sufficient evidence to folklore.
During tang and five dynasties has appeared similar to the prototype of the concept, monks SuJiang "bianwen". "Bianwen" is SuJiang dibon, monk buddhist stories in the form of rap. Speak with images, like elegantly comic, this buddhist painting is known as "the disguised." Explain the text of the pictures have rhyme prose, has Yin, I can sing. This is to the general public about literary form of Buddhism in the tang dynasty, with the shadow puppet theater artists legend about the movie begins with religious phase approximation. Taoist teachings have similar propaganda form of rap, called "description", it comes from the tang dynasty in the "dao". However, "bianwen", "SuJiang", "description" although have pictures, it is not the real concept, followed by "heart make change image for the paper men born, after changed to leather", there is the prototype of the shadow puppet theater.

Shadow play - History
Chinese shadow play is the earliest one of the Chinese operas. Has a long history, it originated in the folk have a lot of saying when. Shanxi Jinzhong in the vicinity of the shadow artist, Huanglong man for the zushi ye worship. Rumored as early as in the Shang Dynasty, Huanglong man and his nephew, cut into the figure of a man at the window for skins, later then cut paper window film, then have the paper window film later. While in Shaanxi the shadow, there is a saying: "shadow play began in the Han, originated in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the song", and that the shadow rises in Shaanxi. But these folk tales and no sufficient evidence.
Tang, prototype have similar movies of five generation, Bianwen for monks vulgar talk "". "Narrative" is the original vulgar talk, the monk deduction of Buddhist stories with rap form. Speak with the image, like a comic strips, this sutra paintings are called "disguised". To explain these pictures of the text, a verse prose, there is Yin has song, can sing. This is a Tang Dynasty to the general public popularity of Buddhism art form, the shadow play artists and legends about the film began with the religious phase approximation. Taoism has a similar publicity doctrine of rap form, fine-sounding name "Daoqing", which originated in the Tang Dynasty "Tao qu". However, "Bian Wen", "vulgar", "Qing" although there are pictures, not real film, followed by "heart meaning change image for the paper, and after the change in skin", will have the embryonic form of shadow play.

Shadow play - historical development
The origin of
Shadow play is one of the Chinese operas flourishing in China at the earliest. Has a long history about when it was originally the folk have many claims. Shanxi jinzhong area of shadow play, artist, huanglong reality for ancestors. Is early in the era of shells, huanglong cut hide into reality and his nephew at the window to amuse themselves, later generations cut paper window accordingly filmmaker, then just have window movie later in the paper. Doing the rounds in shaanxi shadow play, is a word: "shadow play began in the han, xing in the tang dynasty, sheng in the song dynasty", and argues that shadow play from shaanxi. But these have not sufficient evidence to folklore.
During tang and five dynasties has appeared similar to the prototype of the concept, monks SuJiang "bianwen". "Bianwen" is SuJiang dibon, monk buddhist stories in the form of rap. Speak with images, like elegantly comic, this buddhist painting is known as "the disguised." Explain the text of the pictures have rhyme prose, has Yin, deeply

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陆河县19463275628: 请将以下的文章翻译成英文(翻译的好的我最高可追加70分的悬赏) -
堂胥申优: 啊哈,这个太简单了,以下是我给你翻译的:My day This winter vacation I have enjoyed, every morning, I probably 9 o 'clock, then wash garg...

陆河县19463275628: 高分悬赏,英语翻译高手来帮忙,汉译英
堂胥申优: High school English teaching material for the training heard a lot of material, in classroom teaching, teachers should pay attention to the creation of a variety of communication scenarios, using a variety of teaching methods, increased among ...

陆河县19463275628: 悬赏100分!寻英文高人翻译,一篇文章中译英
堂胥申优: In our lives ther will always be some people talking themselves, say that they are beautiful enough, not smart, it will affect our mood, and even affect our lives, change the arguments of others, living in someone else's argument in the ... As long as we ...

陆河县19463275628: 高分悬赏翻译,急用!!! -
堂胥申优: 四月的愚人节笑话:面条收成 四月愚人节,或四月一日,是在许多国家作为一个天开别人的玩笑.它通常是一个时间当孩子取笑对方,但有时别人也能感受到乐趣. 其中最有名的笑话在英国发生在英国电视1957.这是一个星期一晚上的时候,...

陆河县19463275628: 帮忙翻译一段文字,高分悬赏啊!
堂胥申优: 英文:I wait you say love me, even if it's just a also enough, even if my life will spend time to wait, this is all my life I promise, I love you 日语:私はあなたを待って言及したのは私を爱して、ほんの一度も十分だし、たとえかかるものと私の生涯の时间に行って待って、これは私の一生不変の约束を、私はあなたを爱します

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