
作者&投稿:老榕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《推手》(英文:Pushing Hands)是一部於1991年上映的台湾电影,是李安执导的第一部电影,由郎雄、王莱等主演。电影上映前,因剧本获得台湾行政院新闻局颁赠40万新台币奖金,配合中央电影公司的支持下,让李安首度获得执导的机会。台湾导演李安运用近代家庭变迁搭配细腻描述亲情互动,因而享誉国际的『父亲三部曲』之第一部曲。

Date of Birth
23 October 1954, Pingtung, Taiwan

5' 7" (1.70 m)

Mini Biography
Born in 1954 in Pingtung, Taiwan, Ang Lee has become one of today's greatest contemporary filmmakers. Ang graduated from the National Taiwan College of Arts in 1975 and then came to the U.S. to receive a B.F.A. Degree in Theatre/Theater Direction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a Masters Degree in Film Production at New York University. At NYU, he served as Assistant Director on Spike Lee's student film, Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads (1983). After Lee wrote a couple of screenplays, he eventually appeared on the film scene with Tui shou (1992) (aka Pushing Hands), a dramatic-comedy reflecting on generational conflicts and cultural adaptation, centering on the metaphor of the grandfather's Tai-Chi technique of "Pushing Hands". Hsi yen (1993) (aka The Wedding Banquet) was Lee's next film, an exploration of cultural and generational conflicts through a homosexual Chinese man who feigns a marriage in order to satisfy the traditional demands of his Taiwanese parents. It garnered Golden Globe and Oscar nominations, and won a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. The third movie in his trilogy of Taiwanese-Culture/Generation films, all of them featuring his patriarch figure Sihung Lung, was Yin shi nan nu (1994) (aka Eat Drink Man Woman), which received a Best Foreign Film Oscar nomination. Lee followed this with Sense and Sensibility (1995), his first Hollywood-mainstream movie. It acquired a Best Picture Oscar nomination, and won Best Adapted Screenplay, for the film's screenwriter and lead actress, Emma Thompson. Lee was also voted the year's Best Director by the National Board of Review and the New York Film Critics Circle. Lee and frequent collaborator James Schamus next filmed The Ice Storm (1997), an adaptation of Rick Moody's novel involving 1970s New England suburbia. The movie acquired the 1997 Best Screenplay at Cannes for screenwriter James Schamus, among other accolades. The Civil War drama Ride with the Devil (1999/I) soon followed and received critical praise, but it was Lee's Wo hu cang long (2000) (aka Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) that is considered one of his greatest works, a sprawling period film and martial-arts epic that dealt with love, loyalty and loss. It swept the Oscar nominations, eventually winning Best Foreign Language Film, as well as Best Director at the Golden Globes, and became the highest grossing foreign-language film ever released in America. Lee then filmed the comic-book adaptation, Hulk (2003) - an elegantly and skillfully film with nice action scenes. Lee has also shot a short film - Chosen (2001) (aka Hire, The Chosen) - and most recently won the 2005 Best Director Academy Award for Brokeback Mountain (2005), a film based on a short story by Annie Proulx.

Master Chu, a retired Chinese Tai-Chi master, moves to Westchester, New York to live with his son Alex, his American daughter-in-law Martha, and their son Jeremy. However, Martha's second novel is suffering from severe writers' block brought on by Chu's presence in the house. Alex must struggle to keep his family together as he battles an inner conflict between cultural tradition and his modern American lifestlye. Written by Kathy Li

Sihung Lung, the actor who played Master Chu, the aging tai chi master, gave a very convincing and sincere performance in this film. It was no wonder that he won the Golden Horse (Taiwan's equivalent for the Oscars) for Best Actor in this film. His performance was extremely touching, as tears jerked into my eyes as I see an aging and traditional Chinese father trying to get along with his westernized family while also trying to adjust to life in a new place and culture. The film encourages people, especially new immigrants, to emphasize and put themselves in their parents' shoes. Try to understand how difficult it is for them to come and settle in a new place and try not to push them away. Be patient with them, take a step back and everything may be better.

The movie title, "Pushing Hands", is very appropriate, as this is the term for an exercise in tai chi in which a person achieves balance by giving up balance. In this non-aggressive exercise between 2 people, a person offers no resistance at all to the pressure or push that the other person is exerting and keeps borrowing this strength until they feel they have fused into one and thus have achieved harmony. This was what Master Chu did. Although his daughter-in-law kept misunderstanding him, causing much discontent and eventually got his son to try to sent him away, he offered no resentment or a temper tantrum. He simply walked away gracefully. This action caused his son to appreciate him and remember why he got his father to live together in the first place in a tear jerking scene and finally they worked out a solution. They decided to give each other space by living separately instead of pushing each other away. In the end everyone was much happier, as even the daughter-in-law learned to accept the father, symbolized by her decorating the guest room for him and asking the question if he would ever visit. The father achieved the balance that he seek in Tai-Chi.

Ang Li is simply amazing and sensational. He did what he could with the limited budget and created a very warm and tear jerking film. Although this film was not the highest quality (the version I saw was very unclear and skips sometimes) and it could feel slow at times, especially the beginning sequence, the film was a great work in directing. The film picked up its pace after the slow beginning without any big fighting scenes or explosions and never felt boring afterwards. Also, from the beginning sequence, where he was able to show the dissension and gap between the daughter-in-law and the father by using just different scenes and visuals, to scenes throughout the film where he used lighting and different camera angles to show the internal pain and sadness that the father experience, it was, simply put, a great piece of art considering the budget. It showcased the talent of Li and gave the audience a glimpse of the man who would bring us the memorable Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

有哇,我有你要的,里面都是大量的电影需要的话可以看我dddd 看我简戒了解一下

Master Chu, a retired Chinese Tai-Chi master, moves to Westchester, New York to live with his son Alex, his American daughter-in-law Martha, and their son Jeremy. However, Martha's second novel is suffering from severe writers' block brought on by Chu's presence in the house. Alex must struggle to keep his family together as he battles an inner conflict between cultural tradition and his modern American lifestlye. Written by Kathy Li

Sihung Lung, the actor who played Master Chu, the aging tai chi master, gave a very convincing and sincere performance in this film. It was no wonder that he won the Golden Horse (Taiwan's equivalent for the Oscars) for Best Actor in this film. His performance was extremely touching, as tears jerked into my eyes as I see an aging and traditional Chinese father trying to get along with his westernized family while also trying to adjust to life in a new place and culture. The film encourages people, especially new immigrants, to emphasize and put themselves in their parents' shoes. Try to understand how difficult it is for them to come and settle in a new place and try not to push them away. Be patient with them, take a step back and everything may be better.
The movie title, "Pushing Hands", is very appropriate, as this is the term for an exercise in tai chi in which a person achieves balance by giving up balance. In this non-aggressive exercise between 2 people, a person offers no resistance at all to the pressure or push that the other person is exerting and keeps borrowing this strength until they feel they have fused into one and thus have achieved harmony. This was what Master Chu did. Although his daughter-in-law kept misunderstanding him, causing much discontent and eventually got his son to try to sent him away, he offered no resentment or a temper tantrum. He simply walked away gracefully. This action caused his son to appreciate him and remember why he got his father to live together in the first place in a tear jerking scene and finally they worked out a solution. They decided to give each other space by living separately instead of pushing each other away. In the end everyone was much happier, as even the daughter-in-law learned to accept the father, symbolized by her decorating the guest room for him and asking the question if he would ever visit. The father achieved the balance that he seek in Tai-Chi.
Ang Li is simply amazing and sensational. He did what he could with the limited budget and created a very warm and tear jerking film. Although this film was not the highest quality (the version I saw was very unclear and skips sometimes) and it could feel slow at times, especially the beginning sequence, the film was a great work in directing. The film picked up its pace after the slow beginning without any big fighting scenes or explosions and never felt boring afterwards. Also, from the beginning sequence, where he was able to show the dissension and gap between the daughter-in-law and the father by using just different scenes and visuals, to scenes throughout the film where he used lighting and different camera angles to show the internal pain and sadness that the father experience, it was, simply put, a great piece of art considering the budget. It showcased the talent of Li and gave the audience a glimpse of the man who would bring us the memorable Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


《推手》同是李安的作品,也同是父亲三部曲之一 【剧情简介】移民美国的北京太极拳师朱师傅在儿子优裕的家庭生活,却有寂寞之感。原因是美国的儿媳妇玛莎接受不了这个异国的公公。加上语言的不通,两代人的鸿沟产生了。老人在寂寞中有一次出外散步时,迷失了。回到家的儿子,见父亲不在,出门寻找,几...

父亲三部曲的作者是李安。由《推手》(1991)、《喜宴》(1993)和《饮食男女》(1994)三部作品构成的“家庭三部曲”是李安最早的三部作品,创作于进入好莱坞之前。因为三部影片都有一个由郎雄饰演的父亲形象,又称作“父亲三部曲”。李安个人简介 李安(AngLee),1954年10月23日出生于省屏东县潮州镇...

2006年5月23日,李安宣布他的下一部电影是张爱玲旧作短篇小说《色,戒》(Lust,Caution),电影于2007年9月24日晚场在中国台湾首映。 zh. *** \/w\/index?title=%E6%9D%8E%E5%AE%89&variant=zh-李安(英文名:Ang Lee,1954年10月23日-),是出生于中国台湾的电影导演,2006年凭《断背山》...


导演简介 李安,华人电影导演,1954年出生于台湾,后移居美国。他是第一位获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的华人导演,也是第一位获得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的华人导演。他的作品涉及不同的文化和历史背景,探索人性、情感和身份认同等主题。《推手》(1991)李安的第一部长片《推手》讲述了一个年逾古稀的太极大师和他...


食神〉《功夫》《长江7号》特点:喜剧,无理头。五、李安 《星期六下午的懒散》《陈妈劝的一天》《追打》《揍艺术家》《我爱中国菜》《荫凉湖畔》《分界线》《推手》《喜宴》《饮食男女》《理性与感性》《冰风暴》《与魔鬼共骑》《卧虎藏龙》《绿巨人》《断背山》〈色戒〉特点:融合东西方文化。



岳普湖县17178524287: 推手的影评 英文的 急求!! -
向茅海之: Pushing Hands is Ang Lee's first film after graduation, and the first episode of his "Triad of Father." In spite of its status as an early work, it manifests subtlety, elegance and articulation in narration style constantly seen in his latter works. Everyone...

岳普湖县17178524287: 《推手》电影中有关于文化冲突或差异的评论要英文的谢谢! -
向茅海之:[答案] The story is about an elderly Chinese t'ai chi ch'uan teacher and grandfather who emigrates from Beijing to live with his son, American daughter-in-law, and grandson in a New York City suburb. The gra...

岳普湖县17178524287: 《推手》电影中有关于文化冲突或差异的评论要英文的谢谢!!!! -
向茅海之: The story is about an elderly Chinese t'ai chi ch'uan teacher and grandfather who emigrates from Beijing to live with his son, American daughter-in-law, and grandson in a New York City suburb. The grandfather is increasingly distanced from the ...

岳普湖县17178524287: 《推手》电影中关于文化冲突或差异的评论要英文的谢谢!!!! -
向茅海之: sorry. Didn't see it yet.

岳普湖县17178524287: 从跨文化交际角度分析电影推手 -
向茅海之: 《推手》围绕一个移民美国家庭发生的一系列故事,表现了传统的中国文化与美国的风土人情之间的冲突.中西文化的背景是不同的,美国是青年人的天堂,老年人是坟墓,富裕的物质能够保障老年人的生活,然而,儿女的温情却不像中国人,...

岳普湖县17178524287: 求对电影《the pursuit of hapiness》的英文内容简介~~ -
向茅海之: 这是从某个英文网站上摘选的.是三个不同版本的介绍,应该有你需要的. 就内容介绍来说,个人比较喜欢最后一个,因为把情节介绍得比较完整. 1.Chris Gardner has big dreams for him and his family but it doesn't seem to come together for ...

岳普湖县17178524287: 英语电影的英文简介! 要100字左右的 ! 谢谢啦! 急用 -
向茅海之: 阿凡达An Alien Language The blockbuster film Avatar has been a smash hit at the box office in the UK and around the world, becoming the fastest film...

岳普湖县17178524287: 美国电影《Robots》的英文概要 -
向茅海之: 你好~In Future, Year 2706, All the Humans are Died, Robots become People, Rodney Copperbottom (voice - Ewan McGregor) is a young genius inventor who dreams of making the robot world a better place for everyone. Rodney idolizes Big Weld ...

岳普湖县17178524287: 介绍一下李安的电影《推手》? -
向茅海之: 就不复制一大堆资料了,给你个新浪娱乐资料的链接,对这部电影介绍的还比较详细.http://ent.sina.com.cn/m/2006-07-21/15481166945.html

岳普湖县17178524287: 求电影Bolt的英文简介 -
向茅海之: Bolt, an American White Shepherd, has lived his whole life on the set of his action TV show, where he believes he has superpowers. When separated from the studio by accident, he meets a female alley cat named Mittens and a hamster named ...

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