
作者&投稿:大叔梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

• 关于勤俭节约的英语作文
• 1)随着人们生活水平的提高,一些人认为勤俭节约的生活方式已经过时了 • 2)但是很多人反对这种说法 • 3)你的看法是…,为什么? •

• Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?

Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?
With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is already out of style.
However, still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue. They say that the strong power of production doesn’t mean that we are supposed to a live a luxurious life, because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline. Moreover, they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.
As to me, I prefer the latter opinion. I believe “Waste not, want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up comfort but to enhance efficiency. In fact, economic growth depends enormously on saving. Besides, there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line. We can never afford reckless waste. Therefore, it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up


Electricity plays a very important role in our life today. We can't live without it.
In our country, we have used it for about 50 years.
However, we must know that at the same time, a large part of it is wasted, it pollutes the environment around us.
As a student, we should use less air conditioning, turn off the lights when we leave, remind our family of the importance of saving electricity, and so on.
As a saying goes, "action is better than speech.".
Please join in the power saving action, from yourself, from now on. get some action!

Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?
With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is already out of style.
However, still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue. They say that the strong power of production doesn’t mean that we are supposed to a live a luxurious life, because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline. Moreover, they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.
As to me, I prefer the latter opinion. I believe “Waste not, want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up comfort but to enhance efficiency. In fact, economic growth depends enormously on saving. Besides, there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line. We can never afford reckless waste. Therefore, it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up

We should save our things

A Journey into, we should promote the establishment of a conservation-minded society, saving the glorious, a waste of shame!We should conserve food, and to remind those around us that we must reduce, which are beneficial to society as a whole!

Introduction:Water is a precious resource that sustains life on Earth. It is crucial for us to understand the importance of conserving water and adopt habits of diligence and frugality in its usage.水是地球上维持生命的宝贵资源。我们必须理解节约用水的重要性,并养成勤俭节约水资源的习惯...


of wasting it on yourself.我们每个人,可以从日常的生活小事做起,逐渐养成勤俭节约的习惯。这将是自己终生享用不尽的宝贵财富!Every one of us, may start from the daily life, and gradually develop the habit of industry and thrift. This will be your lifetime to enjoy endless wealth!


它培养人们自我克制的习惯;它使精明谨慎成为人的习惯于性格;它控制自我放纵;它使人拥有安逸闲适的平和心态。   小荷作文网 zww.cn ,你也可以投稿 勤俭节约绝不是与贪婪、吝啬和自私同流合污的行为。实际上,它恰恰是这些性情的对立面。勤俭节约的目的是为了获得人格的独立。

only become an egoistic person.Such a person, will eventually be abandoned by society, you like steamed buns into the swill bucket.节约粮食的英语作文相关推荐:1. 节约粮食的英语句子 2. 小学英语作文:节约粮食 3. 浪费食物英语作文 4. 关于勤俭节约的英语作文 5. 关于节约粮食的作文 ...

从我懂事时,爸爸妈妈就教导我要勤俭节约,要珍惜每一粒米,每一滴水!“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”每一粒粮食都是农民伯伯辛勤劳动换来的,爱粮节粮就是对农民伯伯劳动的尊重!我们不仅要从自身做起,还要带动身边人爱惜、节约粮食。I summed up some food saving tips:我总结了几点节粮小窍门:When ...

英语作文 节约用钱的好处
be used where it needs to be spent. As the old saying goes, save one horse a day and one horse a year. Diligence and thrift are the essence of working people.从此我明白了,钱是拿来用的,但必须用在需要花钱处。古话说:一天省一把,一年省一匹马。勤俭节约是劳动人民的本色。

• 关于勤俭节约的英语作文 • 1)随着人们生活水平的提高,一些人认为勤俭节约的生活方式已经过时了 • 2)但是很多人反对这种说法 • 3)你的看法是…,为什么? •• Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?With the ...

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帅怖络欣: Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is ...

天祝藏族自治县19270972811: 关于勤俭节约的英语作文一篇关于勤俭节约的作文,最好有翻译,最好多点稍微简单点,希望是原创,别复制,明天要交!谢谢各位哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨! -
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天祝藏族自治县19270972811: 英语作文勤俭节约 -
帅怖络欣: A Journey into, we should promote the establishment of a conservation-minded society, saving the glorious, a waste of shame! We should conserve food, and to remind those around us that we must reduce, which are beneficial to society as a whole!

天祝藏族自治县19270972811: 请以 节俭 为题写一篇英语作文 100字以上 -
帅怖络欣:[答案] How can we save electricity?First,we mustn't turnon more lights than we need .Then,we must turn fans off when we leave a room.Next,we must close the fridge or freezer after we have taken something out...

天祝藏族自治县19270972811: 求一篇关于节约的英语作文,要初中版的,不要太复杂,越简单越好. -
帅怖络欣:[答案] As a middle school student .I think can start the things around us to save something important .First ,make sure that the lights are turned off when we finish our work and leave the room .second ,we can save as much as paper as possible .Third ,we better ...

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帅怖络欣: When is World Thrift Day ? When did World Thrift Day come into exsistance? How do you know this festival , Or you know nothing about it? Never mind, in this article, I will introduce you something about the World Thrift Day.World Thrift Day was ...

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帅怖络欣: Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is XX. I come from XXX. Though I am a senior shool student, who am always busy in the heavy work, I still have many hobbies in my free time. I like English, singing and touching new things. And for me, ...

天祝藏族自治县19270972811: 关于勤俭节约的英语作文
帅怖络欣: We should save our things

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帅怖络欣: Many families have their own rules. So how about mine? Well, I have too many rules and they are so strict for me. The first rule is that my parents don`t allow me to stay up late. The second one is that they don`t allow me to surf the Internet from ...

天祝藏族自治县19270972811: 跪求英语作文,实在是不会写啊.标题:Thrift is Always a Good Virtue1.人们目前对待节俭的态度2.为什么要树立节俭的风尚3.对节俭的深层思考字数要求:150 -
帅怖络欣:[答案] Thrift is Always a Good Virtue(1) With the improvement of the living standards,many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty.What they ...

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