
作者&投稿:苑卸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

June the 9th was my birthday.I held a party and invited my best friend Judy.Judy took a present for me on that day.It was a oblong green backpack,40cm long and 30cm wide.I like it very much and I thanked Judy very much.I really had a great time on that day!

hi dear ,

How are you doing ?
Here we are going to have an international meeting , so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor . As I know you are great in Chinese now , so I think it would be fun if you join us , to work together it would be too much appreciate . The meeting will be on March 4th to March 7th , but we should be there advance , from 8 am tp 6 pm , during this time have 2 hours for lunch . Also , we still need one more , so I'm wondering if you may ask your friend who at that time can join us .

thanks a lot dear ,I'm looking for your answer .

All my best ,

     1.My name is XXXX, I am a 8-year-old bog/girl.I was born in XXX,a very beautiful city. In my family , there are father, mother, a younger sister and an elder brother.My parents are workers, they get to work everyday from 9am to 5pm, my elder brother is a middle school situdent while I am a pupil,we have to send our younger sister to kindergarten every day before go to school. My family is sweet, we are close and love each other very much. In my family , everybody has one's own habbit.I love to go swimming, watch TV, surf on Internet and so on. Now I am learning playing Piano, I hope someday I will be as good as Langlang.     

         2.I have many hobbies. I like many kinds of sports, such as table tennis, basketball, football and so on. I like almost all the subjects I am learning. I like maths best, and I like English too,but I am not good at it. However, I will try my best to learn it well. Because I like watching foreign films, I believe I can do it. I have a family of three, my father, my mother and I. They love me very much. But I still sometimes feel tired of their endless talk. My parents have their own business and I have mine so we are busy doing our own things. As to my friends, I have many socalled brothers and we study together, talk together,and play together . We talk everything from history to sports, from latest news to politics. We feel happy together.Finally, I want to make friends with all of you. Thank you for your listening. 我有许多爱好,像乒乓,篮球,足球等等。我喜欢几乎所有我在学的科目,最喜欢数学, 也喜欢英语,但我英语不是很好,但我会尽力学好它。因为我喜欢看外国大片,所以我相信我能做到。 我有一个3口之家,我爸我妈和我。他们很爱我,但我有时候仍然觉得有点烦他们对我没完没了地唠叨。他们有他们的事做,我也一样。所以我们各忙各的。 至于朋友,我有很多哥们,我们一起学习,一起聊天,一起玩。从历史聊到体育,从最新新闻聊到政治。觉得在一起很开心。最后,我希望能和你们大家交朋友,谢谢。     3.

My hobby
I have various hobbies, such as table tennis, playing tennis, I often at the weekend with my classmates doing sports. I also like reading, swimming, writing.
My family
I have a harmonious family, dad, mom, grandma, grandpa and me, father is a writer and my mother is a salesman, my grandma and grandpa is retired teacher, I am a student, I love my family!
My friend
I have a very good friends that he is xiao Ming, he was very tall and he is medium build, he is humorous, always likes jokes makes me laugh, I hope that our friendship can be everlasting.

Happy New Year
Today is New Year, hope everybody can harvest in the New Year, students can obtain with good grades, the teacher career can also flourishing, I wish you a happy New Year!


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