
作者&投稿:孛顷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

35KV crosslinking cable connector failure analysis and among the preventive measures Abstract: electric power is the main source of social production, as modern urban dynamic and modern production scale unceasingly expands increasingly improve degree of power supply system, lose shows: the power supply system, network, power supply, complex power link long distance etc. Characteristics. Among the power cable connector as an important point in the network, the operation stability will directly affect the quality of power supply system operation. From cable line, it is never a joint, secondary parts, it is equally important to cable, essential components. And because the route in cable connector, import and export and docking itself in comparison with the key parts, fittings in installation etc, make the fittings to process from structure than cable disadvantaged. Can say, connector cable routes in weak link, therefore in the cable routes from the outside force damage due to factors, because of poor quality fittings manufacture, installation or improper material selection of accidents caused by incorrect 60% - 80%, the transformation of the visible in importance. Keywords: cable connector failure analysis among the quality construction preventive measures

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The 39th article: The futures exchange earnest money control system's content must include: (one) gathers the earnest money to the member the proportion and the form;
(two) in special-purpose clearance account member earnest money lowest remaining sum; (three), when the member earnest money remaining sum is lower than the futures exchange stipulation lowest remaining sum handling method
The 40th article: The futures exchange must defer to the handling charge income 20% proportion extraction risk reserve fund, the risk reserve fund must calculate alone, special bank account memory.
The Chinese Securities Supervisory Association may act according to the futures exchange service scale, the development plan as well as the latent risk decision risk reserve fund scale
The 41st article: The prompt sale implements does not have the debt settlement system every day
The 42nd article: The prompt sale implements the investor to trade the code system. The stock broker company members and the investor must observe a household yard system, do not mix the code transaction
The 43rd article: The prompt sale practices the hedge cash examination system and the congenial cash limits the warehouse system.

Article 39 of the Exchange margin of content management system should include:
(A) charge to members of the margin and form;
(B) account for clearing member margin of minimum balance;
(C) When the members of the Futures Exchange margin balances below the minimum balance of the disposal methods.
Article 40 should be in accordance with the Exchange's fee income ratio from 20 per cent of the reserve risk, the risk must be prepared to separate accounting, accounts storage.
The China Securities Regulatory Commission may Exchange scale of business, development plans and the potential risks decided to risk the size of the reserve.
Article 41 daily non-implementation of debt futures clearing system.
Article 42 of investors trading futures implement a coding system. Member futures brokerage companies and investors must abide by a one yards system, shall not be mixed code transactions.
Implementation of Article 43 futures hedging positions examination and approval system, and speculative position limits warehouse system.

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阴凤复方: 这是西班牙语和秘鲁的语言(Te amo)这是我爱你的意思.其他的我不会.

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阴凤复方:[答案] Love buried in the bottom of my heart

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阴凤复方: 您好!十分抱歉,第2篇的翻译找不到,请原谅.《剜股藏珠》海中有座宝山,很多宝物错杂分布其间,白光照耀着.有个海夫从这里觅得直径一寸的大宝珠,船载而归.航行不到百里,海风大作,海涛汹涌簸荡,见一条蛟龙浮游沉没着,十分...

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