我在未来等你 这句话翻译成英文

作者&投稿:贸兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'm waiting for you in the future.

I'm waiting for you in the future, my dear lovely English boy.

I'll always waiting for you.

I am waiting for you in the furture.

I shaii be waiting for you in the future.

I am waiting for you in the furture.

I'm waiting for you in the future.

太谷县13459569665: 我在未来等你用英文怎么说? -
招萱仁怡:[答案] 译文: I will wait you in the future. 很高兴为你解答,祝你学习进步!一刻永远523 为你解答~~ 如果你认可我的回答,请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢~~ 如果还有其它问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请理解~~

太谷县13459569665: 我在未来等你的英文怎么说? -
招萱仁怡:[答案] I wait for you in the future

太谷县13459569665: 我在未来等你用英语翻译过来.不是.I'm waiting for you in the future.是Wait开头.结尾是future me.在一本书的封面看到的.急求. -
招萱仁怡:[答案] wait until i get the future me

太谷县13459569665: 我在未来等你用英语翻译过来. -
招萱仁怡: wait until i get the future me

太谷县13459569665: 我在未来等你,英文怎么说? -
招萱仁怡: I'll wait you in the future

太谷县13459569665: “我在未来等你”英文应该怎么说? -
招萱仁怡: I'm waiting for you in the future.

太谷县13459569665: 我在未来等你 这句话翻译成英文 -
招萱仁怡: I'll always waiting for you. 歌词... 好像不单单是未来啊...是从现在到未来,是永永远远 不过更喜欢这句....

太谷县13459569665: 晚安 我在未来等你的英文 -
招萱仁怡: 晚安 我在未来等你 Good night, I will wait for you in the future.晚安 我在未来等你 Good night, I will wait for you in the future.

太谷县13459569665: 英语翻译1.我要去,有你的未来.2.我在未来,等你.这两句翻译,是相反句..麻烦DX了 -
招萱仁怡:[答案] 1.I want to be in a future that has you there. 2.I'll be in the future waiting for you.

太谷县13459569665: I'm waiting for you in the future这句话在语法上有错误吗?我在未来等你 -
招萱仁怡:[答案] 这句话最好的翻译是 I will be waiting for you.我会等你的(未来可以省略,因为这里本身就是将来时态了) 你可以参考歌曲right here waiting 里面的一句歌词“i will be right here waiting for you.我会在这里一直等你)

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