
作者&投稿:莱闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The London Eye, the world's largest ferris wheel on the banks of the River Thames in London, will become a permanent landmark in the city.
The 135M London eye was built to celebrate 2000 AD and was originally allowed to operate for five years, but its owners want to keep it going.
British Airways, which owns part of the London Eye, one of Britain's most popular paid-for attractions, said more than 8.5 million people had taken to the air to see the city. Ba said the 1,500-ton structure would last for at least 50 years.

"伦敦眼"是伦敦最吸引的观光点,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔的世界最大摩天轮"伦敦眼"将会永久成为伦敦的地标。 高135米的"伦敦眼"是为了庆祝公元2000年而兴建的,原定获准运作5年,但是"伦敦眼"的拥有者希望让它继续运作下去。

The Ferris wheel is named after George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bridge-builder. He began his career in the railroad industry and then pursued an interest in bridge building. Ferris understood the growing need for structural steel and founded G.W.G. Ferris & Co. in Pittsburgh, a firm that tested and inspected metals for railroads and bridge builders.
Ferris designed and built the Chicago Wheel[1][2] for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. The wheel was intended as a rival to the 324-metre (1,060 ft) Eiffel Tower, the centerpiece of the 1889 Paris Exposition. It was the largest attraction at the Columbian Exposition, with a height of 80 metres (260 ft), and was powered by two steam engines. The axle, a single 700.000-ton solid hammered steel forging, was forty-five feet long and thirty-two inches in diameter.[3] There were 36 cars, accommodating 40 people each, giving a total capacity of 1,440. It took 190 minutes for the wheel to make two revolutions—the first to make six stops to allow passengers to exit and enter; the 2nd, a single non-stop revolution—and for that, the ticket holder paid 50 cents. When the Exposition ended, the wheel was moved to the north side, next to an exclusive neighborhood. William D. Boyce filed an unsuccessful Circuit Court action against the owners of the wheel, to have it moved. It was then used at the St. Louis 1904 World's Fair and eventually destroyed by controlled demolition using dynamite on May 11, 1906.[4]
The Wiener Riesenrad is a surviving example of nineteenth century Ferris wheels. Erected in 1897 in the Prater park in the Leopoldstadt district of Vienna, Austria, it has a height of 64.75 metres (212.4 ft).[5] Following the demolition of the 100-metre (330 ft) Grande Roue de Paris in 1920,[6] the Riesenrad was the world's tallest extant Ferris wheel until the construction of the 85-metre (280 ft) Technocosmos for Expo '85 in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.


The London Eye, located on the banks of the River Thames in London, England, is the world's first and most spectacular viewing wheel in 2005. It is one of London's landmarks and famous tourist spots.

伦敦眼(The London Eye),坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界上首座、同时截至2005年最大的观景摩天轮,为伦敦的地标及出名旅游观光点之一。

The London Eye opened at the end of 1999, when the sponsor was British Airways and was also known as the Millennium Wheel, with a total height of 135 meters (443 feet).


There are 32 passenger cabins in the London Eye (ranging from No. 1 to 33. Because of religious taboos, there is no No. 13). Because of the tempered glass inside and outside the cabin, there is an air conditioning system. Each cabin can carry about 25 passengers, and the speed of rotation is about 0.26 meters per second, which means it takes 30 minutes.


The "London Eye" was built to celebrate the new millennium and is therefore also known as the "Millennium Ferris Wheel." Passengers can take the "London Eye" to the upper half and take a bird's eye view of London. The "London Eye" turned into a huge blue halo at night, greatly adding to the Thames' dreamy temperament.


The London Eye also lights up for the 2015 British elections. The red light represents the British Labor Party, the blue represents the Conservative Party, the purple represents the British Independence Party, and the yellow represents the Liberal Democrats.



London Eye Landmark:


British Airways, which owns a portion of the "London Eye", said: London local authorities have approved it as a permanent landmark. The decision also needs to wait for the approval of London Mayor Livingstone and the British government.


Since its opening in March 2000, more than 8.5 million people have taken the “London Eye” to the upper half and have a bird's eye view of London. The “London Eye” is also the most popular paid destination in the UK.


British Airways said the 1,500-ton building could last for at least 50 years. Sitting in the eyes of London, you can see the whole picture of London.





Located on the banks of the Thames River in London, UK, it is the world's first and largest Ferris wheel up to 2005. It is one of London's landmarks and famous tourist spots.


London eye opened at the end of 1999, when its sponsor was British Airways, so it was also known as the Millennium Wheel, with a total height of 135 meters (443 feet).





伦敦眼London Eye
The British Airways London Eye, also known as the Millennium Wheel, opened in 1999 and was the largest observation wheel in the world, until it was replaced by The Star of Nanchang. Now, that record is broken by the Singapore Flyer, which stands 165 metres tall. The London Eye stands 135 metres (443 feet) high on the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames in Lambeth, London, England, between Westminster and Hungerford Bridges (Coordinates: 51°30′12〃N, 00°07′11〃W). The wheel is adjacent to London's County Hall, and stands opposite the offices of the Ministry of Defence.
Designed by architects David Marks, Julia Barfield, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, Steven Chilton and Nic Bailey, the wheel carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned passenger capsules attached to its external circumference. It rotates at 0.26 metres (0.85 feet) per second (about 0.9 km/h or 0.5 mph) so that one revolution takes about 30 minutes. The wheel does not usually stop to take on passengers: the rotation rate is so slow that they can easily walk on and off the moving capsules at ground level. It is, however, stopped to allow disabled or elderly passengers time to embark and disembark safely.
The rim of the Eye is supported by tie rods and resembles a huge spoked bicycle wheel, and was depicted as such in a poster advertising a charity cycle race.
The wheel was constructed in sections which were floated up the Thames on barges and assembled lying flat on pontoons. Once the wheel was complete it was raised into an upright position by cranes, being lifted at 2 degrees an hour until it reached 65 degrees. It was left in that position for a week while engineers prepared for the second phase of the lift. The total weight of steel in the Eye is 1,700 tonnes.
It was opened by British Prime Minister Tony Blair at 20:00 GMT on December 31, 1999, although it was not opened to the public until March 2000 because of technical problems. Since its opening, the Eye, operated by The Tussauds Group but sponsored by British Airways, has become a major landmark and tourist attraction.
By July 2002, roughly 8.5 million people had ridden the Eye. It had planning permission only for five years, but at that time Lambeth Council agreed to plans to make the attraction permanent.
Although the Eye is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest observation wheel in the world, it is unlikely to keep that title for long. Plans have been announced to build a 170 m wheel on the Las Vegas Strip and a 185 m wheel dubbed "Giant Wheel" planned to open in 2008 in Berlin.













London Eye

The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. As of January 2015, it has been advertised as the Coca-Cola London Eye.伦敦眼是一座摩天轮,坐落于伦敦泰晤士河南岸河畔。在2015年,它被广告称为“ 可口可乐伦敦眼”
The structure is 443 feet (135 m) tall and the wheel has a diameter of 394 feet (120 m). When it opened to the public in 2000 it was the world's tallest Ferris wheel. Its height was surpassed by the 520 feet (158 m) tall Star of Nanchang in 2006, the 541 feet (165 m) tall Singapore Flyer in 2008, and the 550 feet (168 m) High Roller (Las Vegas) in 2014. Supported by an A-frame on one side only, unlike the taller Nanchang and Singapore wheels, the Eye is described by its operators as "the world's tallest cantilevered observation wheel".
该建筑总高度135米(443英尺), 转轮直径达 394 英尺 ( 120 米 ) 。在2000年对公众开放时,它曾是世界上最高大的观景摩天轮。在 2006 年,被高度为158 米( 520 英尺 )的南昌之星摩天轮超越。在2008 年,新加坡观景摩天轮高度为165米(541英尺),2014 年的拉斯维加斯的摩天轮高度为(550 英尺 )168 米 。
It is Europe's tallest Ferris wheel,and offered the highest public viewing point in London until it was superseded by the 804 feet (245 m) observation deck on the 72nd floor of The Shard, which opened to the public on 1 February 2013. It is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3.75 million visitors annually,and has made many appearances in popular culture.
它是欧洲最高的摩天轮,曾为民众提供了最高的伦敦观景点。直到它被高度为245米(804英尺)的,于2013年元旦对公众开放的碎片大厦72楼的观景台所超越。 它是英国最吸引旅客们的地方,在2013年就有三百七十五万人来参观,它制造了很多流行文化。
The London Eye adjoins the western end of Jubilee Gardens (previously the site of the former Dome of Discovery), on the South Bank of the River Thames between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge, in the London Borough of Lambeth.
伦敦眼毗邻位于银禧花园 ( 原圆顶展馆),竖立于伦敦泰晤士河南畔的兰贝斯区,面向坐拥国会大楼与大笨钟的西敏市。

The London Eye (Millennium Wheel) at a height of 135 metres (443 ft) , is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over 3 million people a year. At the time it was erected it was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, until it was surpassed by the Star of Nanchang (160m) in May 2006, and then the Singapore Flyer (165m) on February 11, 2008. However, it is still described by its operators as "the world's tallest cantilevered observation wheel" (because the entire structure is supported by an A-frame on one side only).
The London Eye is located at the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, United Kingdom, between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge. The site is adjacent to that of the former Dome of Discovery, which was built for the Festival of Britain in 1951.
伦敦眼(千禧轮)高135米(443英尺),是欧洲最大的摩天轮并,已成为英国最受欢迎的付费旅游景点,每年吸引超过300万的游客来这里。在建造完成时,它是当时世界上最高的摩天轮,直到2006年5月被南昌之星超过(160米),然后 又在2008年2月11日被“新加坡飞行器”(一六五米)超过。但是,它仍然其运营商描述为“世界上最高的悬臂式观景摩天轮” (因为它整个结构是单侧的框架支撑的) 。

伦敦眼(英文名:The London Eye),全称英国航空伦敦眼(The British Airways London Eye)又称千禧之轮,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界第三大摩天轮(次于坐落在新加坡的摩天观景轮和中国南昌高160米的“南昌之星”摩天轮),是伦敦的地标之一,也是伦敦最吸引游人的观光点之一。伦敦眼于1999年年底开幕,...

the london eye 望采纳

伦敦眼(The London Eye),坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界上首座、同时截至2005年最大的观景摩天轮,为伦敦的地标及出名旅游观光点之一。The London Eye opened at the end of 1999, when the sponsor was British Airways and was also known as the Millennium Wheel, with a total height of ...

London.s eyes

London Eye:The London Eye is 135 meters high which makes it the world's tallest observation wheel. It has 32 capsules and carries around 10,000 visitors every day. The London Eye has become the most popular paid for UK visitor attraction, visited by over 3.5 million people a ...

有大本钟(Big Ben),伦敦眼(the London Eye),塔桥(Tower Bridge),海德公园(Hyde Park),泰晤士河(River Thams)等。



伦敦眼是一个位于英国伦敦泰晤士河岸的巨大摩天轮。它一共有135米(4443尺)高,轮的直径为120米(394尺)宽。 它是欧洲最高的摩天轮,也是英国最受欢迎的付费旅游景点,一年有超过3.5百万的游客。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 评论 57 9 弓箭011 采纳率:44% 来自:芝麻团 擅长: 英语翻译 英语考试 为...

伦敦眼 英文介绍
伦敦眼(千禧轮)高135米(443英尺),是欧洲最大的摩天轮并,已成为英国最受欢迎的付费旅游景点,每年吸引超过300万的游客来这里。在建造完成时,它是当时世界上最高的摩天轮,直到2006年5月被南昌之星超过(160米),然后 又在2008年2月11日被“新加坡飞行器”(一六五米)超过。但是,它仍然其运营商...

且末县17689466802: 伦敦眼的英语是什么?下午就要,请英语高手来回答 -
蔚丁艾叶:[答案] 伦敦眼(英文名:The London Eye),全称英国航空伦敦眼(The British Airways London Eye)又称千禧之轮,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界第三大摩天轮(次于坐落在新加坡的摩天观景轮和中国南昌高160米的“南昌之星”摩...

且末县17689466802: “伦敦眼”的英语是什么 -
蔚丁艾叶:[答案] 名称:伦敦眼 London Eye 全称:英国航空伦敦眼 The British Airways London Eye 别称:千禧之轮 Millennium WheelLondon Eye

且末县17689466802: 谁可以用简单的英文来描述伦敦眼,把比较出名的特征说出来即可,用通俗易懂的单词就好!悬赏100.单词 -
蔚丁艾叶: The London Eye The world's largest observation wheel is 135 metres high. It provides a 30-minute, slow-moving 'flight' over London. Designed to reflect the elements of air, water, earth and time - the central theme is a circle of white light from within...

且末县17689466802: 求一篇伦敦眼(伦敦摩天轮)的英文介绍200单词左右, -
蔚丁艾叶:[答案] The Ferris wheel is named after George Washington Gale Ferris,Jr.,graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a ...action against the owners of the wheel,to have it moved.It was then used at the St.Louis 1904 World's Fair and eventually destroyed...

且末县17689466802: 伦敦眼的介绍(英文)小学五年级水平 -
蔚丁艾叶: The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in London, England. The entire structure is 135 metres (443 ft) tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres (394 ft). It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the ...

且末县17689466802: 用英文介绍伦敦眼or任意伦敦景点在说明值得参观的理由,单词不要太难,200个 -
蔚丁艾叶:[答案] 其实海德公园不错哦~Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London,England and one of the Royal Parks of London,famous for its Speakers' Corner.The park is divided in two by the Serpentine.The...

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蔚丁艾叶:[答案] As we all know,London is located in the south of England,at the southeast coast of England,located in the Thames from east to west across the city.But also the capital of the United Kingdom.London is ...

且末县17689466802: “伦敦眼”的英语是什么 -
蔚丁艾叶: 名称:伦敦眼 London Eye 全称:英国航空伦敦眼 The British Airways London Eye 别称:千禧之轮 Millennium WheelLondon Eye

且末县17689466802: 急~~~求介绍伦敦桥,大本钟,伦敦眼的英语作文,每样景物50~100字左右、 谢谢!如果好一定给财富悬赏!! -
蔚丁艾叶: As we all know,London is located in the south of England, at the southeast coast of England, located in the Thames from east to west across the city. But also the capital of the United Kingdom. London is British political, economic and cultural center...

且末县17689466802: 求一段伦敦塔的英文介绍,下面附上翻译,急!!字数不需太多、 -
蔚丁艾叶: Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, more commonly known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, England. It lies within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, separated from the ...

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