
作者&投稿:况垂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

R: Can I help you, sir? (接待:请问先生需要什么服务?)
C:I want a room for myself. (顾客:我想要一间单人房。)
R:Have you booked a room in advance?
或:Do you have reservation?
C:Yes, I have.(用于第一种问法)
或:Yes,I do.(用于第二种问法)
R: Your ID card, please. (接待:能看下您身份证吗?)
C: Okay, here you are. (顾客:好的,这是我身份证。)
R:Alright, sir, can I have your deposit? (接待:好的先生,能先付下预付金吗?)
C: Okay, this is my deposit. (顾客:好的,这是我的预付金。)
R: Thank you, sir. This is your room card, you can swipe it to open the door and insert the card to get power.

A: Hello ,have you ever heard of the word "househusband"?
B:i am afraid not ,whats the meaning ?
A:the husband who was left at home to do housework and take care of their children.in fact ,I think men should do housework.
B: i do not think so.Is there a tendency of househusband in America?
A:actually,it is ,you know as the social is developing ,women take a more important role than before .is it the same in china?
B:maybe not ,according to the chinese tradition ,women should be left at home to be a housewife.
A:but is it unfair for women?
B:yeah ,maybe you are right !

Good morning. is that logo design guru?
yes , can i help you?
this is Diana White. I'm interested in your business card design services.
I see. i will put you through to a secretary. would you hold on , please?

1. 早晨好。是徽标设计专家吗?
2. 是的。可以帮到你吗?
3. 我是山姆,史密斯。 我对你们的徽标设计服务感兴趣。
4. 是这样啊, 我将你的电话转到助理设计师那里。请不要挂机,好吗?

1. Good afternoon. Is that Shanghai Logo Design Guru? 
2. Yes, how can I help you?
3. This is Diana Smith. I need you to help with a design of Diana on a white business card.
4.No problem. I will put you through to an design secerary.Would you hold on, please?.

1. 下午好。请问是上海徽标设计专家吗?
2. 是的。我可以怎样帮你?
3. 我是戴安娜,史密斯。我需要贵公司帮助我在白色的名片上设计戴安娜三个字。
4. 没问题。 我将你的电话转到设计秘书那里。请不要挂机,好吗?


 The students could use non-plural sentences correctly.
  CD-ROM, pictures and word cards
  Teaching steps:
  Step one:warming up
  Review the song: Row Row Row Your Boat. The teacher can do actions with the students to arouse the students’ interests.
  Then we can take out the pensils, pens and so on. The students are guided to use the sentence as following.
  Is it ……’s….? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
  Through the guessing, the students finds the owner of these things.
  Step two:Presentation and practice
  The teacher draws two different pictures and explains that this is Sam’s clothes and Amy’s clothes. The teacher write the following sentence on the blackboard and asks students to practice according to the pictures.
  This/That is …..’s….
  These/Those are …..’s…….
  The students are required to open the book and the teacher introduces that it is raining now. What has happened to Sam and Amy? The teacher asks students to listen to the tape and answer the questions. The teacher should explains the meaning of wet. Here we can show a picture of raining and make students understand the word better



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