
作者&投稿:汉阎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 冬天来了,小区里的动物都不常见了,小猫小狗都找地方躲起来了。
Winter has e
the animals in the munity are not mon
the kittens and dogs are looking for a place to hide.
Its so cold to get up in the morning. I have to hide under the covers to get dressed. When I go to bed at night
I roll up my whole body with a quilt. If I dont roll up
the heating in the quilt will run away.
When I take a bath
my feet will feel cold when I step on the floor. I need to find slippers to put them on.
On Saturday morning
I got up at 7 oclock because I was going to the theatre to perform childrens plays.
When my mother came to wake me up
I was slow. When I just put on my clothes
I feel cold on my body. Its really cold! We bought bread to take with us. The bread was warm
but when we got to the performance place
it was cold and a little hard to eat.
I began to change clothes. I changed clothes in the toilet. I felt that there was wind everywhere! When I took off my clothes
a cold wind came
which made me shiver with cold! Its a cold day
but its freezing me!

My hometown is in meishan village, old say MeiZai pit. Most of the villagers is given priority to with agriculture, agricultural products of the best known are: high mountain, wax apple, citrus, sweet, and so on.Major attractions in meishan the plum blossom in the park attract ...

本作文是关于小学二年级200字的作文,题目为:《我们的英雄——老师》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 老师,一个平凡的岗位,但是,她拥有伟大的奉献精神。她,是一支蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照耀了别人。她,是一位园丁,精心培育着我们这些幼苗.她,是一盏明灯,为我们照亮了人生之路。她,是一位英雄,为了祖国的...

适合二年级小学生阅读的革命小故事篇一:小侦察员张嘎 抗战时期,生活在白洋淀的小男孩张嘎与的亲人奶奶相依为命。为了掩护在家养伤的八路军侦察连长钟亮,奶奶英勇地牺牲在日军的*下,而钟亮也被敌人抓走。嘎子历经艰辛,找到八路军,当上了一名小侦察员。他配合侦察员罗金保执行任务,表现得勇敢、机智。但嘎子毕竟还是...

邹雯樱,女,12岁,藏族,四川省阿坝州汶川县映秀小学五年级学生。 地震发生时,邹雯作为班长和学校少先队大队长,一直主动帮助老师组织同学撤离,她却自觉留在最后。当时邹雯樱已经跑到二楼楼梯口,为了返回救助其他同学,她却再也没能回来。当救援人员发现邹雯樱时,她还紧紧搀扶着一位同班同学。邹雯樱的学习成绩一直是年级...

小林浩是映秀小学二年级的学生。地震发生时大家都往外跑,但被板子砸倒在地。“当时石板后面传来一个女同学的哭声。我就告诉她,别哭了,我们一起唱歌吧。大家就开始唱学校教的歌。最后一首《大中国》唱完后,女同学不哭了。” 两个小时后,小林浩开始慢慢挪动身子向外爬。由于个子小,他几经努力终于爬出了废墟...

hi everybody, I am a student in class 5 grade 4. My eyes are small and clevr, and my ears are big. I like English very much!look! I have got a photo, the boy on the photo is my cousin. He is 8 years old now. He is a student in grade 2 in primary school. ...

小学二年级叙事作文1 元旦放假第一天下午,爸爸妈妈带我去莲情谷游玩。里面有一个智勇闯关区,可好玩了。那里有走钢丝的游戏,不是真的刚丝,两边有绳子可以扶。下面是一条很浅的下河,有好几个小朋友掉下去了,全身弄得脏兮兮的,因为河的下面全部是泥。拉下来就是船了,船不是自己开动的,旁边有三个拉杆,有一条粗...

小学二年级叙事作文1 二月的天空很蓝,蓝蓝的天空嵌上了几朵洁白的云,黄莺在天上自由自在的飞翔,寻找着属于自己的猎物,小草向上伸直,在微风中挺了挺腰板,好像刚从冬天的睡梦中醒来。一阵风吹过,透出了春天的气息,春风拂过高高的堤坝,里面的冰已经融化成了水,细细地流淌着。风也掠过了树梢,杨柳的枝条在风中摇摆...

【篇一】小学二年级语文《小英雄于连》原文 五百多年前,布鲁塞尔市民打败了残 暴的国王。一天,人们聚集在中心广场欢庆胜利。 不到十岁的于连吃过晚饭,连蹦带跳地往中心广场跑去。当他经过一座院子时,忽然闻到一股火 药味,他发现院子里有火星在闪耀。于连急忙跑过去,只见一条又长又粗的导火线,在干涸的深沟里咝...


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