
作者&投稿:滑春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语改复数并写出理由 (很急,如果答得好给高分!!!)题目在下面~

There are new computers in the office is变are 复数不能说a 把a去掉 computer后加上s

1 Because it can let me communicate with foreigners easily.

2 Kind&honest.They will give all the things they have to me.

3 我没有这个经历额.....就回答:Luckly,I haven't got such experience.

4 No,because I always live with my family.

5 I don't think so.There are many ways to help others.The best help which is given to the poor is to teach them how to live on their own.Not by giving the money.

6 The second world war


14. I've got a laptop. I've had it A….
A. for 5 years
B. since 5 years
C. 5 years ago
15. I've C…. washed my hair
A. yet
B. still
C. already
16. They invited us .B… lunch with them
A. having
B. to have
C. have had
18. I ..C.. the film we saw at the cinema on Wednesday.
A. doesn't like
B. haven't liked
C. didn't like
19. My mother ..C.. never been to a cricket match.
A. hadn't
B. haven't
C. has

Dear Mum and Dad,
This is a quick note to (1) ____LET_____ you know that we (2) ____HAVE______ arrived safely in
Australia and that we (3) ___ARE___ ___HAVING_____ a really wonderful time. The flight was very
comfortable and we arrived (4) __IN___ time. The weather here is much better (5)
___THAN_____ at home. It is a little (6) ___COOLER / CHILLIER_____ in the evenings, but (7) _IT'S _QUITE__ sunny
and warm during the day. So far we haven't done very much – just a bit of sight seeing
around Brisbane city, but on the weekend we plan to (8) ______TAKE______ the train to the
Gold Coast where we want (9) ___TO___ __DO____ some shopping and go to the beach. If the
weather (10) ___STAYS_/ REMAINS __ nice next week we will go hand gliding at Mt Tambourine. We're all
well, especially Dawn, who has a new boyfriend. He's (11) ____FROM_____ France and is a
total spunk!. We're looking forward (12) __TO___ ____HEARING____ from you. Hope all's well.
Lots of love,

This is the most beautiful country I've ever (13) __BEEN_______ (be) to, however I didn’t
know there would be so many flies! While I (14) ___WAS____________ (shopping) the other
day I saw a man. I (15) ___HAD__SEEN______ (see) him a couple of times before, but I had
never (16) _____SPOKEN_____ (speak) to him. This time I (17) _______WALKED___UP____ (walk up) to
him and smiled. He smiled back. I was just (18) _____OPENING________ (open) my lips to say
hello when a fly (19) ___FLEW_________ (fly) into my mouth!
I (20) ____DIDN'T____KNOW_________ (not know) what to do so I swallowed it! Can you believe it?
It was the most terrible day of my life!

14.A , for+一段时间,表示持续性的段时间,要用完成时
15.C ,表示动作已完成,yet用在否定句中比较多
16.B,invite sb to do sth,固定搭配

7.it is
9.to do
12.to hearing

14.was shopping
15.had seen
17.walked up
18.to open
20.didn't know


14.A 表一段时间
15.C “我已经洗了头发"
16.B invit sb to do sth “邀请某人干某事”
18.C “ on Wednesday” 明显的时间状语,所以用一般现在时
19.C 现在完成时“从没去过” never“从来不”

第二篇:13.been 14.was shopping 15.have seen 16.spoken 17.walked up 18.was opening 19.flew 20.didn't know

ACBCC let,have,are enjoying,on,than,cold,it is,take,to do,continues,from,to hearing,been,was shopping,saw,spoken,walked up,opening,flew,didn't know

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