
作者&投稿:西杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我自己翻译的 看着还行呢 就把分给我吧
戴维斯说,生命变体形式,最有可能是极小的微生物,可能仍然出没于“在我们的眼皮底下,甚至在我们的鼻子里” 。

随着生活水平的发展,人们对生活环境的关注越来越多。目标是为了建筑舒适 节省能源,自然环保的人类居所,最重要的是所有的都要绿色环保。绿色住宅区是绿色城市一个重要的部分,关系到城市环境,同时也是对于提高居民生活环境质量和他们身心健康的重要工作。。为了创造完美的环境,提高人们的身心健康水平和居民的生活水平。作者经过多年工作经验从生态设计和园林设计的方面提出一个新的关于居民区的园林设计设想,运用的是生态学理论。
关键词 居民区 生态学设计 园林设计 植物构型

Life is like a mirror.If you cry to it, it will cry to it, if you want it to smile to you, only one way you have is to smile to it. People who are good at life always face with smiling. It is like sunshile, blowing life's heavy haze away, making people see hopes and feel warm.

life is like a colourful painting, when you find a line of the purest and the most harmourous colour, you realise whether it is a smile. That is the purest, the most friendly and the most beautiful smile. Spending with laughter like painting's childhood, spending with smiling like poetry youth. Smile is source of life.

Life is equal to everyone, there is not only successful in life, but there is also failed. Do not always complain about fairness to god, the key point is how you can hold life and enjoy it.

Let us smile to face it, using smile to face everyone and everything, you will see that the sun is shining brightly, happily surrounded by laughing all the way.

In Vienne, Central France, long lines of automobiles lined up before the highway toll stations. Throughout the world, as the number and sizes of urban cities grow, the exhausted gases, waste and sewage produced by these cities are damaging the surrounding environment rampantly.In ...

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(2) teachers should make the student to make clear the students learn English, the importance of the reality and to mobilize students' learning English 1 clear on the importance of learning English English is the major world international language, is one of the world's most widely...

In fact, I only seen her three times, by rights I have not qualified to write her. But I think she is a very worth to write, so I temporarily in my memory, said she. Because in my memory can not find the shadow of her outgoing, so I can conclude that she is very ...

for all their talk 他们所说的(都是关于生态学...)我觉得第一个好点,因为it is more simple than the other one. you need to consider the audiences.

将中文译成英语 Management is a social organization, in order to achieve the desired objectives, the coordination of human-centered activities for transfer. Management of basic features are: 1: Management of the carrier is an organization 2: The management of the basic object is a ...

Chemistry curriculum reform to the reform of scientific inquiry as a breakthrough, and vigorously advocated "independence, cooperation and explore" ways of learning. New courses focus on the twenty-first century to improve the scientific literacy of citizens, to promote student awareness, ...

哪位英语牛人能帮我翻译一下,不要网上翻译的。太谢谢 !
so that students always excited state of the cortex, extend and consolidate the students a strong interest in learning.参考了翻译器的,如果找不到你想要的要不找专业的翻译公司吧,这样会准确的,不用担心译文不准确的,上海共明翻译还不错,你到网上搜搜这个关键词查查,希望能帮到你。

请楼主审阅,如觉得可以,不妨继续发帖,到时最好能把链接告诉我 Experimental analysis and results 实验的分析和结果 In order to extend the operating time, and to improve the repeatability of the test results corresponding to the design modifications, the test fixture method (refer to ...

英语专业,自己的翻译,题目也要翻译?hope this can help you The relation between city transformation and service industry abstract With the burst of subprime crisis in America, more emerging economies began to realize the inadequacies of previous economic development pattern. Pattern transition...

急!! 有英语牛人帮忙翻译一下
Capital market is more than one year period in various funds and securities lending transactions places. Its transaction target is more than a year of long-term securities. In the long-term financial activities, involving not only the funds for a long, high-risk, with its long-...

府谷县18079697934: 请英语达人进来帮我把这篇稿子翻译一下 -
空倩九气: 没有悬赏的啊?不过还是帮你一下吧(绝对的手写版):大家好,今天我为大家讲一些关于电脑的知识. Hello,every body!Today I will tell you some knowledgeabout the computer.首先自我介绍一下,我是一个电脑爱好者,我平时喜欢用电脑听音...

府谷县18079697934: 请英文高手帮我翻译这篇稿吧!!!急用啊! -
空倩九气: Today, I will introduce a beautiful place. It is China's Sichuan Province. Sichuan is my hometown. It is a scenic, historic, climate comfortable, very suitable place to live. So. I would like to introduce it to more people, I hope it was more people know. 1, ...

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空倩九气: I got up in June, 2006 walk into the sand rice to shovel, until todayhad 10 months -odd. In this long surface short 10 months, I havelearned many many, thank boss continuously the heart to come to mytrust and the cultivation, although I knew oneself ...

府谷县18079697934: 请英语牛人帮我翻译一段话..!!
空倩九气: good evening everyone/greetings, us five members of the band "Blue" came from Manchester, England. We gladly accepted Ms. Lee's invitations to come here to perform for everyone. I hope our songs would send love to everyone...now allow me to introduce the five members to the band:XXXXXXXXX Ok! Let's get started! music

府谷县18079697934: 请各位英语牛人帮忙翻译以下句子,先谢谢了.1 我写信给你的理由就是要感谢你为我所做的一切.2 我在2008年的夏天加入本公司.3 之前,我在一家便利商店... -
空倩九气:[答案] 1 我写信给你的理由就是要感谢你为我所做的一切. The reason I write to you is to thank you for all you have done for me. 2 我在2008年的夏天加入本公司. I joined this company in the summer of 2008. 3 之前,我在一家便利商店打工. Before that,I worked ...

府谷县18079697934: 我想翻译一段话!请个位英语牛人帮帮忙 -
空倩九气: 4形象设计艺术要素:4 image design art elements:随着社会的日益现代化,人们的生活质量也在不断提高,越来越多的人开始认识到,真正的形象美在于充分地展示自己的个性.创造一个属于自己的,有特色的个人整体形象才是更高的境界....

府谷县18079697934: 请各位英语牛人帮我翻译一下这短话.灰常感谢.兴趣是最好的老师
空倩九气: Primary school students learning English will succeed or not, it is most depends on their interest in learning English.if they had the interest, it will be like a key to open the door with a knowledge .if they had the interest, it will produce endless learning ...

府谷县18079697934: 请英语强人翻译一段文字,情景剧用的 -
空倩九气: Japanese company to recruit staff, after a period of the interview, the company strictly from more than 300 applicants select a 10 day, FangBang waters, a former youth see without his name on the list to death, sorrow, home is crying: I want to ...

府谷县18079697934: 跪求 英语 牛人帮忙标准的翻译以下内容 真心谢谢了! -
空倩九气: Abstract The level of development of modern servi...

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