
作者&投稿:兆鸦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Having returned the cheque to the two brothers, I came to China by the sea. Surprisingly, I found out that one could easily secure a stable job as long as he was good at English --- the job of an English teacher. I didn't realize what misery the students were suffering under the ruthless, corrupt exam-oriented education system until I started teaching. Feeling the abyss of the misery for my students, I put my effort in bringing out their interst in English by making my classes lively and fun and meanwhile without too much pressure.


This is a design for a dresser, which stands out with nonobjective lines and also simple, soft, elegant and clear feeling preserved as that of the traditional Ming Dynasty- style furnitures.
In addition, some elements of Anhui-genre architectural are incoporated into the design, showing the meaning of the spirit of perseverance in women.

I don't go to work everyday, since i dislike there.

I have no choice but do it.

My cellphone is out of power!

Take good care of yourself, and keep in touch!

going to school, I think, is the only way for me to out.

I do not go to work every day to it, because I do not like there!
2: 我这么做是万不得已的!
I do this is a last resort!
My Shoujimeidian,!
pay attention to your body, keep in touch!
5: 我觉得只有上学才是我唯一的出路
I think I only go to school is the only way out

1, I dont work there everyday, because i dont like there!
2, I have done this by pushing!
3,My cell phone is out of battery!
4, Take care, keep in touch at any moment!
5, I think to go to school is the only wayout!

1,I'm not always go there for work, because i don't really like there.
2, i did this is out of absolute necessity.
3, My phone has no electricity / power.
4, Look after yourself, get contact any time.
5, i think only go to school is my only way.

I do not work there everyday, because I dislike the place.
What I have done on this was out of my willing.
My mobile phone is power off.
Take care of your health and keep in touch.
I feel that going to school is the only way for my future.


class 装配车间:Assembly shop 母线加工班:Bus processing classes 库房:Treasury 装配班:Assembly Class 配线班:Wiring Class (我没有功劳也有苦劳吧,没有苦劳也有疲劳吧??、分可以给我了吧?)

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lamp."The bird opens the eyes the big eye, stared at the lights to look at awhile.After that, she sings last year has sung the song, listens to thelights.Sang the song, the bird has treated the lights to look at a while,flew away.还有什么不明白的话再一起探讨喔~!


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本溪满族自治县19315277039: 汉译英```急``麻烦大家帮我翻译一下:1:我是你的头号粉丝(FANS)2:全世界都是你的配角. -
将很咪唑:[答案] 1, I am your No.1 fan. 2, People of all the world are your subordinate roles.

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦帮我翻译一下英语句子.中文译英文. 语法要正确,不要机器翻译的.要人工的. 谢谢
将很咪唑: what I did in college is to take part in the community ,and to share the same in terests.this is my first year of college life.

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦帮我用英文翻译一下.谢谢.我现在很需要.很急.谢谢!!麻烦用语简单一些.只要初中的水平.谢谢. -
将很咪唑: When I grow up I want to be an ordinary person, I have 2 reasons. First I want to have a normal life, ...

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦帮我翻译一句话,中译英,...
将很咪唑: Field opinionated love, turn around, died of old age 望采纳

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 帮我翻译成英语 汉译英 谢谢
将很咪唑: 1 Don'tbotherme,justleavemealone 2Leavemealone 谢谢你的夸奖啊!~ 我给你美化下第二个:(Justbuzzoff and)leavemeinpeace (走开)让我一人清静一下 括号里的可用可不用

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦帮我翻译一下
将很咪唑: that moment is over 已经结束了 you are,you will你是的,你会的 I Don't Care 我不在乎 Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 帮我翻译一句话,谢谢,中译英 -
将很咪唑: First I'd like to thank you for your prompt reply.However, it seems that we have different understandings about the issues concerned. Here are the details.

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦帮我翻译成英文,谢谢了. -
将很咪唑: What is happiness? Tell me, happy is the candle, his heart stopped beating and exert their heat to warm people, try your point light to illuminate people the road ahead. Horse told me, happiness is free, free, can be in the vast grassland heartily. The ...

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦请帮我翻译英文,谢谢 -
将很咪唑: 谢谢关注我的他,非诚勿扰 Thanks for your attention. Contact me only if you are the one.

本溪满族自治县19315277039: 麻烦帮我翻译一下,谢谢 -
将很咪唑: 1. 绝对100%真的. 2. Wow! So good! I also wanted to go abroad after finished high school, but I don't think that I have a chance.

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