
作者&投稿:泊邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英文翻译 外贸函电~


Thanks for your printing cotton samples sent on Sep. 13th, 2007.I am very satisfied with the price and the quality, and willing to place a order of 300 yards -Pattern Number72 - Unit prices US$12 per yd with Total Amount US$3600.I need the goods which already finished in stock, and hope to place larger order in the future.Please send me the sales confirmation in duplicate.

Risks other(than)All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borne by the buyer
We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you(at)sound condition
A.option, lot (at our option)
A.in, in

1) 我方资信情况,请向农业银行查询.as for our credit, please check the Agricultural Bank of China.2) 我方专营中国农产品的进口.our main business covers imports and export of Chinese agricultural products.3) 承蒙中国纺织进出口公司介绍,使我方得知贵公司的地址.introduced by China Textile ...

(1) C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价 (2) T\/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 (3) D\/P(document against payment)付款交单 (4) D\/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单 (5) C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证 (6) G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 (7) CTN\/CTNS(...

外贸英文 翻译
1. 收到P\/O 1.Rreceive PO.2. 给采购部,根据PO的要求寻找供应商,确定合适的供应商,采购部下采购合同给供应商,并确定交货时间 2-3天 2.Send to purchase Dep. Search supplier according to PO requested. Fix right supplier, and purchase Dep. will place order to supplier, and fix ...

帮翻译成英文 关于外贸
Our factory always start production after receiving orders from customers, so there is no any stock-in trade. Generally the products of one 40' container can be delivered in 45 days after receiving the order 这里加了半句“在收到订单后”...

英文高手外贸高手请进 报价问题
CFR KARACHI.就是成本加运费.你报给他的价格应该承担这些.上海到KARACHI的船运费用,一个20"的小柜大概是USD1500左右.你可以核算下加在报价里面.L\/C AT SIGHT.就是即期信用证.等出货了,按照信用证要求把单证备齐就可以去银行托收了.不过现在还是把信用证仔细地看清楚每条条款,要修改的话通知客人....

外贸常见英文缩写:CTN:纸箱carton PKG:包装package PCS:个数pieces QTY:数量quantity WT:重量weight N.W:净重net weight G.W:毛重gross weight CBM:立方 cube meter MOQ:最低起订量minimum order quantity S\/M:唛头(装船标志)shipping mark PI:形式发票proforma invoice CI:商业发票commercial invoice...

请问几个外贸英文缩写,OB; OH;Item No;IIS NO.;Release NO. ;_百...
OB- ON BEHALF 代表.代理 OH- OHIO 美国俄亥俄州缩写 Item No- Item number 商品货号 ILS NO- INTERNATIONAL LABAR STARDARDS NUMBER 国际劳工标准号 Release No.- Release Number 电放单号

外贸英语讲究的是简洁明了,感觉你的表述复杂了,我改了下:Pls email me if any other types LED lamp is needed.既然你给老外报价了,他肯定知道你manufacturer,所以无需在强调;不要告诉他报价表是中文的,这样显得你不专业。这句话就可以了,如果他需要别的型号或者有进一步的问题肯定会和你再...

We confirm we can handle as you mentioned.(这块你可以改下,因为不知道你上文怎么谈的。)But pls. notice your bank to accept the discrepancy as below:According to the LC request, the Original BL need to be submitted to the bank. But the railway bill is different to the BL. ...

The order attached has been received, thank you! Because the volume of goods is big this time , Does your company has specific shipping agent to handle it? If positive, I will confirm with my shipping agent and give you the approximate date of delivery. The mode of ...

北戴河区18828258505: 请懂得英文外贸函电知识的朋友帮帮偶!哪位熟悉外贸函电的请帮帮我做以下几题.以下填最合适的词语:Risks other_____ - All Risks and War Risk can be ... -
阮转赖氨:[答案] Risks other(than)All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borne by the buyerWe trust the mentioned shipment will reach you(at)sound conditionB.opportunity A.option,lot (a...

北戴河区18828258505: 外贸英语函电范文 -
阮转赖氨: 一、中英文函电范文对照 1、外贸函电:回信 外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look ...

北戴河区18828258505: 急!求一封外贸函电的英文函电? 要求提到内容 1、你从哪里得到这个信息? 2、你的要求是什么? 3 -
阮转赖氨: Dear Mr. Li,2015/10/19Your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years.We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will ...

北戴河区18828258505: 商务英语函电到底是什么 -
阮转赖氨: 所谓函电就是信件,商务函电就是用于商务沟通业务往来交流互通的信件,商务英语函电就是用英语书写的用于商业贸易上交流沟通的信件,一般在对外商的贸易商经常用到,现在的商务英语函电一般都是电子版的,通过E-mail进行交流.一般国际经济与贸易专业的学生会开设这门课程. 希望对你有帮助!

北戴河区18828258505: 外贸英语函电有哪些专业术语?
阮转赖氨: trade term / price term 价格术语 world / international market price 国际市场价格 FOB (free on board) 离岸价 C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价 CIF (cost, insurance and ...

北戴河区18828258505: 急:怎样学好英语外贸函电?
阮转赖氨: 外贸函电很多都是专业词汇,这些只能用背 不过只要记住这些就很简单了,很多格式、形式都是一样的 多看书本上的例文,其实很多开头和结尾的内容都是大同小异的

北戴河区18828258505: 求 英语高手 写一个 外贸函电 急!! -
阮转赖氨: Dear SirsRe: Order #123We received total 50 cartons housewares. On examining your goods, there are 7 cartons are broken, and the goods inside are badly damaged. Att...

北戴河区18828258505: 外贸英语函电 -
阮转赖氨: 1. We are reputable exporters, who operate following commodity export business for a long term.2. To pay these additional costs, please send a money order to us. 3. Based on these facts, we changed the packaging as small wooden boxes. 4. ...

北戴河区18828258505: 急急急!!外贸英语函电翻译
阮转赖氨: To expand the national selling market, we are lookinng forward of your serve to sell our products. We have 250 Kilogram(250 千克等于500市斤) peanut and 300 kilogram walnut. If you are interested. Please give a reasonable price, we will send the product immediately

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