
作者&投稿:孛陈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 苏格拉底曾说过:暗恋是世界上最美丽的爱情。


那英文中除了用“I like you.”还有那些地道的表达呢?

《老友记》某集,夜深人静的时候,Ross 跟Rachel分一块奥利奥的时候,Ross(扭捏)的开了口:

You know you probably didn't konw this ,

but back in high school,I  had a, um.

major crush on you.

crush on you.


have a crush on sb.



Rush 词典释义



英英释义 : attack suddenly


影片《八月迷情》是2007年由华纳兄弟出品的音乐剧情片。英文名《 August Rush 》~


那 like  和 crush 有什么区别呢?

She seems to like you, or rather, she has a crush on you.


I wish upon a star,

can't you see how right we are,

we should be together baby i got a crush on you .




What  do  you have  to lose?₍ᐢ⸝⸝›  ̫ ‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎

crush on you.暗恋,一见钟情,深深的着迷 have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情;深深地迷恋。major在这里表示程度,深深的迷恋。Rush 词典释义 v.迅速移动;急促;快速运输;速送;(使)仓促行事,匆忙行事,做事草率 n.猛烈移动;冲;匆忙;仓促;忙碌;繁忙 英英释义 : attack suddenly 有时候可以翻译...

暗恋 Unrequited love;fall in love with someone secretly 例句:她暗恋着他。She bore a secret love for him.老外的地道表达是:carry a torch for sb 意思是单相思,暗恋 例:1.She has been carrying a torch for John for almost two years.2.Dave is still carrying the torch for his...

英语:Crush 德语:Unerwiderte liebe 法语:Amour secret 日语:片思い - -抱歉 只会这几个

“暗恋”的英文:Secret Love;“单恋”的英文:one-sided love 固定搭配:1、Endless Love 蓝色生死恋 2、puppy love 早恋 ; 青春期恋爱 ; 初恋 3、love triangle 三角恋 Secret 读法 英 [ˈsiːkrət] 美 [ˈsiːkrət]1、adj.秘密的;保密的;外人不...

【篇三】关于暗恋的英文句子 Don't be easy to get,or you'll be easy to forget.不要轻易让人得到你,不然你会很容易被忘记。Learn from yesterday, live for today,hope for tomorrow.借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。Say forever,I do not know how to spread.说好永远的,不知怎么就散了。

heart; Amour Secret; Secret love;1. unrequited love;2. to fall in love with someone secretly Unrequited love 直译是“单恋”的意思 ,引申义为“暗恋”have a crush on--暗恋 暗恋是secretly admire "have a crush on" 不是"暗恋",是"喜欢上",明恋或暗恋都可以用 have a crush on ...

★ have a crush on someone 暗恋某人 e.g.001 I've had a big crush on you for the last 3 years.我暗恋你三年了。002 Is he having a crush on you?他是不是暗恋你啊?003 I can't believe I used to have a crush on you.不敢相信我以前竟然喜欢你。★ fancy someone ...

暗恋 Unrequited love;fall in love with someone secretly 她暗恋着他。She bore a secret love for him.

表达暗恋的英文句子1 1、My love is like the grasses Hidden in the deep mountains. Though its abundance increase, There is none that knows. 我的爱情 犹如青草,藏在深山。它郁郁葱葱,却无人知晓。2、It was since the day which I met you that I have done is all for approaching ...

英文表示暗恋句子,详细介绍如下:1、Unrequited love is the most beautiful appearance in love,but very few people will life in the like,because of such beauty is not all sleep over it.暗恋是破碎的梦,还有彼此救赎的故事。2、To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle ...

吐鲁番市17393376421: love story 写一篇英文爱情故事300 - 800单词左右 要运用象征手法 -
宗崔血滞: 暗恋: 1. unrequited love 2.fall in love with someone secretly她暗恋着他. She bore a secret love for him. 埃德里安一直暗恋海伦,虽然他从未跟她说过话. Adrian is a secret admirer of Helen,though he has never spoken to her.爱情: ...

吐鲁番市17393376421: 暗恋的事你不懂英文 -
宗崔血滞: 如果你这个你不懂的"你"说的是你暗恋的对象就是 You have no idea I have a crush on you.如果你这个"你"说的是毫不相干的旁观者就是 You don't know anything about crushes.暗恋这个用法比较本土了,但在英文里基本没有其他说法了 所以如果你想让人知道暗恋这回事,就不建议用英文了.这样说可能很少人能看明白的.

吐鲁番市17393376421: 英语对话关于喜欢的和不喜欢的帮忙翻译一下~ -
宗崔血滞: 都在这儿啦...用了一些比较地道的表达,希望你喜欢!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……第一大段 Oh god,that's terrible!Hey,What's up? Need my help?No,thanks.I hate washing the color palette.It's a devil to wash(非常难洗)!So do I! But compare with this,I ...

吐鲁番市17393376421: 暗恋是一个人的事,这句话用英语怎么说 -
宗崔血滞: Unrequited love is a person's own business.这里Unrequited love有单恋、暗恋的意思.

吐鲁番市17393376421: 我每天都在期待你的信息,暗恋一个人如此痛苦英文怎么写 -
宗崔血滞: 我每天都在期待你的信息,暗恋一个人如此痛苦英文怎么写:I every day in looking forward to your information, like a person so painful.若满意,望采纳!!!

吐鲁番市17393376421: 求大神英语翻译@浪 漫 一个小伙子暗恋着一个女孩.女孩是他的同事,他们在一个办公室里工作. 小伙 -
宗崔血滞: A guy has a crush on a girl. The girl is his colleague, who works in an office. Young man introverted, not good words, he did not know how to express his love to the girl. To write a love letter to strike, the boy is a school of science and technology, has ...

吐鲁番市17393376421: 触动人心的关于爱的英语文章 -
宗崔血滞: A Special World A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds ...

吐鲁番市17393376421: 用英语六句话介绍自己喜欢和不喜欢的事 -
宗崔血滞: I am keen on____________.(我喜欢___________________)I do it nearly every day.(我几乎每天都做)It's my favorite.(它是我特别喜欢做的事)However,I dislike to___________.(我不喜欢做_______________)It's really boring.(它真的很无聊)I don't think it entertains me.(我认为我对其极不感冒)

吐鲁番市17393376421: 我喜欢你,但我想喜欢你是我一个人的事英语 -
宗崔血滞: 我喜欢你,但我想喜欢你是我一个人的事 I like you, but I want to like you is my own thing.

吐鲁番市17393376421: 关于自己偶像的英语作文 100字当中要有自己为什么喜欢他,想对他说什么话,最好是周杰伦别的也行,先说明一下是谁,然后再看看 -
宗崔血滞:[答案] every succesful man can not travel in two ways,Jay dosen't make the exception too.as we know,he is born talent of music.we can say his study is not good enough,but he indulged himself in the world of music.with his extraodinary style of creating music,...

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