
作者&投稿:富相 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

获得应收账户自2014年6月30号起(坏账准备之前,通过客户)由公司准备的的老化分析 和 同意 对(在总分类账簿下面的平衡表上)应收账款平衡的老化分析所展现的总应收账款平衡

We can not provide the free of charge maintenance for A and B, because they both are perishable articles. For other parts, we will provide one year warranty, if they are not damaged artificially.

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Society is made up of the larger group, the family is composed by the clique, social stability and harmony of the family need amity to support. However the family violence has become a social problem that cannot be ignored, especially for women's family violence, women's rights have been severely damage, leading to the family is not stable, and eventually spread to the harmonious development of the society. More worrying is that women have suffered domestic violence are called-are. This paper from the family violence of the present situation, causes and countermeasures on the basis of analysis, this women's rights protection, so as to realize the urgency of women's rights in family violence for protection.




Society is made up of the larger group, the family is composed by the clique, social stability and harmony of the family need amity to support. However the family violence has become a social problem that cannot be ignored, especially for women's family violence, women's rights have been severely damage, leading to the family is not stable, and eventually spread to the harmonious development of the society. More worrying is that women have suffered domestic violence are called-
are. This paper from the family violence of the present situation, causes and countermeasures on the basis of analysis, this women's rights protection, so as to realize the urgency of women's rights in family violence for protection.


the social consists of a big group .....


哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下对话。 不要电脑上的在线翻译,我想要人工的...
B:好啊,那我们一起去厨房看看吧、B: oh, that together we go look on the kitchen floor,A:阿姨,你在做什么菜呢,看起来好好吃哦。A: aunt, what you are doing dishes? Look delicious, oh.C:我也很想知道呢,能告诉我们这是什么菜么。C: I would like to know? Can tell us ...

35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西。(Grandma asked Li Feng to buy aomething for her.)36. 当老师叫学生停下写字的时候,他们放下了笔。(The students all put down their pens when their teacher asked them to stop writing.)37. 商店里有好多漂亮的礼物,我不知道该选择哪一个。(There ...


求高人翻译英语 人工的 翻译我满意加90悬赏
How do you do, Mr. Lee My name is ZhaoYiBin, I'd like to invite you and I together create smile company, I six months ago in a magazine know you, I used to think that you are the students from the test machine into your machines to make money. When my understanding ...

measures such as changing the growth mode of foreign trades, enhancing the management of foreign exchange reserve and making rational investments. At the same time, a highly efficient foreign exchange management will bring about significant economic benefits to the country.【英语牛人团】...

loving someone is wrong, isn't it? what should I do? I feel annoyed ! I don't know what I should do, give up or maintain. I am in snit now.


求翻译 初三英语 人工翻译!!!1


潘集区19537583656: 求高手帮我翻译下一段英文,要人工的通顺的非常感谢Concerning the Colloquium, I suppose that the same thing applies also, but nevertheless if at least I have ... -
可张十一:[答案] 【应该这样翻译】: 说到此次专题研讨会,我想是这样:同样的事情,道理也是同样适用的,但不管怎么说,假定起码我现在已经完成了“播种”,那这种子在将来也许就有可能偶尔结出些果实来,那么同理,我在将来就可能把事情办成.正如你所...

潘集区19537583656: 求英文高手帮翻译以下这段话,一定要人工翻译!谢谢 -
可张十一: 标题:致即将分别的同事 很开心在这个酷热的六月和大家在这里相识,我知道你们大部分都是在校的学生,而且成绩出类拔萃;都是很懂事的孩子,懂的利用假期来赚取自己的学费,我很欣赏你们.到现在已经和你们相处了差不多两个月的时间...

潘集区19537583656: 急求人工翻译 英语高手们 以下句子帮忙翻译成英文 -
可张十一: The work is earnest, persistent, has the compassion, CARES about the collective, helpful, Treat the teacher made can work conscientiously, Attentively to do every thing, to actively participate in school and class all the useful activities, for collective ...

潘集区19537583656: 求英语高人帮忙翻译一下以下文字,一定要自己翻译,谢谢
可张十一: In 2009,a science fiction movie named ”2012” was one of the most hot movies around the world. The hero is a writer who is very sharp(敏锐的).He takes all of his family members to China to flee from the big disaster.During their way to China,...

潘集区19537583656: 求英文高手帮忙人工翻译下面这段话,
可张十一: 有个人,我一上线只为看他在不在,不在就一阵失落,在又不敢打扰; There is a person, I am online because of him, if he is not online i feel disappointed, if he is online i do not want to disturb him有个人,我总是忍不住去看他资料,即使什么新...

潘集区19537583656: 希望有英语翻译高人翻译下面这一段话,(杜绝翻译器),翻译的好会追分! -
可张十一: 同意楼上所说,汉英有别.用英语翻译这种句子,这是不可完成的任务!!不过我还是要接受挑战,如果满意,请楼主要加分哟!!Six decades of trek through thick and thin, polishing our principles and morals Six decades of non-stop teaching, ...

潘集区19537583656: 求助英语专业高手!!人工翻译一小段英文!!帮帮我吧 -
可张十一: "Technology - a People Business" Although this slogan seemed a bit apart from the original wording, but it elaborated on Nokia's corporate culture not only vividly but incisively. In fact, from product development to human resource management, ...

潘集区19537583656: 加分求英语达人帮忙翻译下以下英语段落(人工手翻别敷衍不要翻译器结果,英译中文)...
可张十一: Lunch break, reply to you an hour later. Sorry!我的肖女郎愈来愈甜美丽亮 她有着那倾城的笑颜 我只好把她藏起来, 千万别怪我. 因只要你看到她的美貌你必会走了神 不管你是金发的可人儿你也不愿被她比下去. 情是那么的难能可贵 那时我当众吻我那年轻肖女郎, 我会送我一巴掌 因我那年轻肖女郎会的害羞. 若我说她是丑小鸭儿的化身, 她必不理睬我一月. 我那肖女郎现已美如花, 使的爱她日益深 我那肖女郎是我的亲亦是我的好妹子. 我俩彼此分享喜与乐. 我祝愿她此生如阳光般闪亮 我那肖女郎是凡人不可触及的 就算某天我那肖女郎年华逝, 她仍是我心中的宝贝儿.

潘集区19537583656: 求英语高手人工翻译一段话.谢谢你好,由于10月1日 - 10月9日是中国的法定节假日【国庆节和中秋节】.在此期间邮局是不工作的.你的货物有可能滞留在邮局... -
可张十一:[答案] Hello,on October 1st- 9th the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival and National Day holidays ".During this post is not working.You may have the goods in the post office or the delay shipment stuck.This gives y...

潘集区19537583656: 求英语好的人,人工翻译一下下面的句子..不要网站自动翻译的. Based on SRTM DEM calculation, the watershed area is 46,521,368.4 m2 with perimeter of 40,329.3 m and the hei
可张十一: 你好,可翻译为: 基于数字高程模型的计算,流域面积是46521368.4米.周长为40329.3米,来自主干流0.1段部分的高度则为156米,而0.85段的高度则是26米.满意请速采纳,多谢合作!

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