
作者&投稿:攸学 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译。。。急 有重谢~

Me up at 7: 30 a.m. the weather is good to eat breakfast at eight to nine o'clock and i are good friends to play basketball at noon in the kfc 11点20 i have lunch at one o'clock this afternoon i went to the park in the singing and dancing

Engineering Mechanics I (4 credits)
Summary: Static mechanics: statics basic axioms, constraints and binding objects and trying to force analysis;plane balanced system of forces, the concept of couple, couple, Department of balance; plane balance arbitrary system of forces and material balance system, internal force calculation truss; space balanced system of forces, center of gravity calculation; friction angle and self-locking phenomenon, there are friction balance. Kinematics: Kinematics points; simple rigid-body movement; the synthesis of movement points; rigid body planar motion. Dynamics: the basic equations of particle dynamics; dynamics general theorem; D'Alembert principle.
Engineering Mechanics II (5 credits)
Summary: Introduction; axial tensile and compression stress bar, deformation and strength calculation; material in tensile and compression mechanical properties; shear and extrusion of practical calculation; the geometric properties of planar graph; reverse; bending internal forces; bending stress; bending deformation; stress state and strength of the theory; combination of deformation; energy methods; hyperstatic structure; dynamic load; alternating stress; bar stability.
Engineering Materials (2 credits)
Summary: metal and alloy properties; metal structure and crystallization of the crystal; Fe-C alloy; steel heat treatment; alloy steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals.
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (3 credits)
Summary: Introduction; structure analysis; plane body motion analysis; analysis of planar mechanisms; mechanical efficiency and self-locking; mechanical balance; mechanical operation and regulation of the speed of fluctuations; planar linkage and its design; cam mechanism and its design; gear and its design; gear systems and their design; other common institutions.

Computer graphics (2 credits)
Computer graphics is to examine the use of computer generated graphics processing and the principles, methods and technology courses. This course in AutoCAD mapping software commonly used as a tool to introduce computer-aided design system and drawing principles, methods and technology. The main elements are: AutoCAD's basic concept and operation of commonly used drawing and editing commands, graphics object properties, display control and information, accurate drawings, graphics and design mark filling, Block, external reference, mapping parts drawing and assembly drawing , three-dimensional modeling.
Mechanical vibration (2 credits)
Summary: The single degree of freedom systems: free vibration, forced vibration damped and forced vibration damping; the calculation of natural frequencies; resonance law; rotor critical speed; based vibration; vibration isolation. Two degrees of freedom systems: free vibration and forced vibration; Lagrange equation; the calculation of natural frequencies; vibration mode; resonance law; the basic principles of dynamic absorbers. Multi-degree of freedom system: stiffness matrix, the determination of the inertia matrix; free vibration differential equation of free vibration; the calculation of natural frequencies; vibration mode; transfer matrix method the basic theory and method of profile.
Database Management System (2 credits)
Summary: The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the basic concepts of database technology, database technology in computer-aided design and manufacturing and the role of the network. Have a more advanced database management systems, applications to carry out its medium-complexity of the database application systems. Include: Introduction; the basic operation of the database; query and statistics; programming; form design; report design; menu design; example database applications such as systems development.

Engineering Drawing Practice (1 credit)
Hand-painted master engineering drawings (bracket structure map of the worm work plans, sliding bearing assembly) methods to improve students, drawing capacity; students scientific, rigorous style of study, students practice and the practical ability
Metalworking Practice (4 credits)
Summary: In this paper, metalworking practice task, the role of apparatus and equipment commonly used measurement principle, maintenance, use and so on, were traditional processing Internship Program: turner, fitter, casting,, welders technical training, as well as the NC Internship Program internship, including CNC lathes, CNC milling machine, CNC wire cutting attachment designed by students graphics, programming, simulation processing, data processing network, embodies the comprehensive machinery manufacturing, design and innovation.
Mechanical principles of curriculum design (1 credit)
Summary: The guide Shaper agencies, to determine the implementation of each component of the movement and its coordination of the relationship between body movement to determine the program to complete the body size of the movement system design, drawing the movement diagram, an analysis of their movement and learn to mapping function using MATLAB software to deal with institutions guide the displacement, velocity, acceleration image.

Because there are products has far exceeded the purchase of demand, so the question on the consumer to buy what has become a problem, the ad appears at this time, mainly to guide the consumer's willingness to buy. Almost everyone has more or less brand loyalty in the consumer will be more or less when the顺其自然also be affected, it may also inadvertently change your spending attitude. And to a certain extent, promote and change the whole concept of social spending. Popular said, is to let this all matters of social spending more colorful and lively.
And the role of public service ads should be more intuitive and easy to feel. Tucaihaiming advertising, as it wasted a lot of people's time!
Ad pollution of the environment, because it's a lot of dirty places!
Ad ecological destruction, because it consumed a lot of paper.
Ads mislead the public, because it Yulonghunza, Nanbian authenticity.
Ad eardrum injury, because it repeats the same time good rereading.

Because there are products has far exceeded the purchase of demand, so the question on the consumer to buy what has become a problem, the ad appears at this time, mainly to guide the consumer's willingness to buy. Almost everyone has more or less brand loyalty in the consumer will be more or less when the go with the flow also be affected, it may also inadvertently change your spending attitude. And to a certain extent, promote and change the whole concept of social spending. Popular said, is to let this all matters of social spending more colorful and lively.
And the role of public service ads should be more intuitive and easy to feel. Tucaihaiming advertising, as it wasted a lot of people's time!
Ad pollution of the environment, because it's a lot of dirty places!
Ad ecological destruction, because it consumed a lot of paper.
Ads mislead the public, because it Yulonghunza, Nanbian authenticity.
Ad eardrum injury, because it repeats the same time good rereading

Because the present produces the product already far exceeded the purchase demand, therefore which question the expense question did turn has bought, the advertisement at this time was appearing, mainly guided consumer's purchase wish. Each person more or less has the brand loyalty nearly, in expense time more or less will allow nature to take its course comes under the influence, this possibly carelessly will also change your expense attitude. But impels and the change entire society's attitude toward consumption to a certain extent. Said the vulgar spot, is lets social more colors which this everywhere expends at times and vivid. but public service advertizing's function should even more direct-viewing and easy to feel. The advertisement is money-grubbing, because it has wasted many person's time!
Advertisement pollution of the environment, because it smeared many places!
Advertisement destruction ecology, because it has consumed many paper.
Advertisement misleads the public, because of its good and bad people mixed up, difficult to debate the truth.
Advertisement damage eardrum, because the same time it is redundant several.

给分 ~!

美甲美睫:Nail and eyelash 化妆纹绣:Cosmetic embroidery 美容养生:Beauty and Health Care 服饰鞋包:Clothing and shoe bags 整形咨询:Plastic consultation 整形reshaping; shaping; coning; plastic 服饰dress and personal adornment; dress; trappings; equipagc 养生preserve one's health; nourishing of...

1. I've finished all my courses in China. Next semester I'll mainly do some optional internships.2. If I go to France six months ahead of schedule, I can use the time to learn French, in order to get better preparations for major studies.3. My leaving ahead of time is...

英语翻译 中译英 急!!!希望语法正确 不要在线翻译的 O(∩_∩)O谢谢了...
10.学生们把他们的英语老师视作为母亲(look on ...as...)Students look on their English teacher as mother.11.我们过去常常通过信件保持联系(used to)We used to contact each other by letters.12.她结婚了!怪不得她不做那份兼职工作了(no wonder;give up)She's married, no wonder ...

1.The more you use English, the better you use it.2.Can you translate the exercise into Chinese?3.You should practice often when you learn English.4.I think English is one of the most difficult subjects for students.5、It is liitle difficult to only talk in English in class...

I hate to say , but I have a problem .Actually .I'm not sure what my problem is .But whatever it is I need help .我讨厌这么说,但是的确有一个问题困扰着我。 其实我不是很确定我的问题是什么。不过无论它是什么我都需要帮助。It seems like I'm always doing favors for people...

Dear ***,You need to contact with the post office there immediately. Also provide Tracking No. and your correct address. Then, you can receive the commodity. I've checked the Logistics Record and I found that the commodity was arrived in USA 26\/8. Beacause you haven't ...

急!! 翻译英语句子(人工)
Jack, I can re-enable the account for you. Before I can do this, however, Apple requires that you provide:捷克,我可以为你重新设定你的帐户,但在那之前,苹果公司要求你提供以下资料:- the billing address listed on the account - 你在帐户上所填写的邮寄地址 ...as well as one ...

如果不能在4月10日之前寄给我的话,那些衣服将失去了他的购买价值,所以相对的我就不需要那些衣服并想拿回我衣服的钱。谢谢.回答:以下内容,纯系手工翻译,请予关注!Dear ASOS,It's awfully sorry to tell you that I haven't received the dresses, for they have been detained by the ...

急求英语翻译一篇阅读! 万分感谢!
Everyone gets sick of hearing. “Put on your seat belt!”But it’s good advice.People who wear seat belts are 45 percent less likely to be killed while riding in the front seat of a car.每个人都厌烦听到:"系好安全带!"。但是这是一个好的建议。 那些坐在汽车前面的人员系上...

求大虾 翻译成英语!!急急急@@
假如生活重新开始,If life start again,懒惰的人说:The lazy man said:他将一无所有,He will has nothing,他将失去一切现在所得到的,He will lose everything by now,他将再努力很久才能挽回,那是件辛苦的事,He will try again for a long time to recover, it is a hard thing,他说...

张掖市15346626336: 帮我翻译几个英语句子!急啊,高分重谢!
沙帜特制: 1. No choice but to so it stopped raining. 2. Windows east of the room is mine. 3. For a long time have not received a letter from his son, the mother worried. 4. He lived in a house, the house in front of a towering tree. 5. Do you mind being ridiculed in public. 6. Tomorrow to discuss a very important question.

张掖市15346626336: 翻译几句英语,急!!!高分悬赏!!!
沙帜特制: Long time ago, I told her:" No matter how to stick those broken paper well with glue, it is still with glued tracks." you know, I meant our friendship. but you replied :" Although I cannot piece those broken paper up perfectly as before, but it was a ...

张掖市15346626336: 英语翻译,高分急
沙帜特制: 1. To celebrate New Year's customs as also.. 2. In this case, we will go there early. 3. It's very impolite to come in without knock the door. 4 spoke English, I have to go to class 5 The clean and beautiful city left a deep impression to the foreign tourists

张掖市15346626336: 英语翻译 急需! 有高分!! -
沙帜特制: Hope to get to know your families in the future, it would be a very wonderful thing. 希望可以帮助你,

张掖市15346626336: 英语翻译!!急!!!在线高分 -
沙帜特制: For the world, perhaps you are just a person, but for me you are the whole world.

张掖市15346626336: 急!!高分!!关于英语翻译的! -
沙帜特制: Good morning/afternoon /Hello everybody, my name is Joe.Today is my time for the Talk Show. I'm not very good at English, but I was studying very hard. I hope we can communicate often and share our experiences(经验) on English learning. My ...

张掖市15346626336: 求英语高手翻译 很急 高分 谢谢啦
沙帜特制: Green logistics based on the maintenance of the ecological environment and sustainable development on the basis of, changes the role of general logistics.As a new mode of logistics, green logistics in line with the requirements of sustainable ...

张掖市15346626336: 请各位大姐帮我用英语翻译下面东西急用,对了重谢!1,数字106英语怎麽说.2,108.364 3,0.975 4,2+3=5 5,10 - 7=3 6,5x4=20 嘛烦大哥大姐用英语帮我翻译 -
沙帜特制:[答案] 106 -one hundred and six 108.364-one hundred and eight point three six four 0.975 -zero point nine seven five 2+3=5 -two plus three is five / two and three is five 10-7=3 -ten minus seven is three 5x4=20 -five times four is twenty

张掖市15346626336: 急,英语翻译(谢绝机翻)高分 -
沙帜特制: 1尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划 Despite of all difficulties, we still decide to carry on our plan.2众所周知,我们的许多问题至少部分地是由于没能交流思想而引起的 As is known to all, for many of our questions, it is at least partly due to ...

张掖市15346626336: 急~高分求中译英~不要谷歌翻译的,谢谢 -
沙帜特制: How are you?I have recieved the products,and my order NO. is....But one of the goods was not dispatched. I noticed that this product can not be transporting by air...

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