
作者&投稿:庾佩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.he主语 didn't come谓语 .
主语+谓语 结构
that主语 is系动词( why he didn't know)整一个句子作为表语
主语+系动词+表语 结构
2.she主语 showed谓语 us宾语 (many of her pictures)宾语补足语.
主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 结构
3.(the old man)主语 lives谓语 (a lonely life)宾语.
主语+谓语+宾语 结构
4.luckily the 1989 earthquake 主语did not happen谓语 in the center of town地点状语
主语+谓语 结构

My father主语 bought谓语 me间接宾语 a bicycle直接宾语 as a birthday gift.
There + be 解雇
There are many birds singing in the trees.


(1) 补充说明宾语的动作、状态的成分为宾语补足语,常由名词、形容词、动词非谓语形式(不定式、现在分词、过去分词等)、介词短语等充当。如:Call him Jim, please. (请叫他Jim。) / I tried my best to make him happy. (我竭尽所能让他开心。) / Ask her to come to dinner tomorrow. (请他明天来。) / He let the smaller animals bring food to him. (他让小动物们给他带食物来。)
(2) 部分表示位置、方向的副词也可以作宾语补足语。如:Let him in, I tell you! (我跟你说,让他进来!)/ Please put it away. (请把它收起来。)
   中学教学中最常见的使役动词有:make, have, leave。他们都表示“使得”,后面都可接宾语+宾语补足语的结构,但用法上有所不同。
  1. 我们推选他为我们足球队队长。
  We made him captain of our football team.
  2. 我们队赢了的消息使我们大家非常高兴。
  The news that our team had won made us very happy.
  3. 大雨使得我们无法出去。
  The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go out.
  4. 奇怪的声音使我们感到恐惧。
  The strange noise made us frightened.
  5. 在交通嘈杂声中他无法使自己的声音提高到让别人听到。
  He couldn’t make himself heard above the noise of the traffic.
  6. 什么东西使得草生长?
  What makes the grass grow?
  注意:过去分词作make的宾语补足语时,变为被动语态不用加to; 但当不定式作其宾补时,变为被动语态一定要加to。
  The boy was made to work twelve hours a day.
   1. Paul doesn’t have to be made ____. He always works hard.
   A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning
   2. The result of the entrance exams was not made ____ to the public until last Thursday.
   A. knowing B. known C. to know D. to be known
  二、have 表示“使得……”,其后接宾语补足语, 常用以下句型:
  have sb. do sth.使得某人做某事
  have sb. doing sth.使得某人一直做某事
  have sth. done使得某事被做
   1. The teacher had her ____(recite) the text again.
   2. He wants to have his eyes ____(examine) tomorrow.
   3. Be careful, or you’ll have your hands ____(hurt).
   4. He had the girl ____(stand) in the classroom the whole morning.
   5. He had the walls ____(paint) this morning.
   答案:1.recite 2.examined 3.hurt 4.standing 5.painted
   1. 表示正在发生
   Be quick. They have the car waiting for you at the school gate.
   2. 否定句中表示(不能)容忍某人做……
   I won’t have him cheating in the exam.
   3. 表示某一时间内一直延续不断的动作
   He had us laughing all through the meals.
   1. I’ve had my radio ____ so soon because my father had me ____ it. A. repair; done B. repaired; do C. repairing; do D. repaired; done
   2. You can’t have the horse ____ all the way. It’s too hot.
   A. run B. to run C. running D. to be running
   3. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ____ went wrong again.
   A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired
   4. We will have you ____(know) that the machine has been made ____(work) at full speed.
   答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.know, to work
  1. 用形容词作宾语补足语
  出去时,不要关门。Leave the door open when you go out.
  他的疾病使得他身体很虚弱。His illness left him very weak.
  2. 还可用名词、介词短语等作宾语补足语
  His parents both died last year, leaving him an orphan.
  3. 用现在分词作宾语补足语
  They walked off and left me sitting there alone.
  He went out, leaving his papers lying open on the desk.
  4. 用过去分词作宾语补足语
  Did you leave the doors and windows properly fastened?
  He left a few questions unanswered.
  表示感觉和心理状态的动词,如hear, feel, find, listen to, look at, watch, notice, observe, smell, see等词后可以用省去to的动词不定式,现在分词及过去分词作宾语补足语。常见的句型有:(以hear为例)
  hear sb. do sth.
  heahear sth. done
   1. I’ve never heard the song ____(sing).
   2. Do you smell something ____(burn)?
   3. Tom saw his parents ____(get) into the car and ____(drive) off.
   4. He was seen ____(drive) the car at high speed on the highway yesterday.
   5. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____next year.
   A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out
   6. ——Did you hear her ____ this pop song this time the other day?
   ——Yes, and I heard this song ____ in English.
   A. sing; singing B. sung; sung C. sung; singing D. singing; sung
   7. I saw her ____ when I came into the classroom.
   A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cries
   答案:1.sung 2.burning 3.get; drive 4.to drive 5.C 6.D 7.C
  1. with+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语
   1) 他过去常常开着窗子睡觉。
   He used to sleep with the window open.
   2) 他们离开了房间,灯还亮着。
   They fled the room with lights still on.
   3) 他双手放在口袋里走了进来。
   He stepped in, with his hands in his pockets.
   4) 脖子上没带项链的那位女士是玛丽的朋友。
   The woman, without a necklace around her neck, was a friend of Mary’s.
  2. with+宾语+doing/done/to do
   1) The day was bright with a fresh breeze blowing.
   2) With the matter settled, we went home. (-ed表示被动/状态)
   3) They are highly mechanized farms, with machines to do all the work.
   4) With Tom to help me, I can finish the work in time.
   (to do表示即将发生)
  选择、填空题: 外语爱好者论坛 → 英语学习 → 中学英语
   1. ____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
   A. As B. For C. With D. Through
   2. ____ everything ____, she left the supermarket with satisfaction.
   A. As; buying B. For; to buy
   C. With; bought D. Because; to buy
  比较:____ everything was bought, she left the supermarket.
   3. ____ years ____, her hair grows white.
   A. As; passing by B. With; go by
   C. As; pass D. With; passed
   4. His mother ____(be) ill, he had to stay at home, looking after her.
   5. He stood there, with his eyes ____(fix) on Della.
   6. He stood there, ____(fix) his eyes on Della.
   7. He stood there and his eyes ____(fix) on Della.
   答案:1.C 2.C 比较As 3.C 4.being 5.fixed 6.fixing 7.were fixed
r sb. doing sth.
如果还需要主语 谓语 宾语详解,请楼主联系我哦。










后跟形容词作宾语补语的谓语动词有keep,find,get, think,mak等。

动词不定式作宾语补语时,当谓语动词为感官动词(如feel, see, hear, notice, watch, observe, listen to, look at等)、使役动词(如let,have,make等),动词不定式不带to。


(1)The doctor advised her to stay in bed for two days.

其中,advised是谓语动词,her是宾语, to stay in bed for two days是宾补。


(2)Ms.Liu asked us to make crossword puzzles of our heroes.

其中,asked是谓语动词,us是宾语,  to make crossword puzzles of our heroes是宾补。


(3)She made her hair stand up with comb. 

其中,made是谓语动词,her hair是宾语, stand up with comb是宾补。


(4)The Internet can be a useful tool,but don't let it take up all of your time.

其中,let是谓语动词,it是宾语, take up all of your time是宾补。


怎样划分句子成分 句子成分分析
根据这几大句子结构划分:主谓 主谓宾 主系表 主谓宾宾补 主谓双宾 there be句型 以下是句子成分讲解:一、主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。The sun rises in the east. (名词)He likes dancing. (代词)Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词)Seeing is believing. (动名词)To...


如何用层次分析法分析句子成分?1. 首先,将句子分解为基本层次,识别主谓宾结构。例如:“他迅速地从球场东头跑到西头。”可以分解为:- 主谓层次:“他跑”- 状中层次:“迅速地”- 状中层次:“从球场东头”- 状中层次:“跑到西头”2. 其次,进一步分析每个状中层次,识别其中的状语和中心语...

用句子成分分析法分析下列句 1、那位老师给了他一本书 【那位老师】是主语,【给了】是谓语,【他一本书】是双宾语 2、通讯员去打电话请他来参加讨论 【通讯员】是主语,【去打、请】是连动谓语,【电话、他来参加讨论】是宾语

分析下面的句子成分 越详细越好
冒号前面是“主--谓--宾”结构的句子。we是主语;also make是谓语;choices是宾语。based on how the products are grown or made是方式状语,修饰make。冒号后面是解释性的成分,是另一个分句。这个分句的结构是:environmentally friendly food,or eco-food是主语;is produced是谓语(这是一个...

一、分析句子成分可以从以下几步入手:第一步:找出句子中的谓语动词,第二步:确定谁或什么执行了谓语动词的行为,找出主语 第三步:确定有没有谓语动词所涉及到的对象,找出宾语或表语 第四步:确定句中哪些词语是谓语动词发生的时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果或程度等状语 第五步:确定名词前后...


句子成分怎么划分,有什么方法?尚不了解的小伙伴们看过来,下面由我为你精心准备了“划分句子成分的解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的资讯!划分句子成分的解析 一、什么是句子 句子是由词或词组构成的,是具有一定语调并表达一个完整意思的语言运用单位。根据用途和语气,句子可以分为陈述句、...

如果是简单句,很容易就可以找出主谓宾。如果是长难句,应该先找出句子的主干句,也就是主谓宾,再分析其他成分,例如下面一个长难句子:Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class , an element in national ...

分析句子成分一般是指句子成分法。从句法结构的关系意义出发,对句子作成分功能或作用分析的方法叫句子成分分析法,即用各种方法标出基本成分(主语、谓语、宾语)和次要成分(状语、补语)。句子有七个成分,分别为主语、谓语、宾语、补语、定语、状语、同位语。 主语是一个句子的发生动作的主体,谓语一般...

安乡县15711718018: 看一下这句话的谓语动词是哪个?怎么看呢 分析句子成分 -
厨人狭今威: 主语:The collection of short stories 谓语:is said to be translated into 宾语:at least fourforeign languages 状语:in the years too

安乡县15711718018: 怎么分析句子成分?求高人帮忙 -
厨人狭今威: 一、分析句子成分可以从以下几步入手: 第一步:找出句子中的谓语动词,第二步:确定谁或什么执行了谓语动词的行为,找出主语 第三步:确定有没有谓语动词所涉及到的对象,找出宾语或表语 第四步:确定句中哪些词语是谓语动词发生的...

安乡县15711718018: 如何分析句子成分 -
厨人狭今威: 一、句子成分的主要核心是主语和谓语动词,因此分析句子结构时,第一步先要找出谓语动词,然后围绕该动词找到用作行为执行者的名词,即主语.这就是句子的主要结构.二、知道了主谓结构,第二步要做的是判断谓语动词有无连带成分....

安乡县15711718018: 看一下这句话的谓语动词是哪个?怎么看呢 分析句子成分The collection of short stories is said to be translated into at least fourforeign languages in the years ... -
厨人狭今威:[答案] 主语:The collection of short stories 谓语:is said to be translated into 宾语:at least fourforeign languages 状语:in the years too

安乡县15711718018: 帮我分析一下单句的句子成分 -
厨人狭今威: 单句的成分有主语、谓语、动词、宾语、定语、状语、补语、中心与(也叫中心词)、独立语. ①主语 主语是谓语的陈述对象,一般在谓语前面,能回答“谁”或“什么”的问题,跟谓语发生主谓关系.主语一般放在谓语的前头.主语多由名...

安乡县15711718018: 如何划分语文句子成分 -
厨人狭今威: 划分句子成分就是用各种方法标出基本成分(主语、谓语、宾语)和次要成分(状语、补语、定语). 1、主语 多表示人或事物,是句子里被陈述的对象,在句首能回答“谁”或者“什么”等问题.可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不...

安乡县15711718018: 怎样划分句子成分? -
厨人狭今威: 先找主谓宾,这个不难,一般发生动作的主体就是主语,发生的动作就是谓语,动作的对象就是宾语 然后看有没有用来修饰的成分,修饰名词的就是定语,描述时间、地点等的就是状语,剩下就是补语.

安乡县15711718018: 怎样分析英语句子成分 -
厨人狭今威: 主语是动作的发出者,可以是人或物. 谓语是表示主语动作或状态的词,动词统称为谓语动词,此外还有助动词如be\is\are,情态动词can\should等 宾语是动作的承受着.英语中所说的宾语从句及主语从句就是句子处在了宾语及主语的位置上. 分析句子成分:he likes playing football.he是主语,likes的动作发出者.likes是动词,因而是谓语.playing是动名词,属于名词词性,因而playing football是likes的动作承受着,是宾语.就这样一步步先找动作发出者再找动作最后再找动作承受着就行.++

安乡县15711718018: 怎么分析句子成分 -
厨人狭今威: 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义.一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分.句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等.句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分.1)主语...

安乡县15711718018: 请问如何分析句子成分
厨人狭今威: 主谓宾结构中,有谓语的时候后面就可以用宾语呀.有时候谓语后没有宾语那就跟状语. 谓语:表示具体动作的部分叫谓语.一般由动词来充当. 宾语:指具体动作的具体承受者.接受者. 如:I love you.I 是主语.love是个动词.在句中就是做...

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