
作者&投稿:邴裘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
播种习惯 收获命运英语作文200字左右~

(My View on Fate)

How to see the fate? There is no consensus among people about fate. Some people think one’s fate is destined while he comes into the world. Simultaneously, some people think one’s fate is controlled by himself .

The former always think only rare people is lucky and destined. Hence, when opportunity comes, they usualy let it be rather than take effective measure, and say fate is unfair to them.

On the contrary, quite a few people claim that fate is unfair to everybody. Only by struggling and sweating, you’ll attain success and luck, you’ll enjoy a high-standard life. It just as old saying goes “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

As far as I am concerned, I agreed the latter. Thus, in order to get master degree, I’m paying painstaking on my lesson. In other words, the hard you work, the much progress you get.

Obviously, from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw a conclusion that fate is equitable to every one. Through struggling, you’ll achieve you goal and good fate.

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Everyone has his own habits.And I always get up at 6.I usually eat milk ,egg and bread for my breakfast.I often go to school by bike.But if it rains,I sometimes go to shool by bus.And I hardly ever leave a lot of homework after class.Futhermore,I will never copy others'homwork.This is the habits of mine.And thanks for taking your time to read!

In the face of the same scene, the different state of mind, feel different.The beautiful scenery, the losers, lovelorn, loss or suffering people, is a picture, is not feeling the landscape amenity.This time, a sad music can cause his resonance, more relevant when he mood need, can alleviate the pain, dispel the gloomy heart.Facing the same situation, different attitude, results from.When the cause of frustration, life is hard, who was at a low ebb, pessimistic frail, or abandonment, unable to get up after a fall, or bow to concede defeat, the situation is getting worse and worse; and open-minded optimism, facing the life directly, can do ordinary days wonderful, can make life easier, can the suffering experience vivid, to continue to open up a new realm of life, enjoy life gives all the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, so as to really feel the true meaning of life and the meaning of life.Of course, life for each person is really not fair.However, how to treat life has given us the right to free and fair.When a lot of unsatisfactory life.In the face of life, the key is to see us as to what kind of attitude towards.Different life attitude, the situation is different.Agam. "" trailer has the words: "life is like a soft feather, have come down, and you should be encouraged her to let him continue flying up to new heights, beyond the self".As the saying goes, sow below one kind of state of mind, you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a behavior; sow an action, reap a destiny.Misfortune may be an actual blessing.Remind yourself, maintain a common heart, to maintain a calm and optimistic attitude.Believe that the loss is not a blessing, lost is not necessarily what we really need, lose not never get.Why should stick to temporarily gain and loss, why to square accounts in every detail, why be in the depths of misery inextricably bogged down in.Life unlimited scenery.Through a mountain, in may be more magnificent scenery.Life is not the case, sometimes seemingly bad things behind, often bring us beat all the happy ending.What kind of mentality, often can have what kind of destiny.As long as we face the life, that unfortunately, laugh in the face of suffering, will cling to the fate of the reins, live a different life.


In the face of the same scene, the different state of mind, feel different.The beautiful scenery, the losers, lovelorn, loss or suffering people, is a picture, is not feeling the landscape amenity.This time, a sad music can cause his resonance, more relevant when he mood need...

播种一个行动,你会收获一个习惯;播种一个习惯,你会收获一个个性,播种一个个性,你会收获一个命运。 播种行为将收获习惯。




※※不知楼主喜不喜欢※※※800字※※ 播种和收获 曾经偶尔看到过这样的一段话:把一个信念播种下去,收获到的将是一个行动;把一个行动播种下去,收获到的将是一个习惯;把一个习惯播种下去,收获到的将是一个性格;把一个性格播种下去,收获到的将是一个命运。 师之作用由此可见,我们的一言一行对成长中的孩子是...

这样看来从小养成一种良好的习惯是很重要的,“播种习惯,收获命运”这句话也是非常有道理的。 人们常说:“播下一种心态,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种行为;播下一种行为,收获一份命运”,人生风光无限,走过一座座山峰,迎来的可能是一次次更加雄奇壮丽的景象。 道德文明能反映出一个人是否具有优良的品德,...

好习惯名言警句:1. 播种习惯,收获命运。解释:这句名言强调习惯的巨大影响力。正如播种作物,最终会收获果实一样,播种良好的习惯最终将决定个人的命运。习惯的力量强大且持久,足以塑造人生。只有培养了好的习惯,我们才能拥有一个积极的人生。此外,它也是一种警醒,提醒我们行为的连续性和稳定性,直接...


常山县19797424244: 写一篇“播种习惯,收获命运”的英语200个单词的英语作文, -
步奔复明:[答案] In the face of the same scene,the different state of mind,feel different.The beautiful scenery,the losers,lovelorn,loss or suffering... sow below one kind of state of mind,you reap a character; sow a character,and you reap a behavior; sow an action,reap a ...

常山县19797424244: 印度有句谚语“播种行为,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格,收获命运.这句话英语怎么说? -
步奔复明:[答案] Sowing behavior,harvest habit; Planting habits,harvest character; Sowing character,reap fate.

常山县19797424244: 求一篇350字的英语作文 求大师~速度快的多给财富主题:播种习惯,收获命运中文参考:1.人的品德基本上是由习惯组成的.俗话说:思想决定行动,行动... -
步奔复明:[答案] The virtue of a man is basically composed of habits. As the saying goes: the thought decides the action, action determines habit, habit determines character, character determines destiny. Used to the ...

常山县19797424244: 求:“播下一个行动,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运.”英文原 -
步奔复明: Sow next activity, harvest a kind of habit;Sow next habit, harvest a kind of personality;Sow the next personality, harvest a kind of destinyORSow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.

常山县19797424244: 播种行为,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格,收获命运.求这句话的英文! -
步奔复明: Sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.

常山县19797424244: 以好的习惯,成功的命运为题一百字英语作文快点 -
步奔复明:[答案] hobby is fishing.I am fond of going fishing,for it is both interesting and iastructive-It tempers my willpower.Last Sunday I went fishing with my friend,He Ping.We started at daybreak.After three hour...

常山县19797424244: 以好的习惯,成功的命运为题一百字英语作文 -
步奔复明: hobby is fishing. I am fond of going fishing, for it is both interesting and iastructive-It tempers my willpower. Last Sunday I went fishing with my friend, He Ping. We started at daybreak. After three hours' cycling, we arrived at the outskirts of Hefei and ...

常山县19797424244: 播种一种行为收获一种习惯的英语作文60字 -
步奔复明: 播种一种行为,收获一种习惯 ——读《给小学生的一百条建议》有感 习惯,是靠在平时一点一滴积累的.行为养成习惯,好习惯的养成如此,坏习惯的养成也是如此.如何培养学生良好的行为习惯已成为新区二小德育工作的重点研究课题.一...

常山县19797424244: 播种一种行为,收获一种习惯该怎么翻译成英文呢? -
步奔复明: Sow a behavior and you will harvest a habit.

常山县19797424244: 播下一种思想,收获一种行为 英语原文 -
步奔复明: Sow a thought; reap an action No pains, no gains(一分耕耘,一分收获)


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